ഒരു വര്ഷം 22 ചോദ്യങ്ങള് വരെ ഈ അധ്യായത്തില് നിന്നും ചോദിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്.
ശരാശരി 15 മാര്ക്കിന്റെ ചോദ്യങ്ങളാണ് ഈ അധ്യായത്തില് നിന്നും ചോദിക്കുന്നത്.
ഒരേ ചോദ്യങ്ങള് തന്നെ പലരീതിയില് ചോദിക്കാറുണ്ട്.
അവയൊക്കെ ഉള്പ്പെടുത്താന് ശ്രമിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്. ശ്രദ്ധിക്കുമല്ലോ.
The re-employment of a person who has retired on a superannuation or retiring pension is generally an exceptional and temporary expedient. In such cases, the service of the re-employed pensioner should be regarded as temporary and his leave during the period of re-employment regulated by the rules in Appendix VIII.
Resignation of public service even though it is followed immediately by re-employment entails forfeiture of past service and constitutes an interruption of duty. But resignation to take up another appointment does not constitute an interruption.
64. The Government may issue orders specifying the authority by whom leave other than leave without allowances exceeding a period of four months at a time, may be granted.
B:-Head of the Department
D:-None of the above
(a) Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right
(b) Leave can be claimed as a matter of right
(c) Leave is a fundamental right as for as an employee is concerned
(d) The leave sanctioning authority has no discretion to refuse or revoke leave
🆀 Which of the following statements is correct?
(A) No leave may be granted to a gazetted officer until a report as to the admissibility of leave has been obtained from the AG
(B) Leave will be granted to a gazetted officer without obtaining the admissiblity of leave from the AG
(C) The admissibility certificate from AG is not necessary and the officer himself authorised to grant leave
(D) The officer authorized to grant leave is exempted to obtain the admissibility certificate
from AG
The nature of the leave due and applied for by an officer cannot be altered at the option of the sanctioning authority and while it is open to the sanctioning authority to refuse or revoke the leave due and applied for, it is not open to him to alter the nature of such leave.
(a) his transfer or assumption of charge does not involve the handing or taking over of securities or of money other than a permanent advance;(b) his early departure does not entail a correspondingly early transfer from another station of an officer to perform his duties; and(c) the delay in his return does not involve a corresponding delay in the transfer to another station of the officer who was performing his duties during his absence or in the discharge from Government service of a person temporarily appointed to it.
A restricted holiday enjoyed with the permission of the competent authority shall be treated as holiday for the purpose of this rule.
(a) if holidays are prefixed to leave, the leave and any consequent rearrangement of pay and allowances takes effect from the first day after holidays; and(b) if holidays are affixed to leave, the leave is treated as having terminated on, and any consequent re-arrangement of pay and allowances takes effect from, the day on which the leave would have ended, if holidays had not been affixed.
(i) When they are prefixed to leave, the officer proceeding on leave will report before leaving the station, or if for urgent reasons the leave is granted during vacation or gazetted holidays, as soon as it is granted that he will cease to discharge the duties of his post with effect from the end of vacation or holidays. The relieving officer will then assume the duties of the post at the end of the vacation or holidays in the ordinary course.(ii) When a vacation or holidays are affixed to leave, the officiating officer will be relieved in the ordinary way before the vacation, or holidays, and the officer on leave will return at the end of the vacation or holidays, but will be regarded as having assumed the duties of the post with effect from the commencement of the vacation or holidays.(iii) Except in cases covered by (i) and (ii) above, transfer of charge certificates should be signed by both the relieved and relieving officers on the day on which charge is transferred.
(i) When a Government Servant is certified medically unfit to attend office, holiday(s) if any immediately preceding the day he is so certified shall be allowed automatically to be prefixed to leave and the holiday(s) if any immediately succeeding the day he is so certified (including that day) shall be treated as part of the leave; and(ii)When a Government Servant is certified medically fit for joining duty, holiday(s) if any, succeeding the day he is so certified (including that day) shall automatically be allowed to be suffixed to the leave, and holiday(s) if any, preceding the day he is so certified shall be treated as part of the leave.(iii)Except in cases covered by (i) and (ii) above, transfer of charge certificates should be signed by both the relieved and relieving officers on the day on which charge is transferred.The note shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 26th August 1982.
A restricted holiday enjoyed with the permission of the competent authority shall be treated as holiday for the purpose of this rule.
There is no objection to an officer in a vacation Department being permitted to suffix holiday (s) to leave and also to enjoy the vacation in continuation of the holiday so suffixed to leave.
This rule does not apply to casual literary work, or to service as an examiner or similar employment; nor does it apply to acceptance of foreign service, which is governed by the rules under Chapter XI.
🆀..The rule which insists production of fitness certificate at the time of rejoining duty after expiry of leave on medical ground is
A:-Rule 61
B:-Rule 64
C:-Rule 70
Correct Answer:- D:-None
No formal cancellation of the unexpired portion of leave is necessary when an officer returns to duty before the expiry of his leave. The cancellation will be effected by the Audit Officer in the case of Gazetted Officers and by the Head of office in the case of non- gazetted officers.
When the officer proceeds on leave from the post in which he is reemployed and avails of the refused leave during the period of re-employment or after, the leave salary would be same as would have been admissible in the normal course but for re-employment reduced by the amount of pension and/or pension equivalent of gratuity and other retirement benefits.
(c) The leave salary of an officer who is permitted during leave preparatory to retirement before attaining the age of superannuation, or during leave under Rule 75 to take up employment under any other Government under a private employer or employment payable from a local fund, will also be restricted during such employment as in (b) above.
The eligibility for leave is determined with reference to the eligibility on the date on which an officer proceeds on leave.
(A) Paternity leave
(B) Maternity leave
(C) Study leave
(D ) Half pay leave
Correct Answer:- Half pay leave
2.Which of the following is not an ordinary leave?
A:-Earned Leave
B:-Half-pay leave
C:-Leave not due
D:-Hospital leave
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-Hospital leave
3.Which of the following leave will not come under ordinary leave?
A:-Commuted leave
B:-Causal leave
C:-Earned leave
D:-Leave without allowance
Correct Answer:- Option- B:-Causal leave
4.Which of the following is not included in the ordinary leave
A:-Earned leave
B:-Maternity leave
C:-Half pay leave
D:-Leave not due
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Maternity leave
5.Which is not eligible leave among the following
A:-Earned leave
B:-Commutted leave
C:-Casual leave
Correct Answer:- Option-C
🆀 An excise guard in the Excise Dept. entered Govt. service on 1.1.1991 F.N. if he has no eligible leave at his credit on 1.1.2001, and has not availed any leave after 1.1.2001, what is the minimum number of days of earned leave at his credit on 31.12.2010 A.N?
(A) 332
(B) 300
(D)None of the above
Officers undergoing training in institutions which have regular vacations and who enjoy vacations of those institutions, will be treated as officers serving in a vacation department for the purpose of Rule 80 Part I, Kerala Service Rules.
A vacation department is a department or part of a department to which regular vacations are allowed during which the officers serving in the department are permitted to be absent from duty.
The Principal, the Superintendent, the entire office staff, sergeant (if any) and the gardeners of the following institutions will be treated as non-vacation officers with effect from the dates specified against each:
Headmasters of schools : 9.6.1969Non teaching staff : 22.4.1960
!The Superintendents of the Junior Technical Schools attached to the Polytechnics at Kannur, Calicut and Trichur will be treated as vacation officers.
The term “Year” should be interpreted to mean, not a calendar year in which duty is performed, but twelve months of actual duty in a vacation department.
When an officer is transferred from a vacation department to a non-vacation department, his period of service in the former will, for the purpose of calculation of leave, be considered to have terminated with effect from the close of the last vacation enjoyed by him. [But if the transfer is effected during the course of vacation, he will be deemed to have been transferred to the non-vacation department on the close of the vacation which he has partly enjoyed and he will be credited with proportionate amount of earned leave under this rule for the period of vacation which he was prevented from enjoying on account of such transfer]. When an officer is transferred from a non-vacation to a vacation department, his period of service in the latter will be held to have commenced from the date of expiry of the last vacation previous to such transfer.
be credited to the account of him will be
A:-11 daysB:-9 daysC:-10 daysD:-No EL will be sanctioned to teachers even if put on 30 days duty during vacation Correct Answer:- Option-C
2.An officer was transferred from a vacation department (vacation is two months and ends on 31st May each year) to a non-vacation department on 1/12/2018. For calculation of earned leave no service in the vacation department is deemed to have terminated from:
(A) 1/12/2018
(B) 1/6/2019
(C) 1/6/2018
(D) 1/4/2018
The Library staff of Arts and Science, Training and Law Colleges shall be treated as non-vacation staff.
The Heads of Nursery Schools shall be treated as non-vacation staff. This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 11th February 1976.
In the case of an officer of non-vacation department sent on deputation for training to an institution having regular vacation, his eligibility for earned leave shall be decided as follows:-
An officer serving in a vacation department when put in full additional charge of the duties of a post in a non-vacation department shall be considered to have been denied the benefit of vacation if that charge arrangement falls within a vacation period.
Teachers deputed for training under the Summer School Training Programme during vacation shall be considered to have been prevented from availing themselves of the vacation provided such period of training has been treated as duty under Rule 12 (7).
Teaching staff who are N.C.C. Officers in Colleges, Polytechnics and Schools, when detailed to undergo training or refresher course or for duty in connection with the conduct of N.C.C. training or refresher course, during periods of vacation, will be treated as on duty and allowed the benefit of earned leave under the above rule.
Teaching Staff attending the work of Valuation and Tabulation of S.S.L.C. and Higher Secondary Public Examination during vacation shall be considered to have been prevented from availing themselves of the vacation and such period will be treated as duty and allowed the benefit of earned leave under the rule.
🆀An officer working in a vacation department had not enjoyed vacation for 20 days. The earned leave due to him is:
(A) 20 days
(B) 10 days'
(C) 2 days
(D) nil days
🆀..The earned leave applicable to an officer in a vacation department and who is prevented from availing vacation in full and whose actual duty is less than one year due to superannuation is governed by rule
A:-Rule 81 part I KSR
B:-Rule 81 A part I KSR
C:-Rule 81 part II KSR
D:-Rule 81 A part II KSR
💟Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Rule 81 A part I KSR
A:-Completed year of serviceB:-Completed half year of serviceC:-Period spent on dutyD:-15 days per annumCorrect Answer:- Option-A
2.Half pay leave admissible to an officer appointed for a period of more than one year but not more than 5 years is _________.
A:-60 HPL
B:-100 HPL
C:-3 months
D:-2 months
Correct Answer:- Option-D
A:-30 daysB:-15 daysC:-20 daysD:-33 daysCorrect Answer:- Option-C
4. A permanent officer completed 12 years of service. The Half pay leave eligible for him is :
Correct Answer:- Option-C
5. Maximum half pay leave that can be accumulated at a time is
D:-no limit
Correct Answer:- Option-D
6. An officer entered in Govt. service on 22.2.2015 and he has availed 30 days of LWA with medical certificate from 1.1.2018. What is the number of Half pay leave at his credit on 22.2.2018
A:-60 days
B:-40 days
C:-58 days
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A
7. How many half pay leave will be credited on completion of one year service?
A:-40 days
B:-50 days
C:-20 days
D:-30 days
Correct Answer:- Option-C
8. The officer on leave not due is entitled leave salary at the rate of
A:-Earned leave
B:-Half pay leave
C:-Commuted leave
D:-No leave salary
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Half pay leave
10. The period of dies-non does not be excluded in the
calculation of
A:-Earned leave
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-H.P.L
11. Half pay leave is calculated @ _______.
C:-20 days per year
D:-40 days per year
Correct Answer:- Option-C
A:-To all permanent officersB:-To all officers recruited through PSC irrespective of cadre from the date of joiningC:-Officiating Officers with a service of 3 yearsD:-(1) and (3)Correct Answer:- Option-D:-(A) and (C)
A:-Earned leaveB:-Half pay leaveC:-LWAD:-Commuted leaveCorrect Answer:- Option-Commuted leave
A:-for personal affairs commutted leave won’t be grantedB:-maximum 20 days can be grantedC:-40 days itself is eligibleD:-maximum 30 days can be availedCorrect Answer:- Option-B:-maximum 20 days can be granted
4. An Officer in the Social Justice Department has 40 days of HPL at his credit as on 1.3.2018. What will be the maximum amount of leave can be granted to the officer if he wished to take commutted leave for personal affairs on this date
A:-for personal affairs commutted leave won’t be granted
B:-maximum 20 days can be granted
C:-40 days itself is eligible
D:-maximum 30 days can be availed
Correct Answer:- Option-B
5.. What is the number of days of half pay leave on the credit of a Blue Printer in Irrigation Dept. on 28.2.2008 A.N., if he entered Govt. service on 1.3.1991 F.N. and availed no leave during his entire service except commuted leave from 1.1.2008 to 28.2.2008 ?
(A) 202
(B) 222
(C) 281
(D) 261
The maximum period of leave not due otherwise than on medical certificate that may be gran an officer during the entire service is:
(A) 90 days (B) 360 days (C) 180days (D) unlimited
The leave salary admissible to the first four months of hospital leave is:
(A) earned leave salary (B) half pay leave salary (C) Rs.5000Note 1.-
Where a Government servant who has been granted leave not due under this rule, applies for permission to retire voluntarily, the leave not due shall, if the permission is granted, be cancelled.
Note 2.-
Except as provided in Note 1, leave not due when granted should in all cases (subject to the officer’s wishes) be allowed to stand, including cases in which the officer fails to earn it by subsequent duty.
A:-an officiating officer
B:-temporary officer who completed three years of service
C:-temporary officer
D:-Permanent officer
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-Permanent officer
(A) 90 days(B) 180 days(C) 360 days(D) 300 daysCorrect Answer- Option: (C) 360 days
3. Half pay leave granted in advance when there is no other leave with allowance at the credit of an substantive officer is called
A:-Leave without allowance
B:-Leave not due
C:-Half pay leave
D:-Earned leave
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Leave not due
4. What are the circumstances under which a “Leave not Due” cannot be sanctioned
A:-If the officer has already availed 360 days LND
B:-When the officer has applied for LPR
C:-If the officer is not permanent
D:-All of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-All of the above
5. The officer on leave not due is entitled leave salary
at the rate of
A:-Earned leave
B:-Half pay leave
C:-Commuted leave
D:-No leave salary
Correct Answer:- B:-Half pay leave
6. Leave salary admissible for Leave Not Due is as for
A:-Earned Leave
B:-Commuted Leave
C:-Half Pay Leave
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-Half Pay Leave
A:-Casual leaveB:-Earned leave
C:-Half pay leave
D:-Commuted leave
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-Half pay leave
8. How many days leave not due can be granted to an officer at a time without a medical certificate?
A:-120 days
B:-180 days
C:-240 days
D:-90 days
Correct Answer:- D:-90 days
A:-16 3/22 days
B:-17 days
C:-No earned leave shall be admissible
D:-33 2/11 days
💟Correct Answer:- Option-C:-No earned leave shall be admissible
The leave of an officer appointed as a probationer (for a certain period before confirmation of his appointment) will be regulated under the rules prescribed for permanent officers. If for any reason it is proposed to terminate the services of a probationer any leave which may be granted to him shall not extend beyond the date on which the probationary period as already sanctioned or extended expires, or any earlier date on which his services are terminated by the orders of the authority competent to appoint him.
Whenever the rate of earning leave changes, the fraction in the earned leave accumulated at the earlier rate should be rounded off to the nearest day i.e., fraction below half should be ignored and that of half and more should be reckoned as a day. *Similarly, the fraction, if any, in the leave earned in accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph of Rule 81 by an officer serving in a vacation department should also be rounded off to the nearest day.
When a full-time teacher is appointed to a part-time post, the leave earned by him prior to becoming part-time cannot be granted to him while holding the part-time post. Such leave may, however, be granted when he is reappointed to a full-time post.
.An L.D. clerk entered Govt. service on 1.3.2009. He has not taken any leave till 1.3.2012. The number of days of earned leave at his credit on 2.3.2012 F.N. is:
(A) 83
(B) 99
(C) 82
(D) None of the above
(A) not admissible(B) 120 days(C) 30 days(D) 105 daysCorrect Answer- Option: (A) not admissible
2. An officer undergoing training in an institution which have regular vacations and who enjoy the vacation of those institution is eligible for earned leave at the rate
A:-One fourth
D:-Not eligible
Correct Answer:- D:-Not eligible
3. Leave salary during Maternity leave is
A:-as on Half Pay Leave
B:-as on LWA
C:-as on Earned Leave
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-as on Earned Leave
4. . A full time teacher is appointed to a part time post. The various kinds of leave earned prior to becoming Part Time:
(A) Can be granted while holding Part Time Post
(B) Can be granted only on medical ground while holding Part Time post
(C) Cannot be granted while holding Part Time post
(D) Earned Leave alone can be granted while holding Part Time PostCorrect Answer- Option :(C) Cannot be granted while holding Part Time post
5. Which among the following cannot be commuted retrospectively into a different kind of leave?
A:-Leave without Allowance
B:-Commuted leave
C:-Half Pay Leave
D:-Earned Leave
Correct Answer:- D:-Earned Leave
6. The earned leave admissible to an officer in permanent employee is __________ of the period spent on duty
B:-one-twenty seconds
C:-one twentieth
D:-one thirtieth
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-one-eleventh
7. Earned leave is calculated @ __________ of the period spent on duty, except the 1st year of service is
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-1/11
8. Earned lease is calculated @ _________ of the period spent on duty is admissible during the first year of service.
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-1/22
9. Calculation of surrender of leave salary will be
A:-@ 1/31 of the monthly pay
B:-@ 1/30 of the monthly pay irrespective of the month in which earned leave is surrendered
C:-@ 1/28 of the monthly pay
D:-In proportion to the actual number of days of the month in EL is surrendered Correct Answer:- Option-B
10. Officers who have completed _________ years of continuous service are eligible to re-cast their earned leave for the first year of service @1/11 as in the case of permanent employees
A:-Five years
B:-Eight years
C:-Two years
D:-Three years
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-Three years
11. A high school teacher was posted for a work relating to valuation and tabulation of SSLC examination and there by prevented from enjoying vacation for 20 days. If the full vacation is for 60 days, the earned leave admissible to the teacher would be?
A:-15 days
B:-9 days
C:-6 days
D:-10 days
Correct Answer:- D:-10 days
12. A High School Assistant in the Education Department was transferred on promotion as Assistant Educational Officer on 01-12-2010. The date from which he is eligible for Earned Leave is:
(A) 01-04-2010
(B) 01-06-2010
(C) 01-12-2010
(D) 01-01-2011
💟 Correct Answer- Option: (B) 01-06-2010
13. An officer belonging to a vacation department was prevented from enjoying vacation for 20 days out of total of 60 days. How many days of earned leave will be credited to his leave account?
A:-9 days
B:-10 days
C:-12 days
D:-11 days
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-10 days
14. Maximum earned leave that can be granted to an employee appointed for one year is
A:-15 days
B:-20 days
C:-30 days
D:-No limit
Correct Answer:- A:-15 days
15. Part time employees will earn maximum ________ days of earned leave.
A:-10 days
B:-12 days
C:-20 days
D:-15 days
Correct Answer:- D:-15 days
16. Maximum number of earned leave that can be surrendered in a financial year shall be
A:-20 days
B:-30 days
C:-28 days
D:-45 days
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-30 days
17. The period of earned leave that can be granted in continuation of Maternity Leave if the request is not supported by Medical Certificate is:
(A) 180 days
(B) 60 days
(C) 120 days
(D) 300 days
Correct Answer- Option: (B) 60 days
18. Maximum period of earned leave that may be granted at a time
A:-180 days
B:-60 days
C:-240 days
D:-120 days
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-180 days
19. What is the maximum number of earned leave that can be granted to an officer except as leave preparatory to retirement?
A:-240 days
B:-200 days
C:-180 days
D:-120 days
Correct Answer:- C:-180 days
20. The amendment made to have effect from 1st November 1998, the maximum number of Earned Leave that may be granted at a time shall be _______ days
A:-300 days
B:-120 days
C:-180 days
D:-90 days
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-180 days
21. While an employee is on Earned Leave, HRA and CCA are payable for a maximum period of
A:-120 days
B:-150 days
C:-180 days
D:-90 days
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-180 days
22. What is the maximum number of days of leave that can be taken at a time as a combination of earned leave and commuted leave?
A:-180 days
B:-240 days
C:-300 days
D:-360 days
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-240 days
23. Total period of vacation, earned leave, commuted leave shall not exceed ________ days
A:-180 days
B:-240 days
C:-300 days
D:-No restriction
Correct Answer:- B:-240 days
24. The combination of earned leave and commuted leave will be limited to :
A:-180 days
B:-240 days
C:-250 days
D:-260 days
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-240 days
25. Maximum number of earned leave admissible to an officer is
A:-200 days
B:-240 days
C:-300 days
D:-No limit
Correct Answer:- C:-300 days
26. Earned leave ceases to earn when the leave at credit reaches at
A:-180 days
B:-240 days
C:-300 days
D:-12 months
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-300 days
27. Maximum Earned Leave that can be accumulated in the leave account is
A:-180 days
B:-300 days
C:-240 days
D:-270 days
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-300 days
28. In the case of an officer applying leave preparatory to retirement the maximum earned leave that can be granted at a time shall be __________ days
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-300
29. The maximum period of Earned Leave that can be availed as leave preparatory to retirement is:
(A) 300 days
(B) 180 days
(C) 240 days
(D) 120 days
Correct Answer- Option: (A) 300 days
30. Maximum Earned Leave that can be granted as Leave preparatory to Retirement is
A:-270 days
B:-180 days
C:-300 days
D:-240 days
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-300 days
31. Maximum no. of Earned Leave that can be surrendered at the time of retirement is
A:-180 days
B:-240 days
C:-270 days
D:-300 days
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-300 days
33. The earned leave at the credit of an employee at the time of retirement can be surrendered subject to maximum :
A:-180 days
B:-300 days
C:-200 days
D:-240 days
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-300 days
34. An officer undergoing training in an institution which have regular vacations and who enjoy the vacation of those institution is eligible for earned leave at the rate
A:-One fourth
D:-Not eligible
Correct Answer:- D:-Not eligible
35. The earned leave admissible to an officer who is appointed in a Vacation Department
C:-16 days in a year
D:-No earned leave admissible
Correct Answer:- D:-No earned leave admissible
Earned leave admissible to an officer in a vacation department in respect of the first year of his service
A:-16 3/22 days
B:-17 days
C:-No earned leave shall be admissible
D:-33 2/11 days
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-No earned leave shall be admissible
37. Which leave can not be commuted retrospectively into different kinds of leave?
A:-Half pay leave
C:-Earned leave
D:-Commuted leave
Correct Answer:- C:-Earned leave
38. Leave which can not be commuted retrospectively into a different kind of leave
A:-Half pay leave
B:-Earned leave
C:-Commuted leave
D:-Leave without allowance
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Earned leave
39. Joining time will be available to join a new post on return from ________.
B:-Earned leave
C:-Commuted leave
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Earned leave
40. Which among the following cannot be commuted retrospectively into a different kind of leave?
A:-Leave without Allowance
B:-Commuted leave
C:-Half Pay Leave
D:-Earned Leave
Correct Answer:- D:-Earned Leave
41. Earned leave will not accrue to a Government servant when he is on ________.
A:-Casual leave
B:-Dies non
C:-Special casual leave
D:-Compensation leave
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Dies non
45. The earned leave applicable to an officer in a vacation department and who is prevented from availing vacation in full and whose actual duty is less than one year due to superannuation is governed by rule
A:-Rule 81 part I KSR
B:-Rule 81 A part I KSR
C:-Rule 81 part II KSR
D:-Rule 81 A part II KSR
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Rule 81 A part I KSR
46. An Inspector of police was injured while on duty on 3.1.2018 and was on special disability Leave from 3.2.2018 to 3.6.2018. What is the period for which he is eligible for earned leave?
A:-For the entire period of leave
B:-For 90 days from 3.2.2018 A
C:-From 3.2.2018 to 2.6.2018
D:-For 120 days from 3.2.2018
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-From 3.2.2018 to 2.6.2018
47. Which of the following period is not reckoned as duty for the purpose of accruing earned leave
A:-Casual leave
B:-Maternity leave
C:-Period spent in Civil Service Tournament
D:-Joining time
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Maternity leave
48. Paternity Leave salary will be amount equal to
A:-full pay as admissible to the officer on earned leave
B:-full pay as admissible to HPL
C:-full pay as admissible to leave not due
D:-none of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-full pay as admissible to the officer on earned leave
49. __________ cannot be commuted retrospectively into any other kind of leave.
A:-Commuted leave
B:-Earned leave
C:-Half Pay leave
D:-Leave without allowances
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Earned leave
50. Leave salary for Disability Leave is
A:-Half Pay leave salary
B:-Earned leave salary
C:-As on leave without allowances
D:-Earned leave salary for four months & HPL salary thereafter
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-Earned leave salary for four months & HPL salary thereafter
51. The compensatory allowance admissible during earned leave is
A:-Non-practising allowance
B:-Charge allowance
C:-Uniform allowance
D:-Special allowance to driver
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-Non-practising allowance
54. A full time teacher is appointed to a part time post. The various kinds of leave earned prior to becoming Part Time:
(A) Can be granted while holding Part Time Post
(B) Can be granted only on medical ground while holding Part Time post
(C) Cannot be granted while holding Part Time post
(D) Earned Leave alone can be granted while holding Part Time Post
Correct Answer- Option :(C) Cannot be granted while holding Part Time post
55. A High School Assistant was promoted as Headmaster w.e.f 1.6.2017. His date of birth is 31.8.1962. He has no earned leave at his credit on 31.5.2018. What will be the EL at his credit on 31.3.2019.
A:-8 4/11
B:-27 7/11
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-8 4/11
58. A substantive Deputy Tahsildar was suspended from service in an order dated 1.11.2018. While under suspension he died on 30.3.2019, before completion of the disciplinary proceedings initiated against him. His date of birth is 4.2.1963. What is the number of days of earned leave surrender to be suomoto sanctioned by the leave sanctioning authority? The deceased officer had 170 days of earned leave at his credit on the FN of 1.11.2018.
A:-170 days
B:-180 days
C:-181 days
D:-183 days
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-181 days
59. A clerk entered Government service on the FN of 01.01.2017. He has not taken any leave other than casual leave during the first year of service. Find out the earned leave a this credit on the FN of 01.01.2018
A:-16 days
B:-30 days
C:-17 days
D:-33 days
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-17 days
60. A non-permanent employee was on duty for 276 days on completion of his first year of service. Earned leave at his credit will be
A:-12 & 12/22 days
B:-12 days
C:-13 days
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-13 days
61. An officer entered service on 19.4.2015. He availed Half Pay Leave for 20 days from 1.1.2017 and surrendered Earned Leave for 30 days on 1.2.2017. The Earned Leave and Half Pay Leave at his credit as on 1.2.2018 F.N. are
A:-45 EL & 20 HPL
B:-44 10/11 EL & 40 HPL
C:-44 10/11 EL & 20 HPL
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-45 EL & 20 HPL
62. An officer applied to the Head of Office for Earned Leave for 2 months to join her husband working abroad. She has 65 days of Earned Leave and 40 days of Half Pay Leave at her credit. In this case, which of the following is correct?
A:-Only Leave without Allowances can be sanctioned for joining spouse abroad
B:-Earned leave for 2 months can be sanctioned to her by the Head of Office to join spouse abroad
C:-Head of office is not competent to sanction Earned Leave to join spouse abroad
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-Earned leave for 2 months can be sanctioned to her by the Head of Office to join spouse abroad
63. An assistant entered service on 30.4.2016 FN. What is the number days of earned leave at his credit on the AN of 30.4.2019 AN?
A:-100 days
B:-99 days
C:-83 days
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-99 days
65. A clerk entered Government service on the FN of 01.01.2017. He has not taken any leave other than casual leave during the first year of service. Find out the earned leave a this credit on the FN of 01.01.2018
A:-16 days
B:-30 days
C:-17 days
D:-33 days
Correct Answer:- Option-C
66. The amendment made to have effect from 1st November 1998, the maximum number of Earned Leave that may be granted at a time shall be _______ days
A:-300 days
B:-120 days
C:-180 days
D:-90 days
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-180 days
68. A probationer as defined in Rule 12(28) appointed in Government service against a permanent post joined service on 1.1.2018. He had no previous service under the Government. What will be the number of days of earned leave at his credit on 1.1.2019 FN?
D:-None of the above
💟Correct Answer:- Option-A:-17
88. Leave without allowances.-
(a) when no other leave is by rule admissible, or(b) when other leave is admissible, but the officer concerned applies in writing for the grant of leave without allowances.
1. The Rule under which leave without Allowance can be granted on Medical Certificate is
A:-Rule 88 P1 KSR
B:-Rule 84 P1 KSR
C:-Rule 78 P1 KSR
D:-Rule 74 P1 KSR
Correct Answer:- Option-A
A:-4 months
B:-6 months
C:-5 months
D:-3 months
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-6 months
3. The Rule for the grant of LWA for the purpose of journey spouse is
A:-R 102 AB:-R 110 A
C:-R 110 D
D:-R 102 C
Correct Answer:- Option-C
4. An officer having a continuous service of 5 years was granted Leave without Allowance for undergoing Post-graduate course for 3 years. This period of LWA will count for
C:-half pay leave
D:-increment, pension and HPL
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-increment, pension and HPL
A:-Rs. 14,875
B:-Rs. 14,525
C:-Rs. 13,125
D:-Rs. 14,175
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-Rs. 14,175
6. Leave without allowances for any purpose with or without MC can be granted to an officer less than 3 years’ continuous service up to a maximum of
A:-6 months
B:-3 months
C:-180 days
D:-4 months
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-3 months
7. The power to sanction leave without allowances exceeding 180 days at a time is vested with
A:-Head of office
B:-Head of the Department
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-C
1. Time limit allowed for commutation of a leave into leave of different kind
A:-One year
B:-Five years
C:-Three years
D:-Ten years
Correct Answer:- Option-A
2. _____________ is conversion with retrospective effect of one kind of leave granted into another kind, which was admissible to the officer
at the time when the original leave was granted.
A:-Commutation of leave
B:-Earned leave
C:-Commuted leave
D:-Half pay leave
Correct Answer:- Option-A
A:-No time limit
B:-1 year
C:-2 years
D:-6 months
Correct Answer:- Option-B
90A.(a) A Government officer, whether gazetted or non gazetted, drawing a basic pay not exceeding 68,700 per mensem who is granted leave without allowances for the treatment of T.B., Leprosy, Cancer or Mental disease may be granted an ex-gratia allowance equal to 35 per cent of the basic pay he was drawing immediately before the commencement of the leave, subject to a maximum of 24045and minimum of 137405per mensem. **In respect of cases relating to treatment of cancer and mental diseases, the Rule shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 11th July 1978 and in respect of other cases, with effect form 1st July 1978.
The concession of leave without allowance upto eighteen months will be admissible also to an officer who for want of accommodation in any recognised Sanatorium *or Cancer Institute or Mental Hospital at or near the place of his duty receives treatment at his residence under a recognised *Tuberculosis Specialist, Leprosy Specialist, Cancer Specialist or Mental Disease Specialist and produces a certificate signed by that specialist to the effect that he is under his treatment and that he has reasonable chances of recovery on the expiry of the leave recommended.
The leave without allowances under this rule will be admissible only to those officers who have been in continuous Government service for a period exceeding one year.
The lists of recognised *Tuberculosis Institutions, Leprosy Institutions, Cancer Institutions and Mental Hospitals are given in Appendix V.
The payment of ex-gratia allowance in the case of leave without allowances for treatment of T.B/Leprosy taken in continuation of other kinds of leave may be regulated on the basis of the pay drawn by the officer immediately before the commencement of the combined spell of leave.
A:-Rs. 8,414
B:-Rs. 12,020
C:-Rs. 14,875
D:-Rs. 9,915
Correct Answer:- Option-D
2. An Officiating Officer having 2 years continuous service drawing a basic pay of Rs. 42,500 was granted 3 months leave without allowances w.e.f 18.3.2019 under Rule 90 part I.K.S.R. for the treatment of TB in a recognised sanatorium when he had at his credit 100 days of Half Pay Leave. What is the amount of ex-gratia allowance admissible to him during the period of leave?
A:-Rs. 14,875B:-Rs. 9,915
Correct Answer:- Option-C
The term ‘superior qualifications’ occurring in the above rule denotes only such of the qualifications as on acquisition are intended to enhance the usefulness of the Government servant concerned as a member of the service or will improve his prospects in the service of which he is a member.
The time limit imposed by Rule 88 (ii) above will not apply to leave for securing higher qualifications granted under this rule.
The term “course” occurring in the above rule denotes a course of study/ training covering a specified academic period culminating in a public examination, the success in which will qualify the candidate for a degree/ diploma/certificate or for admission to another course and includes the training at the Pre-examination Training Centres for I.A.S and other All India Service Examinations.
Leave under this rule can be sanctioned by the authority competent to sanction eligible leave and leave without allowances. Study leave under Rule 99, Part I, can be sanctioned only by Government.
1. Which of the following leave will count for increment
A:-Leave under rule 91 part I KSR
B:-Leave under rule 91A part I KSR
C:-Leave as per Appendix XIIA KSR
Correct Answer:-B:-Leave under rule 91A part I KSR
A:-a minimum continuous service of 3 years
B:-a minimum service of 2 years after declaration of probation
C:-a minimum continuous service of 1 year
D:-minimum service is not required in the case of SC/ST employees
Correct Answer:- Option-D
3. The minimum service required for granting Leave for study purpose under R 91 P1 KSR except for SC/ST is
A:-Two years
B:-One year
C:-3 years
D:-There is no such minimum period for granting leave for study purpose under this rule
Correct Answer:- Option-A
B:-7 years
C:-5 years
D:-1 year
Correct Answer:- Option-C
A:-Leave under rule 91 part I KSR
B:-Leave under rule 91A part I KSR
C:-Leave as per Appendix XIIA KSR
Correct Answer:- Option- B:-Leave under rule 91A part I KSR
(i) full (duty) pay i.e., pay admissible had he been on duty during the period of leave;(ii) dearness allowance applicable to the above duty pay; and(iii) such other compensatory allowances as are admissible under the rules during the period of leave:
The compensatory allowance admissible during earned leave is:
(A) non-practising allowance
(B) conveyance allowance to physically handicapped
(C) Charge allowance
(D) special pay to drivers.
93. An officer on half pay leave or leave not due is entitled to leave salary equal to,¬
(i) half of duty pay, i e., half of the pay admissible had he been on duty during the period of leave;(ii) dearness allowance applicable to the amount admissible under clause (i) above:
A non-gazetted officer whose pay before proceeding on leave, # does not exceed 50200 in the revised scale of pay ordered in G.O. (P) No.79/2021/Fin., dated 01.06.2021 shall be entitled to dearness allowance which would have been admissible had he been on duty, which together with the leave salary so admissible, is subject to a minimum of sixty-five percent of the pay and dearness allowance while on duty. The excess over the actual leave salary in such cases shall be termed as special leave allowance. This shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 1st July 2009.
A:-360 days
B:-180 days
C:-200 days
D:-300 days
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-180 days
For the purpose of Rule 92 and this rule, period of duty shall be deemed to be the period of duty in a post during which the officer would have drawn the pay in the time-scale of that post but for his proceeding on leave.
Special pay granted in lieu of higher time-scale of pay for additional and/or higher responsibilities attached to a post may be drawn during periods of leave if the officer would have continued in that post after the expiry of leave. The officer who records certificate to the above effect in the leave salary bill may do so only after proper verification. The special pay sanctioned for specially arduous nature of work or for work in addition to normal duties attached to his post or charge allowance will not be admissible during periods of leave unless the officer discharges the work for which the special pay is sanctioned.
The ‘Special Allowance’ sanctioned to the Police Personnel and corresponding categories in the Fire Force, Prison, Forest, Excise and Vigilance Departments shall be payable during periods of all kinds of leave with allowances. But the drawal of the allowance during periods of leave shall be restricted to the first # 180 days of leave.

🆀Special leave allowance is in rule
A:-93 part II KSRs
B:-93 part III KSR
C:-93 part I KSRs
D:-None of the above
🆀.. Non-gazetted officers who entered on half pay leave and is entitled to leave salary subject to minimum of 65% pay and DA as per
A:-Exception to rule 93 KSR part I
B:-Exception to rule 98 KSR part I
C:-Rule 101 KSR part I
D:-Rule 82 KSR part I
Correct Answer:- Option-A
1. Half pay leave is calculated on the basis of
A:-Period spent on duty
B:-Period of leave
C:-Completed years of service
D:-Period on foreign service
Correct Answer:- Option-C
2. Leave salary for leave surrender is calculated as per
A:-Number of days in the month of surrender
B:-1/28 of monthly salary for each day of surrender
C:-1/31 of the monthly salary for each day of surrender
D:-1/30 monthly salary irrespective of month
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-1/30 monthly salary irrespective of month
3. Leave salary during Maternity leave is
A:-as on Half Pay Leave
B:-as on LWA
C:-as on Earned Leave
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-as on Earned Leave
4. An officer on leave not due is entitled leave salary equal to
A:-Earned leave
B:-Commutted leave
D:-Casual leave
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-HPL
[Memory CODE: LND HPL]
5. Leave salary for the first 120 days of Hospital leave is that admissible while on ________ leave.
B:-Earned leave
C:-Leave not due
D:-Half pay
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-Leave not due
6. DA during an officer on HPL will be allowed on leave on leave salary actually drawn. An Officer who proceeds on leave, w.e.f.01.07.2014 and if his pay does not exceeds ____ The amount of DA will be what would have been admissible has he performed duty
A:-Rs. 38,700
B:-Rs. 37,500
C:-Rs. 37,800
D:-Rs. 35,700
Correct Answer:- Option-D
7. How many days of leave at a time, an officer is eligible to get City Compensatory Allowance along with his leave salary, which he is eligible in his station along with his pay and allowance before he proceeded for such leave
A:-No City Compensatory Allowance can be allowed during leave
B:-30 days of leave
C:-120 days of leave
D:-180 days of leave
Correct Answer:- Option-D
8. How many days leave not due can be granted to an officer at a time without a medical certificate?
A:-120 days
B:-180 days
C:-240 days
D:-90 days
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-90 days
(i) as half pay leave to the extent such leave is due, whether the overstayal is supported by a medical certificate or not;(ii) leave without allowances to the extent of the period of half pay leave due falls short of the period of overstayal.
Wilful absence from duty after the expiry of leave will be treated as misbehaviour for the purpose of Rule 21, Part I.
A:-Eligible leave
B:-Extension of joining time
C:-Special casual leave
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-Eligible leave
🆀A non-permanent officer who fails to resume duty on the expiry of the maximum period of leave without allowance granted to him shall be:
(A) Suspended from service
(B) removed from service
(C) directed to rejoin duty
(D) directed to rejoin
(a) for the first four months of any period of such leave including a period of such leave granted under clause (5) of this rule as under Rule 92, and(b) for the remaining period of any such leave, as under Rule 93.
1. The maximum period of Disability Leave that can be granted in consequence of any one Disability is:
(A) 10 months
(B) 18 months
(C) 12 months
(D) 24 months
Correct Answer- Option: (D) 24 months
A:-Can be granted more than once
B:-No, cannot be granted more than once
C:-Can be granted more than once to non-gazetted officers only
D:-Can be granted more than once to officers who have crossed the age of 50
Correct Answer:- Option-A
3. An Inspector of police was injured while on duty on 3.1.2018 and was on special disability Leave from 3.2.2018 to 3.6.2018. What is the period for which he is eligible for earned leave?
A:-For the entire period of leave
B:-For 90 days from 3.2.2018 A
C:-From 3.2.2018 to 2.6.2018
D:-For 120 days from 3.2.2018
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-From 3.2.2018 to 2.6.2018
-Disability leave is admissible to temporary officers also.
Maternity leave is also admissible to temporary female officers under this rule.
The female candidates undergoing pre-appointment stipendiary training may be allowed leave for maternity purpose to the extent envisaged under this rule on full rate of stipend admissible. The benefit of this leave may also be granted in the case of miscarriage/ abortion subject to the same conditions as laid in Rule 101 below.
Maternity leave under this rule and Rule 101 shall be admissible to provisional female recruits continuing in service in a single department beyond one year provided they would continue in service but for proceeding on such leave.
Female recruits through Public Service Commission who join duty within !180 days from their date of delivery (otherwise than on account of miscarriage) shall, on joining, be granted from the next day the balance portion of maternity leave admissible as on the date of joining duty, subject to the following conditions:
(a) Holidays/vacation falling immediately after the date of joining service cannot be prefixed to the leave.(b) A certificate from the medical officer who attended the delivery showing the date of delivery along with the medical certificate of health as prescribed in Rule 13, Part I of Kerala Service Rules should be produced.
Female Officers on maternity leave who get appointment in another Department or in the same Department by direct recruitment or by transfer or by promotion shall be allowed to avail the balance portion of maternity leave from the next day of her joining duty in the new post or department subject to the following conditions:
(a) The maximum period of leave admissible under this rule including intervening holidays and vacation, in both the departments or posts together, shall be 180 days.(b) The proceedings or order of the previous department from which the maternity leave was availed should be produced in the new office or department to avail the second spell of maternity leave.(c) A certificate to the effect that such premature cancellation of maternity leave and rejoining is for satisfying the administrative or technical requirement, in order to join duty in another department or post shall be produced and the same shall be recorded in the service register.
The expression ‘full pay’ occurring in the above rule means pay as admissible to an officer under Rule 92, Part I, Kerala Service Rules.
Correct Answer:- Option-BA:-90 days from 2.5.2018B:-60 days from 2.5.2018C:-180 days from 2.5.2018D:-As she was not in service while her delivery takes place, she is not eligible for Maternity Leave
പ്രസവം നടന്നത് 1.1.2018നാണ്. പ്രസവം നടന്ന തിയതിമുതലാണ് 180 ദിവസം. (സര്വീസില് കയറിയാലും ഇല്ലോങ്കിലും) ഇവിടെ 1.05.2018 ന് സര്വ്വീസില് കയറുമ്പോള് 30.04.2018 വരെ പ്രസവിച്ച ദിവസം മുതല് 180 ദിവസമായി. . അപ്പോള് ബാക്കി 60 ദിവസത്തിനുമാത്രമേ അര്ഹതയുള്ളു. 01.05.2018 ന് ഡ്യട്ടിയാണ്
A:-The Head of Department can take appropriate decisionB:-This period will be treated as a non duty periodC:-The Head of Offices discretion can be consideredD:-As in the case of Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave will also be treated as a period of duty for the calculation probation
A:-Maternity leave cannot be denied on the ground that the officer is not married
B:-The action of the sanctioning authority is in order
C:-Maternity is admissible only to married employees
D:-Both (1) and (3)
Correct Answer:- Option-A
A:-120 daysB:-90 daysC:-30 daysD:-60 daysCorrect Answer:- Option-D:-60 days
A:-120B:-60C:-90D:-180Correct Answer:- Option-A:-120
A:-1.12.2018B:-3.12.2018C:-30.11.2018D:-4.12.2018Correct Answer:- Option-A:-1.12.2018
A:-120 days
B:-60 days
C:-90 days
D:-112 days
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-120 days
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-60
1. Maximum period of maternity leave that can be sanctioned for miscarriage.
A:-1 month
B:-6 weeks
C:-4 weeks
D:-2 months
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-6 weeks
A:-4 weeks
B:-8 weeks
C:-6 weeks
D:-7 weeks
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-6 weeks
A:-40 days
B:-25 days
C:-30 days
D:-45 days
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-45 days
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-60
1. Child adoption leave granted to adoptive mothers for a period not exceeding
A:-90 days
B:-120 days
C:-42 days
D:-180 days
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-180 days
2. Child adoption leave that can be granted to the female officer is ________ days.
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-180
3. Maximum period that can be granted to an officer as child adoption leave is
A:-180 days
B:-120 days
C:-90 days
D:-45 days
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-180 days
4. Adoptive mothers with less than two surviving children are eligible for 180 days leave similar to that of maternity leave represents which rule
A:-R 100 P1 KSR
B:-R 102 P1 KSR
C:-R 102 A P1 KSR
D:-R 102 B P1 KSR
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-R 102 A P1 KSR
5. Which of the following is not debited in the leave account?
A:-Leave Not Due
B:-Maternity Leave
C:-Commuted Leave
D:-Half Pay Leave
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Maternity Leave
(a) that the leave will be granted for a period up to 10 days before or within three months after the date of delivery.(b) that the leave will be granted only if the request for leave is supported by a certificate from the Medical Officer showing either the expected date of delivery or the exact date of delivery , depending on whether the leave commences before or after the delivery, as the case may be.(c)that the leave will be allowed to be combined with other kinds of leave except leave without allowance under Appendix XII A/XII B/ XII C, Part I, Kerala Service Rules.(d) that such leave will not be debited against the leave account but its details shall be entered in the Service Book of the employee.
1. Which of the following leaves can be combined with leave without allowance for taking up employment abroad?
A:-Leave without allowance
B:-Leave not due
C:-Leave without allowance to join spouse
D:-All of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-Leave without allowance to join spouse
2. What is the maximum period for which paternity leave will be granted to a male officer during the entire period of his service?
A:-30 days
B:-20 days
C:-10 days
D:-There is no limit
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-20 days
4. Paternity leave may be combined with leave of any other kind except ______________.
A:-Commutted Leave
B:-Half Pay Leave
C:-Earned Leave
D:-Casual Leave
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-Casual Leave
5. The maximum number of paternity leave that can be granted at a time to male employees (having not more than two children) is
A:-15 days
B:-20 days
C:-7 days
D:-10 days
Correct Answer:- Option-D
6. An employee has availed paternity leave for 10 days from 5.2.2019 FN. 9.2.19 and 10.2.19 are holidays. His leave will be terminated on ____________.
A:-17.2.2019 FN
B:-16.2.2019 FN
C:-18.2.2019 FN
D:-14.2.2019 FN
Correct Answer:- Option-D
7. Which of the following is not an ordinary leave?
A:-Paternity leave
B:-Earned leave
C:-Half pay leave
D:-Leave not due
Correct Answer:- Option-A
(a) Police Officers of rank not higher than that of Head Constable and Fire Service Personnel of and below the rank of Leading Fireman, including Driver, Mechanics and Fireman Drivers.(b) Forest subordinates, other than clerks in receipt of pay not exceeding 39300.(c) Head warders or warders, male or female, of jails or lunatic asylums and Matrons of the Jails Department.(d) Subordinates employed in Government Laboratories.(e) Subordinates of other departments employed in the working of Government machinery.(f) Last grade employees of all departments.(g) Guards and Preventive Officers of the Excise Department, and(h) Government Servants drawing a pay of 120 or less per mensem who serve as Home Guard Volunteer.
Hospital leave will be granted only on production by the employee concerned of a medical certificate from his authorised medical attendant to the effect that the leave recommended is necessary to effect a cure and a certificate from his head of office to the effect that the illness or injury was directly due to risk incurred in the course of official duties.
Hospital leave is admissible to temporary employees also under this rule.
Hospital leave will be granted to the officers coming under clause (h) above only in cases of injuries sustained while on duty as Home Guard Volunteers and only if the application is supported by a certificate from the Commandant General, Home Guards, to the effect that the injury was sustained by the employee while on active duty as a Home Guard Volunteer. This will be in addition to the certificate prescribed in Note 1 above.
1. Hospital leave is defined in rule ___________ part I KSR
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-103
2. Leave granted to specified officers while under medical treatment of illness or injury due to risks incurred in the course of their official duties is called _________.
A:-Commuted leave
B:-Hospital leave
C:-Half pay leave
D:-Medical leave
Correct Answer:- Option-B
(1) equal to leave salary while on earned leave, for the first 120 days of any period of such leave; and
(2) equal to leave salary during half pay leave, for the remaining period of any such leave. In the case of a person to whom the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923, applies, the amount of leave salary payable under this rule shall be reduced by the amount of compensation payable under section 4 (1) (d) of the said Act.
🆀The leave salary admissible to the first four months of hospital leave is:
(A) earned leave salary
(B) half pay leave salary
(C) DA
(D) basic pay
1. Leave granted to specified officers while under medical treatment of illness or injury due to risks incurred in the course of their official duties is called _________.
A:-Commuted leave
B:-Hospital leave
C:-Half pay leave
D:-Medical leave
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Hospital leave
2. Hospital leave, which is not debited against leave account may be combined with
B:-Earned leave
C:-Leave without allowance
D:-Leave of any other kind
Correct Answer:- Option-D
A:-22 days
B:-20 days
C:-15 days
D:-17 days
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-20 days
(a) Leave on full pay during vacation of the Court within whose jurisdiction he serves, provided that no extra expense is hereby caused to Government. Such leave will be counted as duty.(b) Leave on half pay for not more than three months once only in his service after three years of duty.(c) On medical certificate, leave on half-pay upto a maximum of six months at any one time, provided that two years of duty must intervene between any two periods of leave on medical certificate.(d) On the conditions prescribed in Rule 88 leave without allowances.
(a) On medical certificate, leave on leave salary equivalent to half-pay for a period not exceeding one month in any year of apprenticeship.(b) Leave without allowances under Rule 88.
A:-Leave not due
B:-Appendix XII A
C:-Earned leave
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Appendix XII A
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-01.12.2012
1. The Rule for the grant of LWA for the purpose of journey spouse is
A:-R 102 AB:-R 110 A
C:-R 110 D
D:-R 102 C
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Leave account of a Gazetted Officer will be maintained by the Audit Officer. The leave account of a non-gazetted officer will be maintained by the Head of the Office in which he is employed.
🆀Leave to officers on foreign service in India will be sanctioned by the :
(A) Head of the Department (Parent Department)
(B) Foreign employer
(D) Government
(C) Head of office
Medical Certificate
The possession of a certificate as prescribed in this rule does not in itself confer upon the officer concerned any right to leave.
The nature and probable duration of the illness should be specified.
This form should be adhered to as closely as possible, and should be filled in after the signature of the applicant has been taken. The certifying officer is not at liberty to certify that the applicant requires a change to (or from) a particular locality, or that he is not fit to proceed to a particular locality. Such certificate should only be given at the explicit desire of the administrative authority concerned, to whom it is open to desire when an application on such grounds has been made to him, whether the applicant should go before a Medical Board to decide the question of his fitness for service.
No recommendation contained in this certificate shall be evidence of a claim to any leave not admissible to the officer under the terms of his contract or of the rules to which he is subject.
Reciprocal arrangements have been entered into with the Mysore Government to the effect that officers including police personnel of one State while staying in the other will be examined free of cost by a Medical Board or a Medical Officer employed under the Government of the State concerned for purposes of grant or extension of leave and fitness to resume duty on the expiry of leave. A medical requisition from the competent authority will be required before the medical examination is conducted.
1 Medical Officers of Government not below the rank of an Assistant Surgeon.
2 Private Medical Practitioners of Modern Medicine registered in Part A of the register of Modern Medicines.
3 Ayurveda Physicians and Homeopathic Doctors attached to Government Hospitals and Dispensaries.
4 Private Practitioners of Indigenous Medicines registered in Class A of the Register of Indigenous Medicines; and
5. Private Homeopathic Practitioners registered in Class A of the Register of Homeopathic Medicines.
Eligible leave means leave due and admissible to an officer and the order of sanctioning this leave will be earned leave and half-pay leave *or commuted leave. If there is no eligible leave, leave without allowance will be granted to regularise the period of absence.
(a) The officer who can, for the time being , best be spared.(b) The amount of leave due to the various applicants.(c) The amount and character of the service rendered by each applicant since he last returned from leave.(d) The fact that any such applicant was compulsorily recalled from his last leave.(e) The fact that any such applicant has been refused leave in public interest.
(a) If the medical authority is unable to say with certainty that the officer will never again be fit for service, leave not exceeding twelve months in all may be granted. Such leave should not be extended without further reference to a Medical Board.(b) If an officer is declared by a medical authority to be completely and permanently incapacitated for further service, leave or an extension of leave may be granted to him after the report of the medical authority has been received, provided that the amount of leave as debited against the leave account together with any period of duty beyond the date of the medical authority’s report does not exceed six months.
(a) If he is on duty, be invalidated from service from the date of relief of his duties, which should be arranged without delay on receipt of the report of the medical authority. If, however, he is granted leave under sub-rule (i) above he shall be invalidated from service on the expiry of such leave; and(b) if he is already on leave, he is invalidated from service on the expiry of that leave or extension of leave, if any, granted to him under sub-rule (i).
🆀. Leave shall not be granted to an officer whom a competent authority has decided to dismiss, remove or compulsorily retire from Govt. service. It is stated in Rule _______ Part I KSR.
*Whenever an order sanctioning leave to an officer is issued and communicated, it should contain directions as to where the officer should rejoin duty on the expiry of the leave, any change that may take place in the position of the officer during the period of leave being also communicated to the authorities concerned under intimation to the Accountant General wherever necessary.
An officer on leave should intimate sufficiently early his intention of rejoining duty after leave so as to avoid any possible delay in the issue of posting orders in time.
🆀Terminal surrender of Earned leave:
(A) Shall be permissible as on the date of retirement
(B) Will be permissible only after the finalization of the disciplinary action initiated against the officer
(C) Will be permissible within one month of retirement
(D) Will be limited to half of the leave at credit
🆀Mr.Xan Junior Superintendent retired from service w.e.f. the AN of 30-4-2020. After one month of his retirement he approached the concerned DDO for payment of TSEL. The DDO rejected his request and directed to submit an application for TSEL. What is your opinion against the action of the DDO?
(A) The action of the DDO is justifiable is on
(B) It is against rule-no application is necessary
(C) Mr.X has to submit TSEL application before retirement
(D) Mr.X has to submit a TSEL application after retirement
ReplyDeleteThe power to sanction leave without allowances exceeding 180 days at a time is vested with
ReplyDeleteA:-Head of office
B:-Head of the Department
D:-None of the above
Rule 64 read with GO(P)102/2017/Fin dated 07-08-2017
An officer with a date of increment on 1.10.2017 was on LWA other than on MC from 10.7.2018 to 25.7.2018. His next increment date will be
D:-None of the above
Leave without allowances for any purpose with or without MC can be granted to an officer less than 3 years' continuous service upto a maximum of
DeleteA:-6 months
B:-3 months
C:-180 days
D:-4 months
Leave salary during Maternity leave is
DeleteA:-as on Half Pay Leave
B:-as on LWA
C:-as on Earned Leave
D:-None of the above
Maximum period that can be granted to an officer as child adoption leave is
DeleteA:-180 days
B:-120 days
C:-90 days
D:-45 days
Which of the following is not debited in the leave account?
DeleteA:-Leave Not Due
B:-Maternity Leave
C:-Commuted Leave
D:-Half Pay Leave
Maximum no. of Earned Leave that can be surrendered at the time of retirement is
DeleteA:-180 days
B:-240 days
C:-270 days
D:-300 days
While an employee is on Earned Leave, HRA and CCA are payable for a maximum period of
DeleteA:-120 days
B:-150 days
C:-180 days
D:-90 days
An officer having a continuous service of 5 years was granted Leave without Allowance for undergoing Post-graduate courses for 3 years. This period of LWA will count for
C:-half pay leave
D:-increment, pension and HPL
Maximum Earned Leave that can be accumulated in the leave account is
DeleteA:-180 days
B:-300 days
C:-240 days
D:-270 days
An employee's service begins on 1.12.2017 AN. Half pay leave at his credit on 1.12.2018 FN is
DeleteA:-20 days
B:-19 days
C:-30 days
D:-NIL since HPL is not admissible
An employee applied for Half Pay Leave for 30 days on personal matters from 15.11.2018. The Head of Office sanctioned Earned Leave for 30 days even though he had sufficient leave at his credit. In this context, which of the following statements is in order?
DeleteA:-The sanctioning authority cannot alter the nature of the leave applied for on any ground and hence the action of Head of Office is irregular
B:-The sanctioning authority has the power to alter the nature of leave applied for
C:-The sanctioning authority thought that HPL cannot be sanctioned for the purpose
D:-None of the above
Maximum Earned Leave that can be granted as Leave preparatory to Retirement is
DeleteA:-270 days
B:-180 days
C:-300 days
D:-240 days
Maximum Leave not Due that can be granted to a permanent officer at a time is
DeleteA:-180 days
B:-60 days
C:-90 days
D:-None of the above
Maximum Half Pay Leave that can be accumulated in the leave account of an employee is
DeleteA:-300 days
B:-360 days
C:-No limit
D:-240 days