A:-Rule 25B:-Rule 27C:-Rule 29D:-Rule 30
🆀 Normally, the pay of an officer shall not be more than the pay sanctioned to his post. But in one of the following cases the officer can draw more pay than that sanctioned to his post. Identify
A:-When he draws officiating pay
B:-When he draws special pay
C:-When he is granted the personal pay
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-When he is granted the personal pay
(i) Basic pay
(ii) Special pay granted in lieu of a higher time-scale of pay
(iii) Personal pay
(iv) Any other emoluments specially classed as pay and which are
specifically allowed to be drawn during training
(v) Dearness pay
(vi) Dearness allowance(vii) House rent allowance
28. The initial substantive pay of an officer who is appointed substantively to a post on a time-scale of pay is regulated as follows :
ഫിക്ശേഷന് റൂള് കാണാന് മുകളിലുള്ള TABLE ശ്രദ്ധിക്കുക.
1. ഏത് ദിവസമാണ് പ്രമോഷനായതെന്നുനോക്കുക.
2. ഏത് സ്കെയിലേക്കാണ് പ്രമോഷന് എന്ന് നോക്കുക.
3. ഏത് ടൈപ്പിലാണെന്ന് പ്രമോഷന് എന്ന് നോക്കുക.
01.07.2014 മുതല് 30.06.2019 വരെയുള്ള കാലയളവിലാണ് പ്രമോഷന് എങ്കില്,
മുകളില് കൊടുക്കിരിക്കുന്ന കോളം 1 ലെ അഞ്ച് സ്കെയിലേക്ക് പ്രമോഷനായാല് റൂള് 37(a) അല്ലെങ്കില് റൂള് 28.
പ്രമോഷന് സമയത്ത് ഒരു ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ് .
സ്ഥിരമായ പ്രമോഷനാണെങ്കില് (റൂള് 28)
ഒരു വര്ഷം കഴിഞ്ഞ് ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ്.
.ഓഫിഷ്യറ്റിംഗ് ആണെങ്കില് (ചിലപ്പോള് സബ് സ്റ്റാന്റീവോ ഒഫീഷ്യേറ്റിംഗോ എന്ന് പറയില്ല. അപ്പോള് പ്രമോഷന് ഒഫീഷ്യേറ്റിംഗ് എന്നെടുക്കുക.)
പ്രമോഷന് സമയത്ത് ഒരു ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ് .
അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ മുമ്പത്തെ പോസ്റ്റിലെ ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ് തിയതിയില് ഒരു ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ് .
(കുറിപ്പ് :
ഫിക്സേഷന് പ്രോബ്ലങ്ങള് ലളിതമായി പറയാന്വേണ്ടിമാത്രമാണ് ഇത്തരത്തില് അവതരിപ്പിച്ചത്. ഇതുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ചോദ്യങ്ങള് ചെയ്യുമ്പോള് ചില പ്രോബ്ലങ്ങളില് ചെറിയ വ്യത്യാസങ്ങള് കാണാം. പ്രോബ്ലോങ്ങള് ചെയ്യുമ്പോള് നിങ്ങള്ക്ക് മനസ്സിലാകും.
01.07.2019 മുതലാണ് പ്രമോഷന് എങ്കില്, ഇതേ പോലെത്തന്നെ. മോണിറ്ററിലിമിറ്റ് വ്യത്യാസപ്പെടുമെന്നുമാത്രം see COLUMN2
🆀When a permanent officer is appointed substantively to a higher time scale, fixation of pay will be done under rule
A:-Rule 30
B:-Rule 28
C:-Rule 28 A
D:-Rule 37 (a)
Correct Answer:- Option-B
🆀The initial substantive pay of an officer who is appointed substantively to a post on a time scale of pay is regulated by the Rule ______________ of Part I KSR.
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-28
🆀The Rule applicable for fixing the pay of substantive officer is promoted substantively to a post having the higher time scale of pay Rs. 77400-1800 -81000-2000-97000-2200-108000-2400-115200 on 1.07.2018
A:-Rule 28
B:-Rule 28A
C:-Rule 30
D:-Rule 37 (a)
Correct Answer:- Option-A
01-07-2014 മുതല് 68700 ഓ അതില് കുറവോ പ്രാരംഭ തുകയുള്ള ശമ്പള സ്കെയിലേക്ക് സ്ഥിരമായോ , പകരമോ താല്കാലികമോ ആയോ പ്രമോഷന് ലഭിച്ചാല് ശമ്പളനിര്ണ്ണയത്തിന് 28എ റൂള് ഉപയോഗിക്കും.
01-07-2019 മുതല് 95600 ഓ അതില് കുറവോ പ്രാരംഭ തുകയുള്ള ശമ്പള സ്കെയിലേക്ക് സ്ഥിരമായോ , പകരമോ താല്കാലികമോ ആയോ പ്രമോഷന് ലഭിച്ചാല് ശമ്പളനിര്ണ്ണയത്തിന് 28എ റൂള് ഉപയോഗിക്കും.
ഫിക്സേഷന് റൂള് കാണാന് മുകളിലുള്ള റൂള് ശ്രദ്ധിക്കുക.
1. ഏത് ദിവസമാണ് പ്രമോഷനായതെന്നുനോക്കുക.
2. ഏത് സ്കെയിലേക്കാണ് പ്രമോഷന് എന്ന് നോക്കുക.
3. ഏത് ടൈപ്പിലാണെന്ന് പ്രമോഷന് എന്ന് നോക്കുക.
01.07.2014 മുതല് 30.06.2019 വരെയുള്ള കാലയളവിലാണ് പ്രമോഷന് എങ്കില്,
മുകളില് കൊടുക്കിരിക്കുന്നഅഞ്ച് സ്കെയില് ഒഴികെയുള്ള സ്കെയിലേക്ക് പ്രമോഷനായാല്
ഒറ്റ റൂള്.
റൂള് 28 A
പ്രമോഷന് ബെനിഫിറ്റ് 2 ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ് .
സ്ഥിരമായ പ്രമോഷനാണെങ്കില് ഒരു വര്ഷം കഴിഞ്ഞ് ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ്.
.ഓഫിഷ്യറ്റിംഗ് ആണെങ്കില് (ചിലപ്പോള് സബ് സ്റ്റാന്റീവോ ഒഫീഷ്യേറ്റിംഗോ എന്ന് പറയില്ല. അപ്പോള് പ്രമോഷന് ഒഫീഷ്യേറ്റിംഗ് എന്നെടുക്കുക.) അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ പ്രമോഷനായ പോസ്റ്റില് ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ് തീയതിയില് , പ്രമോഷന് ലഭിച്ച പോസ്റ്റിലും ലഭിക്കും.
01.07.2019 മുതലാണ് പ്രമോഷന് എങ്കില് see COLUMN2. നോക്കുക.
A:-Rs. 68,700
B:-Rs. 42,500
C:-Rs. 50,400
D:-Rs. 93,000
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-Rs. 68,700
A:-Rs. 129300
B:-Rs. 47,800
C:-Rs. 1,66,800
D:-Rs. 95,600
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-Rs. D:-Rs. 95,600
ഫിക്സേഷന് റൂള് തീരുമാനിക്കുന്നത് ബേസിക് പേ അല്ല, പ്രൊമോഷന് ലഭിക്കുന്നപോസ്റ്റിന്റെ scale of pay ആണെന്നകാര്യം മറക്കരുത്.
The limit of ₹ 550 has been revised to ₹ 650 with effect from 1st January 1966[G.O. (P) 261/67/Fin., dated 4th July 1967, G.O.(P) 91/68/Fin., dated 5th March 1968]and from ₹650 to₹900 with effect from 1st July 1968[G.O. (P) 173/70/Fin., dated 20th March 1970]and from ₹900 to ₹1200 with effect from 1st July1973[G.O.(P)136/75/Fin., dated 1st April 1975and from ₹1,200 to ₹1,550 with effect from 1st July 1978[G.O.(P) 493/79/Fin., dated 28th May 1979]and from ₹1550 to ₹2100 with effect from 1st July, 1983[G.O.(P) 1109/87/Fin. dated 23rd December 1987]and from ₹2100 to ₹2640 with effect from 1st July 1988[G.O.(P) 1005/92/Fin. dated 27th November, 1992 **and from ₹12,600 to ₹20700 with effect from 26th March, 2006[G.O.(P) 145/2006/Fin., dated 25th March, 2006]and ₹20,700 to ₹36140 [ 1-7-2009 TO 30-06-2014and ₹36,140 to ₹68700 [ 1-7-2014 TO 30-06-2019and ₹68,700 to ₹95600 [ 1-7-2019 to
*In the case of a Government servant, officiating in a post and whose pay had been refixed under this rule, if he is confirmed in that post with effect from a retrospective date, the refixation of pay done after the date of confirmation will have to be revised. The over payments consequent on such revision will first be set off against the arrears, if any, that might become payable to the Government servant for a portion of the period from the date of confirmation to the date of issue of orders of confirmation. The balance of overpayments that cannot be set off against the arrears, if any, shall be waived.
*The refixation of pay in the higher officiating post on the date of change of pay in the lower time-scale contemplated in this rule cannot be allowed during the period of bar on increment with or without cumulative effect. But, in the cases of bar on increment without cumulative effect there is no objection to give the refixation on a notional basis and to give the monetary benefit after the expiry of the period of bar. Increments accruing in the lower substantive/officiating post from time to time cannot also be allowed during the period of bar.
Increments barred with or without cumulative effect in the lower substantive officiating post shall not be reckoned for fixation/refixation of pay in the higher time-scale. But in the case of bar on increment without cumulative effect, there is no objection to grant the barred increments notionally for fixation/refixation of pay and to give the monetary benefit after the expiry of the period of bar.
B:-Period of suspension treated as duty
C:-Period during which increment is barred without cumulative effect
D:-Overstayal of joining time regularised as leave without allowances
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-Overstayal of joining time regularised as leave without allowances
# A revision of pay as contemplated in Ruling No.2 shall not be necessary in the case of retrospective confirmation ordered after the date of retirement of an officer.
1. The provisions of this rule will not apply to cases of revision of scales of pay referred to in Rule 30 ibid.2. An officer officiating in a post, when appointed to a higher post on the advice of the Public Service Commission or otherwise is eligible for his initial pay being fixed under this rule and is also entitled to the benefit of a refixation contemplated in the last sentence of the rule.
3. When a person who holds a post in a regular capacity is appointed to a post on a higher time-scale in the same service under Rule 31 or in a different service under Rule 9 of Kerala State and Subordinate Services Rules, fixation of pay under this rule is permissible with reference to the pay drawn in the regular appointment4. When a fresher is appointed provisionally to a post otherwise than on the advice of the Public Service Commission, under Rule 9 of Kerala State and Subordinate Service Rules and again appointed to a still higher post under the same rule, a fixation of pay in the higher post with reference to the pay drawn in the lower post is not admissible.5. A person holding a post in a regular capacity is appointed provisionally to a post in the same service under Rule 31 of the Kerala State and Subordinate Service Rules. He is again appointed to a still higher post in the same service under Rule 31 or to a post in another service under Rule 9 of Kerala State and Subordinate Services Rules. Fixation of pay with reference to the provisional pay drawn in the post to which he was appointed provisionally at first is not admissible in the other posts.†[The decisions 1,3,4 and 5 above will be deemed to have taken effect from 3rd February 1962, the date on which the rule came into force]6. **The pay drawn by an officer in an ex-cadre post can be counted for purpose of initial fixation of pay on promotion in the parent department.But the benefit of refixation of pay contemplated in the rule is not admissible to him as he loses connection with the ex-cadre post on appointment to the parent department.7. # The benefit of pay drawn in an ex-cadre post for purpose of initial fixation will not be admissible, if an officer is reverted to the parent department, to a post carrying a scale of pay lower than that of the ex-cadre post.
A clerk having 5 years service in the Revenue Department is appointed as Secretary Assistant in the Finance Secretary, on the advice of Kerala Public Service Commission, comment on his pay fixation as Assistant :
A:-His pay will be fixed as per GD No. 1 under Rule 28A Part I KSR
B:-His pay will be fixed as per Rule 25 Part I KSR
C:-His pay will be fixed as per Rule 30 Part I KSR
D:-His pay will be fixed as per GD No., 1 under 28A Part I KSR without the benefit of refixation
Correct Answer:- Option-A
The benefit of re fixation of pay contemplated in the last sentence in the first para of the rule is admissible even in cases where the change of pay is due to fixation of pay on account of revision of scale of pay. If both the lower and the higher time-scales are revised, the benefit will be restricted to the cases of options exercised in respect of both the posts simultaneously
Notional increment at the biennial increment shall be reckoned in the lower scale for fixation of pay in the higher scale under Rule 28A.
The benefit of reckoning notional increment beyond the maximum of the scale of pay of the lower post will also be admissible in cases where an employee reaches the maximum of the post in the lower time-scale of pay before he gets an increment in the scale of pay of the higher post and in such cases, he will be eligible for a re fixation consequent on the change ofpay in the lower time-scale.
🆀The period of limitation for awarding barring of increments with cumulative effect is
A:-Minimum period 3 months, maximum period 3 years
B:-Minimum period one year, maximum period 3 years
C:-Minimum period 6 months, maximum period 3 years
D:-Minimum period 2 years, maximum period 3 years
Correct Answer:- Option B:-Minimum period one year, maximum period 3 years
🆀An increment barred with cumulative effect will
A:-Consider for fixation under Rule 28(A)
B:-Not consider for fixation under Rule 28(A)
C:-Consider notionally for the fixation under Rule 28(A)
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Not consider for fixation under Rule 28(A)
🆀 Notional increment at the biennial increment shall be reckoned in the lower scale for fixation of pay in the higher s...........................
Correct Answer:- Option- B:-1.7.1973
🆀 The method of fixation of pay contemplated under R 28 A in force prior to 26.3.2006 was restored w.e.f. ____________
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-1.2.2016
🆀The initial substantive pay of an officer who is appointed substantively to a post on a time-scale of pay which has been reduced for reasons other than a diminution in the duties or responsibilities attached to posts thereon and who is not entitled to draw pay on the time-scale as it stood prior to reduction is regulated by Rule 28. The Rule referred is
A:-Rule 37 (a) Part I KSR
B:-Rule 28 Part I KSR
C:-Rule 29 Part I KSR
D:-Rule 28(A) Part I KSR
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-Rule 29 Part I KSR
This rule applies to an officiating holder of a post as well. But any break in the officiating period such as that due to transfer to another post, or non-employment would operate as vacating of the post and the pay during a subsequent officiating period in the same post will be fixed only as if the officer was then appointed to the new scale of pay.
Option under the proviso of the rule to officers under suspension is governed by the following :-
1. Cases in which the revised scale of pay takes effect from a date prior to the date of suspension.
In such cases the officer should be allowed to exercise the option under Rule 30 even if the period, during which he is to exercise the option, falls within the period of suspension. He will be entitled to the benefit of increase in pay if any, in respect of the duty period before suspension, and also in the subsistence allowance, for the period of suspension, as a result of such option.
2. Cases in which the revised scale of pay takes effect from a date falling within the period of suspension -
(i) If the pay drawn in the previous scale is less than the minimum of the revised scale then the pay in the revised scale may be fixed at the minimum.(ii) If the pay drawn in the previous scale is a stage in the revised scale the pay in the revised scale may be fixed at that stage.(iii) If the pay drawn in the previous scale is not a stage, then the pay in the revised scale may be fixed at the next lower stage, the difference being treated as personal pay to be absorbed in future increase in pay.
**If an officer earns increment earlier than or after the original date on which he was supposed to get it at the time of exercise of option under the above rule due to revision of the date of increment, his pay should automatically be re-fixed with effect from the revised date of increment with reference to the original option exercised by him under this rule and there will be no need for exercising a fresh option and issue of special orders for this.
(i) If the competent authority specifically orders that the appointment of an officer to the upgraded post involves an enhancement of duties and higher responsibilities and is therefore a promotion, pay will be fixedunder Rule 28, 28A or 37 (a) of Part I, Kerala Service Rules, as the case may be.
(ii) In other cases, pay will be fixed under Rule 37 (a), Part I Kerala Service Rules.
A:-Addition to payB:-Special payC:-Personal payD:-None of the above
Answer:-Pay fixed applying Rule 30
🆀 When a scale of pay is revised under R 30 P1 KSR, if the pay drawn in the previous scale is not a stage in the revised scale then it is fixed at the next lower stage and the difference being treated as _____________.
B:-Special pay
C:-Personal pay
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-C
shall ordinarily be drawn as a matter of course unless it is withheld. An increment may be withheld from an officer by the Government or by any authority to whom the Government may delegate this power under Rule 9 if his conduct has not been good or his work has not been satisfactory. In ordering the withholding of the increment, the withholding authority shall state the period for which it is withheld and whether the postponement shall have the effect of postponing future increments.
An officer shall not be eligible for an increment unless he has acquired the obligatory departmental test qualifications, if any, prescribed by Government from time to time to earn the increment.
Note 2.-
A competent authority may order the deferring of the increment of an officer, pending investigation into his conduct or performance of work, in disciplinary cases. Such deferring of increment will not be construed as ‘withholding of increments’ under the Kerala Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1960.
An Officer shall not be eligible to draw his first increment until he subscribes to State Life Insurance Scheme and Group Insurance Scheme as specified in Rule 22A and 22B respectively.
A:-Ist day of the monthB:-Day on which 365 days elapsedC:-1 st day of the succeeding monthD:-None of the above
🆀A increment accruing consequent on declaration of probation shall be drawn only:
(a) With effect from the date of confirmation
(b) With effect from the last day of the month
(c) With effect from the date of completion of probation
(d) With effect from the first day of the month
ANSWER: (c) With effect from the date of completion of probation
In cases where penalties of withholding of increments are imposed on an officer, one after another, in separate disciplinary cases, the effect of the first order withholding increment will continue for the period specified in that order. There after, the pay will be fixed by granting the increments which would have been admissible, but for the imposition of penalty and only then will the second order withholding increment be implemented, which will continue to be in force for the period specified therein, and so on
A:-Rule 31
B:-Rule 32
C:-Rule 33
Correct Answer:- Option- A:-Rule 31
On each occasion on which an officer is allowed to pass an efficiency bar which had previously been enforced against him, he should come over to the time-scale at such stage as the authority competent to declare the bar removed, may fix for him, subject to the pay admissible according to his length of service.
The cases of all officers held up at an efficiency bar should be reviewed annually with a view to determine whether the quality of their work has improved and generally, whether the defects for which they were stopped at the bar have been remedied, to an extent sufficient to warrant the removal of the bar.
*Periods of service in a post on a time-scale at the same stage of pay only will count for increment in that time-scale.
Answer: 1-8-2012 (Rule 33(b)(i)
1. The period qualifying for increments shall be restricted to the normal period required for completion of the course, and2. Increments shall be granted only on production of the diploma or degree or completion of the course.Provided further that the Government shall have power in any case in which they are satisfied that the leave without allowances was taken for any cause beyond the officer’s control, to direct that leave without allowances shall be counted for increments under sub-clause (1) or (2).Proviso OmittedIt shall be deemed to have come into force at once.*Provided also that leave without allowances taken without production of medical certificate in continuation of maternity leave in accordance with the proviso to Rule 102 will count for increment.`
In cases coming under sub-clause (2) the appointing authority should certify that the officer would have actually continued to officiate in the post but for his proceeding on leave and the period of leave will count for increments only to the extent it is covered by the certificate. Where no officiating arrangement is made in a leave vacancy and where the incumbent is likely to return to the same post after the expiry of the leave the authority sanctioning the leave may issue such a certificate at the time of grant of leave. In all cases
where the certificates are issued the fact should be recorded in the Service Book as and when such certificates are issued along with the leave particulars.
In cases where the appointment is to officiate in a higher post or to hold a higher temporary post, in the regular line, the officiating and temporary service in the higher post shall count for increments in time-scale applicable to the lower post, even if the officer is not reappointed to the lower post or is not appointed or re-appointed to a post on the same time-scale of pay.
The period of officiating/temporary service in the higher post which counts for increment in the lower is, however, restricted to the period during which the officer would have officiated in the lower post but for his appointment to the higher post. This clause applies also to an officer who is not actually officiating in the lower post, but who would have so officiated in such lowerpost or in a post on the same time-scale of pay had he not been appointed to the higher post.
For the purpose of this rule, the officiating and temporary service in the higher posts will include the period of leave which counts for increments under clause (b).
(a) Government(b) By District Collector(c) The Head of Department(d) The Head of Office.Ans: a) Government (Proviso to Rule 33(d)
(i) the post in Government service on which the officer concerned holds a lien as well as the post or posts, if any, on which he would hold a lien had his lien not been suspended, and(ii) any post in which he would have officiated or to which he may receive officiating promotion under Rule 143 below for the duration of such promotion.(iii) any post in the parent cadre on a lower scale of pay to which the officer is appointed on reversion from the ex-cadre post subject to the fulfilment of the conditions mentioned in item (iii) of proviso to Rule 28.
(i) If it is under clause (a) of Rule 125, in the time-scale applicable to the post on which the officer holds a lien or would hold a lien had his lien not been suspended as well as in the time-scale applicable to the post, the pay of which is received by the officer during the period, and(ii) If it is under clause (b) of Rule 125, in the time-scale applicable to the post/posts on which the last day of leave before commencement of the joining time counts for increments.
For the purposes of this rule, the period treated as duty under sub-clause (ii) of clause (7) of Rule 12 shall be deemed to be duty in a post if the officer draws pay of that post during such period.
In the case of an officer who, while officiating in a post proceeds on training or to attend a course of instruction and who is treated as on duty, while under training, the period of such duty will count for increment in the post in which he was officiating prior to his being sent for training or instruction if he is allowed the pay of the officiating post during such period.

Answer: 1-2-2016 (GD 1 to Rule. 33)

🆀The Government may grant a premature increment to an officer on a time-scale of pay without prejudice to his normal increment. The rule
A:-Rule 33 Part I KSR
B:-Rule 25 Part I KSR
C:-Rule 35 Part I KSR
D:-Rule 34 Part I KSR
Correct Answer:- Option- D:-Rule 34 Part I KSR
🆀 Who among the following is competent to grant a premature increment to an employee on a time scale of pay?
A:-The Government
B:-The Head of Department
C:-The Secretary to Government, General Administration Department
D:-The Secretary to Government, Finance Department
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-The Government
🆀When a premature increment is sanctioned to an officer, his next increment will be due on:
A:-After one year of this pre-mature sanction
B:-After two years
C:-Normal date it will be given
D:-Discretion of sanctioning authority
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-Normal date it will be given

Answer: The State Government

C:-Not true
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Correct

C:-asper discretion of DDO
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-B

A:-After one year
B:-On normal date
C:-After two years
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-B
(i) The date from which it will take effect and the period (in terms of years and months) for which the penalty shall be operative.(ii) The stage in the time-scale (in terms of rupees) to which the Government servant is reduced in the following form :“The ……………………………………. has decided that Sri…………………should be reduced to a pay of `……………………………… for a period of …………………..with effect from…… …… ……..” and(iii) The extent (in terms of years and months), if any, to which the period referred to at (i) above should operate to postpone future increments.It should be noted that reduction to a lower stage in a time-scale is not permissible under the rules either for an unspecified period or as a permanent measure. Also when a Government servant is reduced to a particular stage, his pay will remain constant at that stage for the entire period of reduction.The period to be specified under (iii) should in no case exceed the period specified under (i).
(i) If the order of reduction lays down that the period of reduction shall not operate to postpone future increments, the Government servant should be allowed the pay which he would have drawn in the normal course but for the reduction. If, however, the pay drawn by him immediately before reduction was below the efficiency bar he should not be allowed to cross the bar except in accordance with the provision of Rule 32, Part I, Kerala ServiceRules.(ii) *If the orders specifies that the period of reduction was to operate to postpone future increments for any specified period, the pay of the Government servant shall be fixed in accordance with (i) above, but after treating the period for which the increments were to bepostponed as not counting for increments.

The provisions for fixation of pay in the case of appointments to posts on identical/lower time scales are contained in
A:-R 28 A
B:-R 28
C:- R 37 (a)
D:-R 37 (b)
Correct Answer:- Option-D
(a) the officer should have been approved for appointment to the particular grade/post in which the previous service is to be counted;(b) all his seniors, except those regarded as unfit for such appointment, were serving in posts carrying the scale of pay in which the benefit is to be allowed or in higher posts, whether in the department itself or elsewhere, and atleast one junior was holding a post in the department carrying the scale of pay in which the benefit is to be allowed; and (c) the service will count from the date his junior is promoted and the benefit will be limited to the period the officer would have held the post in his parent cadre had he not been appointed to the ex-cadre post.
🆀 If a Government servant permitted to withdraw his resignation, which was given effect, his pay will fix
A:-At the rate when he resigns from service
B:-At the minimum of the scale
C:-At the rate notionally arrived by adding increment during his period of absence
Correct Answer:- Option-B
🆀A civil police officer drawing pay of Rs. 23,400 in the scale of pay Rs. 22200-48000 got appointment as clerk as direct recruitment in the scale of pay Rs. 19000-43600. Rule under which his pay regulated on joining duty as clerk in Revenue Department on 01.07.2018
A:-Rule 37 A Part I KSR
B:-Rule 28 Part I KSR
C:-Rule 28 A Part I KSR
D:-Rule 37(b) Part I KSR
A:-R 28 A
B:-R 28
C:- R 37 (a)
D:-R 37 (b)
B:-Ruling (1) below 37
D:-28 A
A fortuitous officiating promotion given to a person who is junior to one outside the regular line does not in itself give rise to a claim under the ‘Next Below Rule’.
The provisions in item (iii) of the proviso to the above rule in respect of protection of pay and period of increment shall be applicable to Government Servants on their appointment directly or on transfer from a post carrying identical time-scale of pay without fulfilment of the conditions indicated thereunder subject to the condition that this benefit will not be admissible to an individual who enters Government service for the first time from a post in a body incorporated or not which is wholly or substantially owned or controlled by Government.
🆀 Seniority for the purpose of next below rule is explained in
A:-Ruling No. 2(2) of Rule 37 Part I KSR
B:-Ruling No. 2(1) of Rule 37 Part I KSR
C:-Ruling No. 1(1) of Rule 36 Part I KSR
D:-Ruling 2(1) of Rule 36 Part I KSR
(ii) If the pay drawn in the previous scale is a stage in the revised scale, the pay in the revised scale may be fixed at that stage.
🆀An officer holding a post on a provisional basis on 15.4.2015 is appointed provisionally to another post on identical time scale on 13.7.2015 and pay is fixed at a stage equal to the pay he was drawing in the previous post. He will draw his next increment on:
(A) 1.7.2016
(B) 1.4.2016
(C) 13.7.2016
(D) 1.5.2016
A:-Rule 37A KSR Part I
B:-Rule 37 KSR Part I
C:-Rule 28 KSR Part I
D:-Rule 28 A KSR Part I
🆀__________ intended to protect the interest of a Government servant who is working out of his regular line, by giving him promotion when his junior is promoted within his regular line
A:-Next below rule
B:-Rule 28 A part I K.S.R.
C:-Rule 28 Part I K.S.R.
D:-Rule 37(b) Part I K.S.R
Effective from 4th April 1983.
Acting arrangements may be allowed by competent authority if the period of training of an officer is one month or more. If it is less than a month, no arrangements can be made except under the special sanction of Government.
Mater scale: pay revision 2019
മുകളില് നല്കിയിരിക്കുന്ന സ്കെയിലുകള് നോക്കുക.
എസ് 1 മുതല് എ 27 ഇരുപത്തിയേഴ് സ്കെയിലുകള്.
2014 ലെയും 2019 ലെയും സ്കെയിലുകള് നല്കിയിരിക്കുന്നു.
2014 ലേയും 2019 ലേയും കളര് കൊടുത്ത സ്കെയിലുകള് ശ്രദ്ധിച്ചുവോ.
5 ഉയര്ന്ന സ്കെയികളാണ് ഇവ. ഈ സ്കെയിലേക്ക് പ്രമോഷന് ലഭിച്ചാല് ഒരു ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ് മാത്രമേ പ്രമോഷന് സമയത്ത് ലഭിക്കു.
മുകളില് നല്കിയിരിക്കുന്ന സ്കെയിലുകള് നോക്കുക.
എസ് 1 മുതല് എ 27 ഇരുപത്തിയേഴ് സ്കെയിലുകള്.
2014 ലെയും 2019 ലെയും സ്കെയിലുകള് നല്കിയിരിക്കുന്നു.
2014 ലേയും 2019 ലേയും കളര് കൊടുത്ത സ്കെയിലുകള് ശ്രദ്ധിച്ചുവോ.
5 ഉയര്ന്ന സ്കെയികളാണ് ഇവ. ഈ സ്കെയിലേക്ക് പ്രമോഷന് ലഭിച്ചാല് ഒരു ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ് മാത്രമേ പ്രമോഷന് സമയത്ത് ലഭിക്കു.
കളര് കൊടുത്ത സ്കെയിലുകള് ശ്രദ്ധിച്ചുവോ.
5 ഉയര്ന്ന സ്കെയികളാണ് ഇവ. ഈ സ്കെയിലേക്ക് പ്രമോഷന് ലഭിച്ചാല് ഒരു ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ് മാത്രമേ പ്രമോഷന് സമയത്ത് ലഭിക്കു.
പ്രമോഷന് സബ്റ്റാന്റീവായാല് ഒരുവര്ഷം കഴിഞ്ഞാല് ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ് . (RULE28)
കളര് കൊടുത്ത സ്കെയിലുകള് ശ്രദ്ധിച്ചുവോ.
5 ഉയര്ന്ന സ്കെയികളാണ് ഇവ. ഈ സ്കെയിലേക്ക് പ്രമോഷന് ലഭിച്ചാല് ഒരു ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ് മാത്രമേ പ്രമോഷന് സമയത്ത് ലഭിക്കു.
RULE 37(a)
കളര് കൊടുത്ത സ്കെയിലുകള് ശ്രദ്ധിച്ചുവോ.
5 ഉയര്ന്ന സ്കെയികളാണ് ഇവ. ഈ സ്കെയിലേക്ക് പ്രമോഷന് ലഭിച്ചാല് ഒരു ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ് മാത്രമേ പ്രമോഷന് സമയത്ത് ലഭിക്കു.
പ്രമോഷന് ഒഫീഷ്യേറ്റിംഗായാല് പഴയ ഇന്റിമെന്റ് തിയതില് ഒരു ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ്. അതായത് പ്രമോഷന് കിട്ടി ഒരു വര്ഷം കഴിഞ്ഞ് ലഭിക്കേണ്ട ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ് നേരത്തെ കിട്ടുമെന്നര്ത്ഥം RULE 37(a)
കളര് കൊടുത്ത സ്കെയിലുകള് ശ്രദ്ധിച്ചുവോ.
5 ഉയര്ന്ന സ്കെയികളാണ് ഇവ. ഈ സ്കെയിലേക്ക് പ്രമോഷന് ലഭിച്ചാല് ഒരു ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ് മാത്രമേ പ്രമോഷന് സമയത്ത് ലഭിക്കു.RULE 28A
ബാക്കി 22 സ്കെയിലുകള് ശ്രദ്ധിച്ചോ.
ഈ സ്കെയിലേക്ക് പ്രമോഷന് ലഭിച്ചാല് പ്രമോഷന് തിയതില് രണ്ട് ഇന്റക്രിമെന്റ് ലഭിക്കും. RULE 28A
- പ്രമോഷന് സബ്റ്റാന്റീവായാല് ഒരുവര്ഷം കഴിഞ്ഞാല് ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ് .
- പ്രമോഷന് ഒഫീഷ്യേറ്റിംഗായാല് പഴയ ഇന്റിമെന്റ് തിയതില് ഒരു ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ്. അതായത് പ്രമോഷന് കിട്ടി ഒരു വര്ഷം കഴിഞ്ഞ് ലഭിക്കേണ്ട ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ് നേരത്തെ കിട്ടുമെന്നര്ത്ഥം.
ഇത്രമേയുള്ള ഫിക്സേഷന്
ബാക്കി 22 സ്കെയിലുകള് ശ്രദ്ധിച്ചോ.
ഈ സ്കെയിലേക്ക് പ്രമോഷന് ലഭിച്ചാല് പ്രമോഷന് തിയതില് രണ്ട് ഇന്റക്രിമെന്റ് ലഭിക്കും. RULE 28A
- പ്രമോഷന് സബ്റ്റാന്റീവായാല് ഒരുവര്ഷം കഴിഞ്ഞാല് ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ് .
- പ്രമോഷന് ഒഫീഷ്യേറ്റിംഗായാല് പഴയ ഇന്റിമെന്റ് തിയതില് ഒരു ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ്. അതായത് പ്രമോഷന് കിട്ടി ഒരു വര്ഷം കഴിഞ്ഞ് ലഭിക്കേണ്ട ഇന്ക്രിമെന്റ് നേരത്തെ കിട്ടുമെന്നര്ത്ഥം.
ഇത്രമേയുള്ള ഫിക്സേഷന്

1. An officer drawing a pay of 33,900 is the scale of pay of 29200-700-29900-800-33900-900-37500-1000-42500 ........... 62400 from 1-7-2018 was promoted to a post having scale of pay 732300-800-33900-900-37500-1000-42500-1100-48000 .......... 68700 on 21-3-2019. What will be his new pay in the promoted post as on 1-7-2019. ( 2020 July Lower)
(A) 36,600
(B) 35,700
(C) 35,500
(D) 36,300
2. An officiating clerk drawing a pay Rs. 28,500 with effect from 1.04.2017 in the scale of pay of Rs. 19,000 - 500 - 20,000 - 22,200 - 600- 25,200 - 650 - 27,800 - 700 - 29,900 - 800 - 33,900 - 900 - 37,500 - 1000 - 42,500 - 1,100 - 43, 600 got a new appointment through the advice of Public Service Commission as Secretariat Assistant in the General Administration Department in the scale of pay of Rs. 27,800 - 700 - 29,900 - 800 - 33,900 - 900 - 37,500 - 1,000 - 42,500 - 1,100 - 43,600 - 48,000 - 1,200 - 54,000 - 1,350 - 59,400 on 3.08.17. His pay on 1.04.2018 is
1. An officer drawing a pay of 33,900 is the scale of pay of 29200-700-29900-800-33900-900-37500-1000-42500 ........... 62400 from 1-7-2018 was promoted to a post having scale of pay 732300-800-33900-900-37500-1000-42500-1100-48000 .......... 68700 on 21-3-2019. What will be his new pay in the promoted post as on 1-7-2019. ( 2020 July Lower)
(A) 36,600
(B) 35,700
(C) 35,500
(D) 36,300
3. An officer drawing a pay of Rs. 29,900 with effect from 1.05.16 in the pay scale of Rs. 17,000 - 500 - __________ 29,900 - 800 - 33,900 -900 - 37,500 got another appointment in the scale of pay of Rs. 19,000 - 500 - 20,000 - 550 - 22,200 - _______________ 29,900 - 800 - 33,900 - 900 -37,500 - 1,000 - 42,500 - 1,100 - 43,600 through Kerala PSC and joined duty on 25.08.16. His pay in the higher scale on 25.08.16 is
Correct Answer:- Option-B
4. A substantive officer drawing a basic pay Rs. 48,000 in the scale of pay of Rs.30700-800-33900-900-37500-1000-42500-1100-48000-1200-54000-1350-59400-1500-62400 with effect from 1.7.2018 was promoted to officiate to the scale of pay Rs. 37500-900-37500- 1000-42500-1100-48000-1200-54000-1350-59400-1500-65400-1650-72000-1800-75600 on 15.3.2019his pay can be fixed Rs. ____________on 01.07.2019.
4. A substantive officer drawing a basic pay Rs. 48,000 in the scale of pay of Rs.30700-800-33900-900-37500-1000-42500-1100-48000-1200-54000-1350-59400-1500-62400 with effect from 1.7.2018 was promoted to officiate to the scale of pay Rs. 37500-900-37500- 1000-42500-1100-48000-1200-54000-1350-59400-1500-65400-1650-72000-1800-75600 on 15.3.2019
A:-Rs. 49,200
B:-Rs. 50,400
C:-Rs. 51,600
D:-Rs. 52,800
Correct Answer:- Option-C
5. . An officer drawing a pay of Rs. 72000 in the scale of pay of Rs.55350-1350-59400-1500-65400-1650-72000-1800-81000-2000-97000-2200-101400 on 1.7.2016 was promoted to officiate in the Higher timescale of pay of Rs. 68700-1650-72000-1800-81000-2000-97000-2200-108000-2400-110400 w.e.f 10.10.2016. What will be his pay on 1.7.2018?
A:-Rs. 79,200
B:-Rs. 75,600
C:-Rs. 77,400
D:-Rs. 81,000
Correct Answer:- Option-A
6 .An officer drawing a basic pay of Rs. 59,400 in the scale of pay Rs.45,800-1100-48,000-1,200-54,000-1,350-59,400-1,500-65,400-1,650-72,000-1,800-81,000-2,000-89,000 from 1.7.2015 was promoted on 22.5.2016 in the scale of pay Rs. 68,700-1,650-72,000-1,800-81,000-2,000-97,000-2,200-1,08,000-2,400-1,10,400. His pay on the date of promotion can be fixed at Rs.
Correct Answer:- Option-A
7. An officer drawing a substantive pay of Rs. 25,200 with effect from 1.7.2015 in the scale of pay 19000-500-2000-550-22200-600-25200-650-27800-700-29900-800-33900-900-37500-1000-43600 is promoted on 1.4.2016 in the scale of pay Rs.25,200-650-27800-700-29900-800-33900-900-37500-1000-45200-1100-48000-1250-54000. What is the pay on 1.4.2016 on fixation of pay
Correct Answer:- Option-C
8. A substantive officer was in the scale of pay Rs. 36600-900-37500-1000-42500-1100-48000-1200-54000-1350-59400-1500-65400-1650-72000-1800-79200. His pay was Rs. 65,400 on 01.07.2018 and was promoted officiating to a post of scale of pay Rs. 45800-1100-48000-1200-54000-1350-59400-1500-65400-1650-72000-1800-81000-2000-89000 from 01.04.2019. Fix his pay as on 01.07.2019.
A:-Rs. 70,350
B:-Rs. 72,000
C:-Rs, 68,700
D:-Rs. 73,800
Correct Answer:- Option-A
9. An officer drawing pay of Rs. 33,900 on 1.12.16 in the scale of pay of Rs. 29,200-700-29900-800-33900-900-37500-1000-42500-1100-48000-1200-54000-1350-59400-1500-62400 was promoted on 6.2.2017 in the scale of pay of Rs.30,700-800-33900-900-37500-1000-42500- 30700-800-33900-900-37500-1000-42500-1100-48000-1200-540000-1350-59400-1500-65400 what will be his pay during 1.12.2017
A:-Rs. 37,500
B:-Rs. 34,800
C:-Rs. 36,600
D:-Rs. 38,500
Correct Answer:- Option-C
RULE: 37(a)
1.. An officer drawing a pay of 1,08,000 in an officiating post of scale of pay of 68700-1650 72000-1800-81000-2000-97000-2200-108000-2400-110400 from 1-9-2018 was appointed to officiate in a post having scale of pay 85000-2000-97000-2200-108000-2400-117600 as on 23-5-2019. What will be his pay in the higher post as on 23-5-2019. ( 2020 July Lower)
1.. An officer drawing a pay of 1,08,000 in an officiating post of scale of pay of 68700-1650 72000-1800-81000-2000-97000-2200-108000-2400-110400 from 1-9-2018 was appointed to officiate in a post having scale of pay 85000-2000-97000-2200-108000-2400-117600 as on 23-5-2019. What will be his pay in the higher post as on 23-5-2019. ( 2020 July Lower)
(A) 1,12,800 (B) 1,08,000 (C) 1,10,400 (D) 1,10,200
2. An under Secretary in the General Administration department drawing a Substantive pay of Rs. 81,000 in the pay scale of Rs. 68,700- 1,650 - 77,400 - 1,800 - 81,000 - 2,000 - 97,000 - 2,200 - 1,08,000 - 2,400 - 1,10,400 with effect from 1.07.17 was promoted to officiate the post of deputy secretary in the scale of pay of Rs. 77,400 - 1,800 - 81,000 - 2,000 - 97,000 - 2,200 - 1,08,000 - 2,400 - 1,15,200 on 15.09.17 his pay as on 1.07.18 is
A:-Rs. 87,000
B:-Rs. 89,000
C:-Rs. 85,000
D:-Rs. 83,000
Correct Answer:- Option-C
3.An officer drawing a pay of Rs. 85,000 from 1.8.2016 in the scale of Rs.68700-1650-72000-1800-81000-2000-97000-2200-108000-2400-110400 was promoted to officiate in the scale of pay of Rs.77400-1800-81000-2000-97000-2200-108000-2400-115200 w.e.f 1.11.2016. What will be his pay on 1.8.2018?
A:-Rs. 89,000
B:-Rs. 91,000
C:-Rs. 93,000
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-B
An officer drawing a substantive pay of Rs. 83,000 from 01.5.2016 in the scale of pay of Rs.81000-2000-97000-2200-108000-2400-117600 was promoted to officiate in the scale of pay of Rs. 89000-2000-97000-2200-108000-2400-12000w.e.f. 01.4.2017 what will be his pay on 01-4-2018
A:-85000 B:-89000 C:-87000 D:-91000
Correct Answer:- Option-C
An officer drawing a substantive pay of Rs. 97,000 from 1.6.2016 in the scale of pay of Rs. 97,000 from 1.6.2016 in the scale of pay of Rs. 77,400-1800-81000-2000-97000-2200-10800 -2400-115200 was promoted to officiate in the scale of pay of Rs. 81000-2000-97000-2200-108000-2400-117600 w.e.f. 1.4.2017 what will be his pay on 1.6.2017 after fixation
A:-Rs. 1,08,000
B:-Rs. 1,01,400
C:-Rs. 99,200
D:-Rs. 1,03,600
Correct Answer:- Option-B
2. A Confidential Assistant Gr. II in the Kerala State Audit Department drawing a pay of 22,200 from 1-12-2018 in the scale of pay 3 20000-550-22200-600-25200-650-27800-700-....45800 was appointed to officiate as LDC on 1-4-2019 as advised by KPSC in the scale of pay of 19000-500-20000-550-22000-600-25200-650-27800700 ............ 43600. His pay in the new post on 1-4-2019 can be fixed at :
( 2020 July Lower)
(A) 22,800
(C) 22,200
2. An officiating officer drawing a pay of Rs. 30,700 in the scale of pay of Rs. 27,800 - 700 - 29,900 - 800 - 33,900 - 900 -37,500 - 1,000 -42,500 ____________ 1,350 - 59,400 with effect from 1.08.16 was appointed to a post by the Kerala Public Service Commission, in accordance with the special rules applicable to such appointment in the scale of pay of Rs. 25,200 - 650 - 27,800 - 700 - 29,900 - 800 - 33,900 - 900 - 37,500 -1,000 - 42,500 - 1,100 - 48,000 - 1,200 - 54,000 on 1.09.16. His pay in the new scale of pay on 01.08.17 isA:-30,700B:-25,200C:-25,850D:-33,100Correct Answer:- Option-A ( 2019 July Lower)
this behalf.Effective from 2nd September 1964.
41. Personal Pay.- Except when otherwise ordered by Government personal pay shall be reduced by any amount by which the recipient’s pay may be increased and shall cease as soon as his pay is increased by an amount equal to his personal pay.
42. Pay of Temporary Posts.- When a temporary post is created which may have to be filled by a person not already in Government Service, the pay of the post shall be fixed with reference to the minimum that is necessary to secure the services of a person capable of discharging efficiently the duties of the post.
43. When a temporary post is created which will probably be filled by a person who is already in the service of Government its pay should be fixed with due regard to-
(a) the character and responsibility of the work to be performed, and (b) the existing pay of officers of a status sufficient to warrant their selection for the post.
Note.- Temporary posts by this criterion should be considered as temporary additions to the cadre of a service should be created in the time-scale of the service ordinarily without extra remuneration. Incumbents of these posts will therefore draw their ordinary time-scale of pay. If the posts involve decided increases in work and responsibility in comparison with the duties of the parent cadre generally it may be necessary to sanction a special pay in addition.
Mater scale: pay revision 2019
His pay in the new post on 1-4-2019 can be fixed at :
( 2020 July Lower)
(A) 22,800
(C) 22,200
Mater scale: pay revision 2019
1.The increment granted to an officer who reaches the maximum of this scale of pay is
A:-Premature increment
B:-Stagnation increment
C:-Advance increment
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Stagnation increment
2. Stagnation Increment was introduced w.e.f ___________.
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-1.7.1988
3. Stagnation increment is treated as
A:-Personal pay to be absorbed in future increase of pay
B:-Personal pay not to be absorbed in future increase of pay
C:-Special pay not to be absorbed in future increase of pay
D:-Personal allowance not counting for DA and HRA
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Personal pay not to be absorbed in future increase of pay
4. The stagnation increment granted to an employee is treated as
A:-Part of pay
B:-Special pay
C:-Personal pay
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-A
5. The maximum number of stagnation increment allowed is A:-6
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-5
6. What is the maximum number of stagnation increments that can be granted to an officer?
A:-Four, out of which three annual one biennial
B:-Three, out of which two will be annual and one biennial
C:-Five, out of which four annual and one biennial
D:-Five, out of which three annual and two biennial
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-Five, out of which four annual and one biennial
7. One of the following does not count for increment. Which one?A:-Joining time
C:-Leave not due
D:-Suspension period treated as LWA
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-Suspension period treated as LWA
8. One among the following will be considered as qualifying service for reckoning incrementA:-LWA without Medical Certificate in continuation of Maternity Leave B:-LWA taken under App: XII B
C:-Provisional service regularized upto 30.9.1994
D:-Provisional service regularized after 01.10.1994
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-Provisional service regularized up to 30.9.1994
9. Which of the following periods of Leave will count for increment?
A:-Leave without Allowances under Rule 91 for attending training for IAS
B:-Leave without Allowances (Appendix XIIA) for taking up employment abroad
C:-Leave without Allowances for 60 days in continuation of Maternity Leave
D:-Leave without Allowances under Rule 88 for 60 days without MC
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-Leave without Allowances for 60 days in continuation of Maternity Leave
10. A L.D. Clerk appointed by the P.S.C. in Revenue Department was thrown out of service after a period of 7 months. He was reappointed in the same post after a break of 3 months. In this case, which of the following statements is correct?
A:-His prior service can be counted for increment
B:-His prior service and period of break can be counted for increment
C:-His prior service or period of break, whichever is less can be counted for increment
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-His prior service can be counted for increment
11. Which of the following periods will not count for increment?
A:-Leave granted on the strength of a medical certificate
B:-Period of suspension treated as duty
C:-Period during which increment is barred without cumulative effect
D:-Overstayal of joining time regularised as leave without allowances
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-Overstayal of joining time regularised as leave without allowances
12. Which of the following periods of leave shall be counted for increment?
A:-60 days Leave Without Allowance taken in continuation of maternity leave B:-Leave without allowance other than medical certificate
C:-LWA taken for study purpose under Rule 91 A, but could not complete the study
D:-All the above 1, 2 and 3
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-60 days Leave Without Allowance taken in continuation of maternity leave
13. A junior engineer joined service on 07.11.2013 FN. On the FN of 15.01.2014 he was thrown out of service and reappointed again as junior engineer in the same department in the same time scale of pay on the FN of 01.03.2014. On which date can he draw his first increment?
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-01.12.2014
14. An assistant joined the office of the KPSC on 20.04.2017. On 10.11.2017, he was thrown out for want of vacancy. He was reappointed in the same office on the same scale of pay on 05.01.2018. From which date can he draw his first increment?
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-01.06.2018
15. An employee on probation for 2 years from 16.3.2016 was given his first increment on 16.3.2017 and second increment on 16.3.2018 on completion of probation. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the sanctioning of the increments?
A:-Sanctioning of increments on 16.3.2017 & 16.3.2018 is in order
B:-1st increment is due on 1.3.2017 and the 2nd on 16.3.2018
C:-1st & 2nd increments are due on 1.3.2017 & 1.3.2018 respectively
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-1st increment is due on 1.3.2017 and the 2nd on 16.3.2018
16. The period of probation of an Assistant in the Secretariat service who has joined in the service on 25.04.15 was two years. His probation was declared in the FN of 15.05.17. The delay in declaration of probation is due to the delay in passing the obligatory departmental test.
From which date his IIIrd increment will be sanctioned, if he is continuing in the service without any break?
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-01.04.18
17. A clerk who had joined in the SC development department on 1.01.2016, was on probation for two years. His probation was declared with effect from the FN of 20.02.18 since he is on LWA for 50 days on medical certificate. From which date his second and third increment can be sanctioned?
A:-01.02.18 and 1.02.19
B:-20.02.18 and 1.01.19
C:-20.02.18 and 20.01.19
D:-20.02.18 and 20.02.19
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-20.02.18 and 1.01.19
18. The date of increment of an officer is 01.07.2018. He was on leave without allowance without medical certificate for 50 days from 1.8.2018. He would get his next increment on
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-01.08.2019
19. An officer draws a pay of Rs. 1,17,600 in the time scale of pay of Rs. 81000-2000-97000-2200-108000-2400-117600 w.e.f 1.7.2017. What is the amount of stagnation increment that can be sanctioned to him on
1.7.2019 to the officer?
A:-Rs. 2,400
B:-Rs. 2,000
Correct Answer:- Option-C
20. An employee in the Health Services Department who joined in Service on 1.1.2016 was thrown out of service on 30.6.2016 for want of vacancy. He was again re-appointed in the same time scale of 1.1.2017. When will be his increment become due?
D:-01.01.2017 itself
Correct Answer:- Option-B
21. An increment barred with cumulative effect will
A:-Consider for fixation under Rule 28(A)
B:-Not consider for fixation under Rule 28(A)
C:-Consider notionally for the fixation under Rule 28(A)
Correct Answer:- Option- B:-Not consider for fixation under Rule 28(A)
23. One increment of Mr. A, who was drawing a pay of Rs. 42,500 as on 1.3.2016 (increment date) in the pay scale of Rs. 30,700 - 65,400 is barred without cumulative effect from 1.4.2016. Subsequently one increment barred with cumulative effect in the order dated 1.5.2017. What will be his pay as on 1.4.2019? (His next increment rate is Rs. 1,100).
A:-Rs. 42,500
B:-Rs. 43,700
C:-Rs. 44,700
Correct Answer:- Option- C:-Rs. 44,700
24. An officer drawing a pay of Rs. 54,000 as on 1.7.2016 (increment day) in the scale of pay Rs. 40,500-85,000 was promoted to an identical scale as on 1.12.2016. What will be his pay as on 1.7.2017? (Increment rate is Rs. 1,350)
A:-Rs. 55,350
B:-Rs. 56,700
C:-Rs. 58,050
D:-Rs. 60,400
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Rs. 56,700
25. 2nd increment due to an employee whose probation of 2 years is declared will be drawn w.e.f
A:-1st day of the month of declaration of probation
B:-1st day of the month in which he completes 2 years of service
C:-the date of completion of probation
D:-none of the above
Correct Answer:- Option- C:-the date of completion of probation
26. Maximum pay on granting stagnation increment after 1.2.2016 shall not exceed
A:-Rs. 1,10,400
B:-Rs. 1,15,200
C:-Rs. 1,17,600
D:-Rs. 1,20,000
Correct Answer:- Option-D
27. The training period of police personnel will count for
A:-Increment, Time-bound Higher Grade, Promotion and Pensionary benefits
B:-Time-bound Higher Grade only
C:-Pensionary benefits only
D:-Increment only
Correct Answer:- Option- A:-Increment, Time-bound Higher Grade, Promotion and Pensionary benefits
28. Which of the following periods will not count for increment?
A:-Suspension period not treated as duty
B:-Half pay leave
C:-Maternity leave
D:-Joining timeCorrect Answer:- Option- A:-Suspension period not treated as duty
29. The service qualifying for increment of a Substantive Officer include:
(A) Suspension period treated as neither duty nor as leave
(B) Leave Without Allowance on Medical Certificate
(C) Provisional Service on or after 01-10-1994
(D) Suspension period regularised as Leave Without Allowance
💟 Correct Answer- Option :(B) Leave Without Allowance on Medical Certificate
30. The date of increment of an Officer is 01-01-2009. The Officer was on Leave Without Allowance for 85 days from 28-02-2009. He would get his next increment on:
(A) 01-03-2010
(B) 01-01-2010
(C) 01-02-2010
(D) 26-03-2010
Correct Answer- Option :(A) 01-03-2010
31. Which of the following relief is provided to employees who reach their maximum of the scale?
A:-Biennial increment
B:-Stagnation increment
C:-Notional increment
D:-An Advance increment
Correct Answer:- Option-B
32. One among the following will be considered as qualifying service for reckoning increment.
A:-LWA without Medical Certificate in continuation of Maternity Leave
B:-LWA taken under App:XII B
C:-Provisional Service regularized upto 30.9.1994
D:-Provisional Service regularized after 01.10.1994
Correct Answer:- Option-C
33. All conditions applicable for reckoning qualifying service for _________ will be applicable to career advance scheme also A:-Time based higher gradeB:-Pension
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-A
34. A candidate appointed as clerk on 2.7.13 was on probation for a period of 2 years with in a continuous period of 3 years. During the probation he has to pass M.O.P. test. He passed the test on 10.1.2016 and sanctioned 2nd increment after declaration of probation. His third increment will be onA:-10.1.2016
Correct Answer:- Option-B
35. Maximum pay on granting stagnation increment after 1.3.2021 shall not exceed
A:-Rs. 1,66,800
B:-Rs. 1.35.000C:-Rs. 1,17,600
D:-Rs. 1,20,000
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-Rs. 1,66,800
38. The additional pay granted to an officer to save him from the loss of substantive pay in respect of a permanent post due to a revision
of pay is
A:-special pay
B:-presumptive pay
C:-personal pay
D:-officiating pay
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-personal pay
37. Advance increments for meritorious service may be granted to both Gazetted and non Gazetted Officers
C:-asper discretion of DDO
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-correct
38:-An officer draws a pay of Rs. 1,17,600 in the time scale of pay of Rs. 81000-2000-97000-2200-108000-2400-117600 w.e.f 1.7.2017. What is the amount of stagnation increment that can be sanctioned to him on 1.7.2019 to the officer?
A:-Rs. 2,400
B:-Rs. 2,000
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-Nil
39. When a pre-mature increment is sanctioned to an officer, his next increment will be due on :
(A) After one year of this pre-mature sanction
(B) After two years
(C) Normal date-it will be given
(D) Discretion of sanctioning authority
40. An L D typist entered Government Service on 15-7-2018. He will get his first increment on:
Ans: 01-07-2019 (Rule37B)
41. Increment cannot be sanctioned from the first of the month when
A:-the probation for one year is not declared
B:-the probation for two years is not declared
C:-both (1) and (2)
D:-none of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-both (1) and (2)
42. In the case of an employee whose probation was declared on the date of completion of 2 years from the date of entry in service, the third increment due to him can be granted on
A:-the normal date of increment
B:-the date of completion of one year of duty from date of 2nd increment
C:-the discretion of the sanctioning authority
D:-none of the above
43. A High School Assistant entered service on 1-6-2017. He completed his probation on 05.07.2019. He will get his second increment on:
Ans: 06.07.2019
44. The period of probation of an officer who joined duty on 27.3.2014 was 2 years. His probation was declared in time. His second increment was due on ______.
45. A clerk joined service on the FN of 05.08.2014. His probation is 2 years and he completed probation on the AN of 25.10.2016. From which date can he draw his second increment?
46.An employee whose probation is two years entered into service on 15.04.2014 and declared his probation on 15.05.2016. He is entitled to draw his second increment on
47.An employee on probation for 2 years from 16.3.2016 was given his first increment on 16.3.2017 and second increment on 16.3.2018 on completion of probation. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the sanctioning of the increments?
A:-Sanctioning of increments on 16.3.2017 & 16.3.2018 is in order
B:-1st increment is due on 1.3.2017 and the 2nd on 16.3.2018
C:-1st & 2nd increments are due on 1.3.2017 & 1.3.2018 respectively
D:-None of the above
48The period of probation of an Assistant in the Secretariat service who has joined in the service on 25.04.15 was two years. His probation was declared in the FN of 15.05.17. The delay in declaration of probation is due to the delay in passing the obligatory departmental test.
From which date his IIIrd increment will be sanctioned, if he is continuing in the service without any break?
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-01.04.18
49.A clerk who had joined the SC development department on 1.01.2016, was on probation for two years. His probation was declared with effect from the FN of 20.02.18 since he is on LWA for 50 days on medical certificate. From which date his second and third increment can be sanctioned?
A:-01.02.18 and 1.02.19
B:-20.02.18 and 1.01.19
C:-20.02.18 and 20.01.19
D:-20.02.18 and 20.02.19
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-20.02.18 and 1.01.19
50. An employee whose probation is two years entered into service on 15.04.2014 and declared his probation on 15.05.2016. He is entitled to draw his second increment on
Correct Answer:- Option-C
🆀A Government servant who entered service on 6.4.2005 and who was on probation for two years was given the second increment on
___________. He was declared to have completed probation on 27.4.2007.
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-27.4.2007
A:-Premature increment
B:-Stagnation increment
C:-Advance increment
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Stagnation increment
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-1.7.1988
A:-Personal pay to be absorbed in future increase of pay
B:-Personal pay not to be absorbed in future increase of pay
C:-Special pay not to be absorbed in future increase of pay
D:-Personal allowance not counting for DA and HRA
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Personal pay not to be absorbed in future increase of pay
A:-Part of pay
B:-Special pay
C:-Personal pay
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-5
A:-Four, out of which three annual one biennial
B:-Three, out of which two will be annual and one biennial
C:-Five, out of which four annual and one biennial
D:-Five, out of which three annual and two biennial
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-Five, out of which four annual and one biennial
C:-Leave not due
D:-Suspension period treated as LWA
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-Suspension period treated as LWA
C:-Provisional service regularized upto 30.9.1994
D:-Provisional service regularized after 01.10.1994
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-Provisional service regularized up to 30.9.1994
A:-Leave without Allowances under Rule 91 for attending training for IAS
B:-Leave without Allowances (Appendix XIIA) for taking up employment abroad
C:-Leave without Allowances for 60 days in continuation of Maternity Leave
D:-Leave without Allowances under Rule 88 for 60 days without MC
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-Leave without Allowances for 60 days in continuation of Maternity Leave
A:-His prior service can be counted for increment
B:-His prior service and period of break can be counted for increment
C:-His prior service or period of break, whichever is less can be counted for increment
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-His prior service can be counted for increment
A:-Leave granted on the strength of a medical certificate
B:-Period of suspension treated as duty
C:-Period during which increment is barred without cumulative effect
D:-Overstayal of joining time regularised as leave without allowances
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-Overstayal of joining time regularised as leave without allowances
A:-60 days Leave Without Allowance taken in continuation of maternity leave
C:-LWA taken for study purpose under Rule 91 A, but could not complete the study
D:-All the above 1, 2 and 3
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-60 days Leave Without Allowance taken in continuation of maternity leave
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-01.12.2014
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-01.06.2018
A:-Sanctioning of increments on 16.3.2017 & 16.3.2018 is in order
B:-1st increment is due on 1.3.2017 and the 2nd on 16.3.2018
C:-1st & 2nd increments are due on 1.3.2017 & 1.3.2018 respectively
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-1st increment is due on 1.3.2017 and the 2nd on 16.3.2018
From which date his IIIrd increment will be sanctioned, if he is continuing in the service without any break?
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-01.04.18
A:-01.02.18 and 1.02.19
B:-20.02.18 and 1.01.19
C:-20.02.18 and 20.01.19
D:-20.02.18 and 20.02.19
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-20.02.18 and 1.01.19
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-01.08.2019
1.7.2019 to the officer?
A:-Rs. 2,400
B:-Rs. 2,000
Correct Answer:- Option-C
D:-01.01.2017 itself
Correct Answer:- Option-B
A:-Consider for fixation under Rule 28(A)
B:-Not consider for fixation under Rule 28(A)
C:-Consider notionally for the fixation under Rule 28(A)
Correct Answer:- Option- B:-Not consider for fixation under Rule 28(A)
A:-Rs. 42,500
B:-Rs. 43,700
C:-Rs. 44,700
Correct Answer:- Option- C:-Rs. 44,700
A:-Rs. 55,350
B:-Rs. 56,700
C:-Rs. 58,050
D:-Rs. 60,400
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Rs. 56,700
A:-1st day of the month of declaration of probation
B:-1st day of the month in which he completes 2 years of service
C:-the date of completion of probation
D:-none of the above
Correct Answer:- Option- C:-the date of completion of probation
A:-Rs. 1,10,400
B:-Rs. 1,15,200
C:-Rs. 1,17,600
D:-Rs. 1,20,000
Correct Answer:- Option-D
A:-Increment, Time-bound Higher Grade, Promotion and Pensionary benefits
B:-Time-bound Higher Grade only
C:-Pensionary benefits only
D:-Increment only
Correct Answer:- Option- A:-Increment, Time-bound Higher Grade, Promotion and Pensionary benefits
A:-Suspension period not treated as duty
B:-Half pay leave
C:-Maternity leave
D:-Joining time
(A) Suspension period treated as neither duty nor as leave
(B) Leave Without Allowance on Medical Certificate
(C) Provisional Service on or after 01-10-1994
(D) Suspension period regularised as Leave Without Allowance
💟 Correct Answer- Option :(B) Leave Without Allowance on Medical Certificate
(A) 01-03-2010
(B) 01-01-2010
(C) 01-02-2010
(D) 26-03-2010
Correct Answer- Option :(A) 01-03-2010
A:-Biennial increment
B:-Stagnation increment
C:-Notional increment
D:-An Advance increment
Correct Answer:- Option-B
A:-LWA without Medical Certificate in continuation of Maternity Leave
B:-LWA taken under App:XII B
C:-Provisional Service regularized upto 30.9.1994
D:-Provisional Service regularized after 01.10.1994
Correct Answer:- Option-C
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Correct Answer:- Option-B
A:-Rs. 1,66,800
B:-Rs. 1.35.000
D:-Rs. 1,20,000
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-Rs. 1,66,800
of pay is
A:-special pay
B:-presumptive pay
C:-personal pay
D:-officiating pay
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-personal pay
C:-asper discretion of DDO
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-correct
38:-An officer draws a pay of Rs. 1,17,600 in the time scale of pay of Rs. 81000-2000-97000-2200-108000-2400-117600 w.e.f 1.7.2017. What is the amount of stagnation increment that can be sanctioned to him on 1.7.2019 to the officer?
A:-Rs. 2,400
B:-Rs. 2,000
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-Nil
39. When a pre-mature increment is sanctioned to an officer, his next increment will be due on :
(A) After one year of this pre-mature sanction
(B) After two years
(C) Normal date-it will be given
(D) Discretion of sanctioning authority
A:-the probation for one year is not declared
B:-the probation for two years is not declared
C:-both (1) and (2)
D:-none of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-both (1) and (2)
A:-the normal date of increment
B:-the date of completion of one year of duty from date of 2nd increment
C:-the discretion of the sanctioning authority
D:-none of the above
Ans: 06.07.2019
47.An employee on probation for 2 years from 16.3.2016 was given his first increment on 16.3.2017 and second increment on 16.3.2018 on completion of probation. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the sanctioning of the increments?
A:-Sanctioning of increments on 16.3.2017 & 16.3.2018 is in order
B:-1st increment is due on 1.3.2017 and the 2nd on 16.3.2018
C:-1st & 2nd increments are due on 1.3.2017 & 1.3.2018 respectively
D:-None of the above
48The period of probation of an Assistant in the Secretariat service who has joined in the service on 25.04.15 was two years. His probation was declared in the FN of 15.05.17. The delay in declaration of probation is due to the delay in passing the obligatory departmental test.
From which date his IIIrd increment will be sanctioned, if he is continuing in the service without any break?
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-01.04.18
49.A clerk who had joined the SC development department on 1.01.2016, was on probation for two years. His probation was declared with effect from the FN of 20.02.18 since he is on LWA for 50 days on medical certificate. From which date his second and third increment can be sanctioned?
A:-01.02.18 and 1.02.19
B:-20.02.18 and 1.01.19
C:-20.02.18 and 20.01.19
D:-20.02.18 and 20.02.19
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-20.02.18 and 1.01.19
50. An employee whose probation is two years entered into service on 15.04.2014 and declared his probation on 15.05.2016. He is entitled to draw his second increment on
Correct Answer:- Option-C
🆀A Government servant who entered service on 6.4.2005 and who was on probation for two years was given the second increment on
___________. He was declared to have completed probation on 27.4.2007.
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-27.4.2007
ReplyDeleteWhen an officer in service is appointed in a lower post through P.S.C. his basic pay will
C:-be the minimum of the lower post
D:-be the same
An officer drawing a pay of Rs. 72000 in the scale of pay of Rs.
Delete55350-1350-59400-1500-65400-1650-72000-1800-81000-2000-97000-2200-101400 on 1.7.2016 was promoted to officiate in the Higher time
scale of pay of Rs. 68700-1650-72000-1800-81000-2000-97000-2200-108000-2400-110400 w.e.f 10.10.2016. What will be his pay on 1.7.2018?
A:-Rs. 79,200
B:-Rs. 75,600
C:-Rs. 77,400
D:-Rs. 81,000
The training period of police personnel will count for
DeleteA:-Increment, Time-bound Higher Grade, Promotion and Pensionary benefits
B:-Time-bound Higher Grade only
C:-Pensionary benefits only
D:-Increment only
2nd increment due to an employee whose probation of 2 years is declared will be drawn w.e.f
ReplyDeleteA:-1st day of the month of declaration of probation
B:-1st day of the month in which he completes 2 years of service
C:-the date of completion of probation
D:-none of the above
Maximum pay on granting stagnation increment after 1.2.2016 shall not exceed
ReplyDeleteA:-Rs. 1,10,400
B:-Rs. 1,15,200
C:-Rs. 1,17,600
D:-Rs. 1,20,000
The Appointing Authority can extend the period of probation of an employee upto
DeleteA:-2 years
B:-6 months
C:-1 year
D:-3 years
An employee in the Agriculture Department who joined service on 27.7.2015 got inter departmental transfer in the same scale of pay and joined the Revenue Department on 10.5.2016. His probation was declared w.e.f 10.5.2018. Dates of his 1st, 2nd and 3rd increments are
DeleteA:-1.7.2016, 1.5.2017 and 10.5.2018
B:-27.7.2016, 1.7.2017 and 1.5.2018
C:-1.7.2016, 1.7.2017 and 1.5.2018
D:-1.7.2016, 1.7.2017 and 10.5.2018
Which of the following periods will not count for increment?
DeleteA:-Suspension period not treated as duty
B:-Half pay leave
C:-Maternity leave
D:-Joining time
An employee was drawing a substantive pay of Rs. 29,900 on 1.7.2016 in the scale of pay of Rs.22200-600-25200-650-27800-700-29900-800-33900-900-37500-1000-42500-
Delete1100-48000. His increment was barred for 2 years with cumulative effect on 28.8.2016.
His pay on 1.7.2017, 1.7.2018 and 1.7.2019 will be
A:-Rs. 29,900, 30,700, 30,700
B:-Rs. 29,900, 29,900, 30,700
C:-Rs. 30,700, 30,700, 31,500
D:-Rs. 29,900, 30,700, 31,500
An officer who joined duty on 16.3.2016 was on probation for 2 years. He has taken LWA with MC for 3 months from 1.11.2016. He will get his first increment on
Rule 28 A, Part 1 KSR is applicable to promotions made on or after 1.2.2016, if the minimum of the Higher time scale does not exceed
DeleteA:-Rs. 65,400
B:-Rs. 60,900
C:-Rs. 77,400
D:-Rs. 68,700
An officer drawing a pay of Rs. 85,000 from 1.8.2016 in the scale of Rs.
Delete68700-1650-72000-1800-81000-2000-97000-2200-108000-2400-110400 was promoted to officiate in the scale of pay of Rs.
77400-1800-81000-2000-97000-2200-108000-2400-115200 w.e.f 1.11.2016. What will be his pay on 1.8.2018?
A:-Rs. 89,000
B:-Rs. 91,000
C:-Rs. 93,000
D:-None of the above
ReplyDelete🆀 The pay of an officer shall not be so increased as to exceed the pay sanctioned for his post without the sanction of Government. This condition is explained in Rule ____________ of Part I KSR.
DeleteA:-Rule 25
B:-Rule 27
C:-Rule 29
D:-Rule 30
🆀Normally, the pay of an officer shall not be more than the pay sanctioned to his post. But in one of the following cases the officer can draw more pay than that sanctioned to his post. Identify
A:-When he draws officiating pay
B:-When he draws special pay
C:-When he is granted the personal pay
ReplyDelete🆀 When a permanent officer is appointed substantively to a higher time scale, fixation of pay will be done under rule
DeleteA:-Rule 30
B:-Rule 28
C:-Rule 28 A
D:-Rule 37 (a)
🆀The initial substantive pay of an officer who is appointed substantively to a post on a time scale of pay is regulated by the Rule ______________ of Part I KSR.
The Rule applicable for fixing the pay of substantive officer is promoted substantively to a post having the higher time scale of pay Rs. 77400-1800 -81000-2000-97000-2200-108000-2400-115200 on 1.07.2018
A:-Rule 28
B:-Rule 28A
C:-Rule 30
D:-Rule 37 (a)
ReplyDelete🆀Fixation of pay under Rule 28A Part I KSR is not applicable to promotions/appointments to post carrying a higher time scale of pay, the minimum of which exceeds _________.
DeleteA:-Rs. 68,700
B:-Rs. 42,500
C:-Rs. 50,400
D:-Rs. 93,000
(question from pay revision 2014)
🆀 Fixation of pay under Rule 28A Part I KSR is not applicable to promotions/appointments to post carrying a higher time scale of pay, the minimum of which exceeds _________.
A:-Rs. 129300
B:-Rs. 47,800
C:-Rs. 1,66,800
D:-Rs. 95,600
(question from pay revision 2019)
A clerk having 5 years service in the Revenue Department is appointed as Secretary Assistant in the Finance Secretary, on the advice of Kerala Public Service Commission, comment on his pay fixation as Assistant :
DeleteA:-His pay will be fixed as per GD No. 1 under Rule 28A Part I KSR
B:-His pay will be fixed as per Rule 25 Part I KSR
C:-His pay will be fixed as per Rule 30 Part I KSR
D:-His pay will be fixed as per GD No., 1 under 28A Part I KSR without the benefit of refixation
ReplyDeleteIn the case of up gradation of post which is not treated as promotion pay will be fixed under Rule:
Delete(A) 28A
(B) 30 (
(C) 37(a)
(D) 37(b)
An officer who does not retain a lien on a post the pay of which is charged, is not entitled to exercise the option under:
Delete(A) Rule 28
(B) Rule 28A
(C) Rule 37(a)
(D) Rule 30
💜💜RULE 31
ReplyDelete💜💜RULE 32
ReplyDelete💜💜RULE 33
ReplyDelete💜💜RULE 34
ReplyDeleteIn the case of anomalies arising in the fixation of pay of senior and junior officers, they will be removed by orders issued by the competent authority under rule ......... Part I, KSRs.
Delete(A) 34
(B) 28A
(C) 29
(D) 30
When a pre-mature increment is sanctioned to an officer, his next increment will be due on :
Delete(A) After one year of this pre-mature sanction
(B) After two years
(C) Normal date-it will be given
(D) Discretion of sanctioning authority
💜💜RULE 35
ReplyDelete💜💜RULE 36
ReplyDelete💜💜RULE 37
ReplyDeleteRule applicable in the fixation of pay of an officer appointed from a higher to a lower time scale as per Part 1 Kerala Service Rules is:
Delete(A) 30
(B) 28 A
(C) 28
(D) 37(b)
💜💜RULE 37A
ReplyDelete💜💜RULE 37B
ReplyDelete💜💜RULE 38
ReplyDelete💜💜RULE 39
ReplyDelete💜💜RULE 40
ReplyDelete💜💜RULE 41
ReplyDelete💜💜RULE 42
ReplyDelete💜💜RULE 43
ReplyDeleteMonetary benefit for promotions which do not involve change of duties shall be admissible period of .... prior to the date of order of promotion irrespective of the date of effect of promotion.
ReplyDelete(A) Six months
(B) One year
(C) Two years
(D) Three years
Correct Answer:-(B) One year
The pay drawn by an officer in an ex-cadre post for purpose of initial fixation of pay on promotion in the parent department
ReplyDeleteA:-can be counted
B:-based on option
C:-cannot be counted
D:-none of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-A