Section I Classification of Pensions
(a) Compensation Pensions
(b) Invalid Pensions
(c) Superannuation Pensions
(d) Retiring Pensions
Section II Compensation Pensions
33.If an employee is selected for discharge owing to the abolition of a permanent post, he shall, unless he is appointed to another post the conditions of which are deemed by the authority competent to discharge him, to be at least equal to those of his own, have the option:
(a)of taking any compensation pension or gratuity to which he may be entitled for the service he has already rendered, or
(b)of accepting another appointment or transfer to another establishment even on a lower pay, if offered, and continuing to count his previous service for pension.
(A) Superannuation Pension
(B) Invalid Pension
(C) Retiring Pension
(D) Compensation Pension
Correct Answer:- Option: (D) Compensation Pension
🆀What kind of pension can be given if a post held by an officer is abolished and the officer is not willing to accept another appointment?
(a) Superannuation Pension
(b) Retiring Pension
(c) Invalid Pension
(d) Compensation Pension
Correct Answer:- (D) Compensation Pension
🆀 An Assistant Engineer working in a Govt. Department was discharged from service due to abolition of the post. He is eligible for :
(A) Retiring Pension
(B) Provisional Pension
(C) Anticipatory Pension
(D) Compensation Pension
Correct Answer:- Option: (D) Compensation Pension
(A) compensation Pension
(B) Invalid Pension
(C) Retiring Pension
(D) Ex-gratia
Correct Answer:-Option: (A) compensation Pension
34.Selection for discharge.–
The selection of the employee to be discharged upon the reduction of an establishment should prima facie be so made that the least charge for compensation pension will be incurred.
35.The discharge of an employee to make room for another better qualified is not the abolition of an appointment within the meaning of Rule 33; the abolition must produce a real saving to Government. Particulars of the saving effected should be fully set forth in every application for compensation pension. The saving should always exceed the cost of pension; otherwise it may perhaps be better to postpone the reduction of establishment or abolition of appointment.
36. No pension is admissible to an employee for the loss of an appointment on discharge after the completion of a specified term of service.
37.No pension may be awarded for the loss of a compensatory allowance or special pay.
38.If it is necessary to discharge an employee in consequence of a change in the nature of the duties of his office, the case should be referred to the Government, who will deal with it in accordance with the rules laid down in this section as to notice of discharge and compensation pension or gratuity.
39. If of two appointments held by an employee only one is abolished and it is desired to give him an immediate pension in respect of the abolished post, the case should be referred to Government .
40.Reasonable notice should be given to an employee in permanent employment before his services are dispensed with on the abolition of his office. If in any case notice of at least three months is not given, and the employee has not been provided with other employment on the date on which his services are dispensed with, then with the sanction of Government a gratuity not exceeding his emoluments for the period by which the notice actually given to him falls short of three months, may be paid to him, in addition to the pension to which he may be entitled under Rules 64 to 70 but the pension shall not be payable for the period in respect of which he received a gratuity in lieu of notice.
Note 1:–The gratuity prescribed in this Rule is not granted as compensation for loss of employment but only in lieu of notice of discharge, with a view to mitigate the hardship caused to an employee by the sudden loss of employment. When therefore an employee discharged without notice is provided with some other employment on the date on which his service are dispensed with, whether that employment be in qualifying or non qualifying service, he is not entitled to any gratuity.
Note 2:– Unless it contains and express statement to the contrary, an order for the abolition of an office or appointment shall not be brought into operation till the expiry of three months after notice has been given to the employees whose services are to be dispensed with on such abolition. The immediate Head of the Office or the Department will be held responsible for any unnecessary delay in giving such notice. In the case of an employee on leave, the order shall not be brought into operation until the leave expires.
Note 3:–‘Emoluments’ in this rule means the emoluments or leave allowances (or partly the one, partly the other), which the employee would be receiving during the period in question, had the notice not been given to him.
Government Decision
The gratuity paid in lieu of notice on abolition of an appointment should be charged to the particular department to which the pay of the appointment was debited before its abolition.
🆀 Employ's service are dispensed with on the abolition of his office should be given reasonable notice at least…………..
(A)Two months
(B)Three months
(C)Four months
(D)None of these
Correct Answer:-Option: (B)Three months
41.Rules requiring the refund of the compensation gratuity on re-employment, apply to a gratuity awarded under rule 40, if the employee is permanently re¬employed within three months from the date of notice. But the employee need not refund that proportion of his gratuity under this rule, which the interval of his non-employment bears to the whole period for which the gratuity is given. If the employee is re-employed only temporarily he need refund no part of his gratuity but if such temporary employment is foreseen, the gratuity should be proportionately reduced.
Section III
Invalid Pensions
01. Which type of pension will be granted to an officer, who is certified that to be permanently incapacitated by physical :
(A)Retiring Pension
(B)Voluntary Retirement
(C)Premature retirement
(D)Invalid Pension
Correct Answer:-Option: (D)Invalid Pension
02. What type of pension will be granted to an employee, who is certified by the prescribed medical board, to be permanently incapacitated by physical or mental disability or infirmity for the public service?
(A)Invalid pension
(B)Retiring pension
(C)Compensation pension
(D)None of these
Correct Answer:-Option: (A)Invalid pension
03. When the Medical Authority Certifies that an officer is permanently incapacitated by contagious disease or physical or mental disability for public service he is given.
(A)Invalid Pension
(B)Retiring Pension
(C)Superannuation Pension
(D)Commuted value of pension
Correct Answer:-Option: (A)Invalid Pension
04. The Gratuity sanctioned to an officer who is retired from service due to Physical/mental disability which interferes with the efficient discharge of his duties and has no qualifying service for a pension even though the weightage admissible is added to qualifying service is called :
(A)Superannuation Gratuity
(B)Residency Gratuity
(C)Compensation Gratuity
(D)Invalid Gratuity
Correct Answer:-Option: (D)Invalid Gratuity
05. In the case of Invalid pension minimum DCRG:
(A) 6 times
(B) 12 times
(C) 5 times
(D) as per qualified service
Correct Answer:-Option: (B) 12 times
06. . In order to attain 30 years qualifying service in the case of invalid pension, the maximum period increasing form the date of invalidation is up to :
(a) 5 years
(b) 3 years
(c) 7 years
(d) 10 years
Correct Answer:-Option:(a) 5 years
07. . ................. service is needed for invalid pension
(a) 2 years
(b) 5 years
(c) 10 years
(d) No minimum
Correct Answer:-Option:(d) No minimum
08. Medical examination shall be necessary for commutation of pension in which of the following cases :
(a) Compensation Pension
(b) Anticipatory Pension
(c) Voluntary Retirement
(d) Invalid Pensioners
Correct Answer:-Option:(d) Invalid Pensioners
(a) 5 years
(b) 3 years
(c) 2 years
(d) No weightage is admissible
Correct Answer:-Option:(d) No weightage is admissible
10. Service weightage = 31/12/2016 - 31/3/2013 =3 years and 9 months + 26 years and 8 months = 30 years Pension benefits on invalid pension for a total qualifying service of 33 yrs including weightage of 5 yrs is payable to :
(A) 30 yrs
(B) 28 yrs
(C) 33 yrs
(D) None of these
Correct Answer:-(A) 30 yrs
Rules regarding
Medical Certificates
43. The incapacity for service must be established by a medical certificate attested as follows:¬
(b) In other cases, by a Medical Officer not below the rank of a Civil Surgeon.
(c)No Medical certificate of incapacity for service may be granted unless the applicant produces a letter to show that the Head of his Office or Department is aware of his intention to appear before the Medical Officer. The Medical Officer shall also be supplied by the Head of the Office or Department in which the applicant is employed with a statement of what appears from Official records to be the applicant’s age. Where the applicant has a Service Book, the age therein recorded should be reported.
Note:– Reciprocal arrangements have been entered into with the Mysore Government to the effect that employees including Police personnel of one State while staying in the other will be examined free of cost by a medical Board or a Medical Officer employed under the Government of the State concerned for the purpose of invalidating from Government Services. A medical requisition from the competent authority will be required before the medical examination is conducted.
Exception : - Last Grade Employees of the Forest Department who have attained the age of fifty-five may be granted invalid pension without the production of the medical certificate. It is enough if the Head of the Department certifies to their incapacity for further service.
If an applicant suffering from any disease curable by operation refuses to undergo operation and is therefore invalidated, no pension or gratuity is admissible. Each case of invalidation on account of curable disease should be decided on merits.The Head of Departments/Offices should forward such cases with the recommendation of the pension sanctioning authority / Head of the Department for the orders of the Government.
44.(a)A Succinct statement of the medical case and of the treatment adopted, should, if possible, be appended in the following form:¬
(1) Name:
(To be filled in by the applicant in the presence of the Medical Officer who issues the medical certificate or the Medical Board constituted for the purpose, as the case may be)
(2) Appointment held by the Applicant:
(3) Age (years):
(4) Total Service (years):
(5) Service in India (years):
(6) Previous period of leave of absence on Medical Certificate:
(7) Habits:
(8) Disease:
(9) Treatment adopted :
Note:- The details required to fill in item numbers 2,3,4,5 and 6 have to be furnished by the Head of the Office in which the applicant is employed.
(b) If the examining Medical Officer, although unable to discover any specific disease in the employee considers him incapacitated for further service by general debility while still under the age of fifty five years, he should give detailed reasons for his opinion, and if possible a second medical opinion should always in such a case be obtained.
(c) In a case of this kind, special explanation will be expected from the Head of the Office or Department of the grounds on which it is proposed to invalid the officer.
45. A simple certificate that inefficiency is due to old age or natural decay from advancing years, is not sufficient in the case of an employee whose recorded age is less than fifty five years but a Medical Officer is at liberty, when certifying that the employee is incapacitated for further service by general debility, to state his reasons for believing the age to understated.
46.(a) The form of the certificate to be given in respect of an employee applying for pension is as follows:¬
“Certified that I / we have carefully examined AB son of CD a ……………… the........................……………………… …………….department. His age is by his own statement …………………..Years and by appearance about ………….years. I / we consider AB, to be completely and permanently incapacitated for further service of any kind in the Department to which he belongs in consequence of ………………..(here state disease or cause). His incapacity does not appear to me / us to have been caused by irregular or intemperate habits”.
Note:– If the incapacity is obviously the result of intemperance substitute for the last sentence: “In my / our opinion his incapacity is the result of irregular or intemperate habits”.
If the incapacity does not appear to be complete or permanent, the certificate should be modified accordingly and the following addition should be made: I am /we are of opinion that AB, is fit for further service of a less laborious character than that which he has been doing (or may, after resting for ….months, be fit for further service of a less laborious character than that which he has been doing)
(b) The object of the alternative certificate of incapacity is that an employee should, if possible, be employed even on lower pay, so that the expense of pensioning him may be avoided. If there be no means of employing him even on lower pay, then he may be admitted to pension; but it should be considered whether in view of his capacity for partially earning a living it is necessary to grant to him the full pension admissible under rules.
(c) The above certificate does not give an employee any right of transfer to any other Department; and an employee invalided on a certificate in this form will receive either full pension admissible under rules or such smaller amount as may be decided by the authority empowered to sanction the pension.
47Special precautions in the Police .-The Inspector General and the District Superintendents of Police should be on their guard against endeavours to retire on invalid pension by police personnel who are capable of serving longer.
48.Medical Officers should confine themselves to recommending leave to such policemen as are not likely to benefit by a further stay in hospital and should not certify that a policeman is incapacitated for further service unless they are officially requested to report upon his incapacity for further service.
49.Medical Officers should be specially searching in their examination of the physical unfitness of every applicant for pension, and whenever, the number of applicants for pension is large, the examination should, if possible, be conducted by two Medical Officers.
50.Restrictions- An employee discharged on other grounds has no claim under Rule 42, even though he can produce medical evidence of incapacity for service.
51.If the incapacity is directly due to irregular or intemperate habits, no pension can be granted. If it has not been directly caused by such habits, but has been accelerated or aggravated by them, it will be for the authority by which the pension is grantable to decide what reduction should be made on this account.
Note :– The expression ‘irregular or intemperate habits’ occurring in this rule refers to incapacity on account of drug habits or on account of diseases resulting from immoral habits. Cases where incapacity occurs due to other causes, e.g., work at irregular hours due to exigencies of service and not due to own volition, do not come under the purview of this rule.
52.Applicants to be discharged -An employee who has submitted under Rule 43, a medical certificate of incapacity for further service, must not (except for special reasons to be reported to the Government) be retained on duty pending a decision on his application for pension, nor can be obtain leave of absence.
Without the special orders of Government, duty after the date of such medical certificate does not count for pension.
53.The object of Rule 52 is to discourage tentative applications; but last grade employee, who in the opinion of the Head of Office, is fit for light work may be retained in employment till his pension is sanctioned. Provided that his post is not filled up till he retires, and that his service counts only to the date of his medical certificate.
54.Rule 52 refers only to the retention in duty of an employee who has furnished a medical certificate in support of an application for invalid pension or gratuity. The retirement of an employee who is absent on leave other than earned leave when such certificate is submitted, may have effect from the termination of his leave and the employee may continue to draw leave allowance to the end of his leave.
Note :–Where employees are invalidated when on long leave / leave not due the date of invalidating shall be that following the expiry of the leave already granted and he counts as service qualifying for pension the period after the date of his invalidating certificate to the termination of his leave and the officer may continue to draw leave allowance to the end of his leave.
Section IV
Superannuation Pension
🆀Superannuation Pension is:
(a) Pension granted to an employee who is suffering from physical or mental disability
(b) Pension granted to an employee who retires on attaining a particular
(c) Pension granted to an employee who retires voluntarily after 20 years
(d) Pension granted to an employee whose permanent post has been abolished
Correct Answer:-(b) Pension granted to an employee who retires on attaining a particular
(a) On completion of 20 years of service
(b) When maximum qualifying service is arrived
(c) At a particular age
(d) None of these
Correct Answer:-Option:(c) At a particular age
🆀 Superannuation pension is granted to an officer as per Rule KSRs.
(A) Rule 55 Part III
(B) Rule 55 Part 1
(C) Rule 56 Part I
(D) Rule 56 Part III
Correct Answer:- (A) Rule 55 Part III
Section V
Retiring Pension
(i)He shall give notice in writing to the appointing authority or the pension sanctioning authority of his intention to retire at least three months before the date on which he wishes to retire:
Provided that the employee may make a request in writing to the appointing authority to accept notice of less than three months giving reasons therefore. On receipt of such request the appointing authority may consider it for the curtailment of the period of notice of three months on merits and if it is satisfied that the curtailment of the period of notice will not cause any administrative inconvenience, the appointing authority may relax the requirement of notice of three months on the condition that the employee shall not apply for commutation of a part of his pension before the expiry of the period of notice of three months.
(iii) The person retiring voluntarily should make sure before applying for retirement that he has put in 20 years of qualifying service. The rounding of qualifying service prescribed in Rule 57 is not permissible at this stage;
Provided that where the authority competent to make appointment to the post does not refuse to grant permission for retirement before the date on which the employee wishes to retire specified in the notice under clause(i), the retirement shall become effective from the date specified in the notice;
(v)Permission to retire shall be given in all cases except those in which disciplinary proceedings are pending for imposition of a major penalty or the disciplinary authority, having regard to the circumstances of the case is of the view that the imposition of the penalty of removal or dismissal from service would be warranted or in which prosecution is contemplated or may have been launched in a Court of Law against the officer;
(vi)Cases in which permission cannot be given by the appointing authority shall be referred to Government intimating the fact to the person concerned, before the date specified in the notice as the date on which the employee desires to retire;
(vii)The actual periods of qualifying service as on the intended date of retirement of the Government Servant shall be increased by a period not exceeding 5 years subject to the conditions that the total qualifying service after allowing the weightage shall not exceed 30 years in cases of retirements prior to 1/7/1978 and 33 years in respect of retirements occurring on or after 1/7/1978 and the weightage shall not exceed the difference between the age of superannuation and that as on the date on which the voluntary retirement becomes effective. Fraction, if any, in the qualifying service so arrived at shall be rounded to the nearest completed year, that is, fraction of less than half year shall be ignored and half year and above shall be rounded to the next completed year;
(viii)No notional fixation of pay shall be permissible on the basis of the qualifying service as increased under clause (vii);
(ix)The amount of pension granted for the qualifying service as increased under clause (vii) shall be subject to the provisions of Rules 2,3 and 59;
(x)Government Servant shall be permitted to encash the leave at credit as on the date of request for voluntary retirement and / or to enter on eligible leave due (except leave not due) [* and Commuted leave] after applying for voluntary retirement. His salary for the period of admissible leave shall be calculated on the basis of the pay drawn by him immediately prior to the commencement of leave:
(xi)This rule shall not apply to an employee who seeks voluntary retirement from Government service for being absorbed permanently in an autonomous body or a public sector undertaking.
05. Minimum QS of an employee to allow voluntary retirement:
(a) 10 years
(b) 15 years
(c) 20 years
(d) 25 years
Correct Answer:-Option:(c) 20 years
06.An officer who has put in a qualifying service of 29 years 9 months and 10 days applies for his retiring pension. His qualifying service for retiring pension will be reckoned as:
(a) 30 years
(b) 29 years
(c) 20 years
( d) 28 years
Correct Answer:-(a) 30 years
07. Retiring pension will be admissible only:
(a) Those who have completed at the age 45
(b) 19 years and 7 months of QS
(c) 19 years and 4 months of QS
(d) 20 years of service without rounding
Correct Answer:-Option:(d) 20 years of service without rounding
08. In the case of voluntary retirement of an employee, weightage not exceeding ……………….years is admissible subject to the condition that it shall not exceed the difference bet date of voluntarily retirement and the date of superannuation :
(a) 3
(b) 5
(c) 2
(d) 7
Correct Answer:-Option:(b) 5
(A) 7ears
(b) 10 years
(c) 5 years
(d) 3 years
Correct Answer:-Option:(c) 5 years
(a) Government
(b) Head of Office
(c) Controlling Officer
(d) Authority competent to make appointment to the post
Correct Answer:-Option:(d) Authority competent to make appointment to the post
11.The Government Servant who retires voluntarily should complete minimum years of qualifying service.
(a) 20 years
(b) 19 years 2 months
(c) 19 years 8 months
(d) 21 years
Correct Answer:-(a) 20 years
Note:–In order that the powers vested in the appointing authority are exercised fairly and impartially and not arbitrarily the following guidelines must be followed.
(1) The criteria, to be followed by the appointing authority are:¬
(a) Government employees whose integrity is doubtful will be retired.
(b)Government employees who are found to be ineffective will also be retired. The basic consideration in identifying such employee shall be the fitness/competence of the employee to continue in the post, which he is holding. If he is not found fit to continue in his present post, his fitness/competence to continue in the lower post from where he had been previously promoted, shall be considered.
(c)While the entire service record of an officer shall be considered for the purpose, no employee shall be retired on grounds of ineffectiveness if his service during the preceding 5 years or where he has been promoted to a higher post during that 5 years period, his service in the higher post has been satisfactory.
(d) No employee shall ordinarily be retired on ground of ineffectiveness if in any event; he would be retiring on superannuation within a period of 1 year from the date of consideration of his case.
(2) Where it is proposed to (retire a Government Servant) in exercise of the powers conferred by this rule, the appointing authority shall record its opinion in the file that it has formed its opinion and that it is necessary to retire the Government Servant in pursuance of the above rule, in public interest such opinion shall not arbitrary or based on collateral grounds.
(3) The rules relating to premature retirement shall not be used,
(a)To retire on grounds of specific acts of misconduct, as a short cut to initiating formal disciplinary proceedings or
(b)For reduction of surplus staff or as a measure of effecting general economy without following the rules and instructions relating to retirement.
(4) (a) In case the appointing authority comes to the conclusion that the officer is not fit for being retained in the present post, but could be retained in the next lower post from which he was promoted, a notice shall be served in such a case on the employee retiring him from service in pursuance of the provision of the relevant rule. Simultaneously it may be explained to him in a covering letter that his continuance in service after the completion of 30 years of service could be considered if he is willing to be reverted to the lower post, held by him previously. In case he indicates his willingness to work in the lower post and gives a written request for being so reverted, he may be retained in service and continued in the lower post.
(b)Employees who seek reversion to lower posts in lieu of premature retirement shall be made eligible for consideration for promotion after they have put in a service of two years in the lower post along with others in accordance with the normal rules by the D.P.C. or other selecting authority on the basis of subsequent records in the lower post.
(5) Procedure for consideration of representation:
(i) A Government employee who has been served with a notice/order of premature retirement under the provision mentioned above, may submit a representation within three weeks from the date of service such notice/order.
(ii) On receipt of the representation the appointing authority should examine the same to see whether it contains any new facts or any new aspect of a fact already known, but which was not taken into account at the time of issue of notice/order of premature retirement. After this examination, the case shall be placed within 3 months from the date of receipt of such representation before Government for final decision.
Ruling No 1
The power to retire an employee under this rule is exercisable by the authority competent to fill the appointment held by the employee. But orders permitting an employee to retire after twenty years qualifying service or orders requiring an employee to retire after thirty years qualifying service should as a rule not be issued until after the fact that the employee has indeed completed the required qualifying service has been verified in consultation with the Accountant General.
Ruling No.2
An employee who has elected to retire under this rule and has given necessary intimation to that effect to the competent authority, shall be precluded from withdrawing his election subsequently except with the sanction of the Government under the recommendation of the authority competent to fill the appointment, provided his request for withdrawal is made within the intended date of his retirement.
56B A Government employee who is on Leave Without Allowances under Rule 88 or Appendix XII A/XII C of Part I Kerala Service Rules is also eligible to apply for voluntary retirement under Rule 56 and may be given permission to take voluntary retirement under Rule 56, without insisting on his rejoining duty, subject to the following conditions, namely:—
(i)Voluntary retirement shall take effect only from the date of expiry of leave period sanctioned subject to condition (ii) below or on the date on which the employee wishes to retire, whichever is later, provided further that no person shall be allowed to take voluntary retirement with effect from a date prior to the date of receipt of application for voluntary retirement by the pension sanctioning authority.
(ii)If the date on which he wishes to retire happens to be a date prior to the date of expiry of the Leave Without Allowances sanctioned originally, the application for voluntary retirement shall be accompanied by a request to cancel the balance portion of the Leave Without Allowances, not being availed of.
(iii)If the date on which he wishes to retire happens to be a date subsequent to the expiry of the Leave Without Allowances sanctioned, the application for voluntary retirement shall be accompanied by an application to extend the Leave Without Allowances till the date of effect of voluntary retirement applied for. Such period of Leave Without Allowances, if extended, will not count for pension or any other Service benefit, except in the case of Leave Without Allowances on Medical Certificate.
(iv)The application for voluntary retirement shall be submitted prior to the date of expiry of Leave Without Allowances sanctioned originally. Belated application shall be considered by Government only in very exceptional circumstances.
(v) Average Emoluments in such cases shall be computed following the provisions contained in Note 3 under Rule 63 Part III Kerala Service Rules, excluding periods of Leave Without Allowances and reckoning only the pay for prior periods, which qualify for pension. If any pay revision intervenes during the non qualifying period of Leave Without Allowances, the benefit of the same shall not be admissible for computing Average Emoluments. However, eligibility for minimum pension, and reckoning of number of years of qualifying service for pension will be based on the pension rules existing as on the date of effect of voluntary retirement.
(vi)Average emoluments in the case of those who avail of Leave Without Allowances on medical certificate under Rule 88 Part I Kerala Service Rules shall be computed following the provision contained in Note 1 under Rule 63 Part III Kerala Service Rules
(vii)Those who opt to take voluntary retirement under this rule shall not be eligible for weightage as specified in Rule 56 (vii) Part III Kerala Service Rules, except in the case of those who avail of Leave Without Allowance under Rule 88 Part I Kerala Service Rules on Medical Certificate.

The age of compulsory retirement of Government employees including teaching staff at the age of.
(a) 55 years
(b) 56 years
(c) 58 years
(d) 60 years
Correct Answer:-Option:(b) 56 years
Govt. servant who retires voluntarily should complete minimum ________ years of service. A:-10 years
ReplyDeleteB:-15 years
C:-20 years
D:-25 years
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Which rule in K.S.R. dealing with retiring pension
ReplyDeleteA:-Rule 57 Part III
B:-Rule 59 Part III
C:-Rule 58 Part III
D:-Rule 56 Part III
Correct Answer:- Option- D:-Rule 56 Part III
The retirement at the end of the month on which he attains 56 years is called A:-Superannuation pension
ReplyDeleteB:-Retiring pension
C:-Invalid pension
D:-Compassionate pension
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-Superannuation pension
The qualifying service for full superannuation pension is
ReplyDeleteA:-20 years
B:-30 years
C:-25 years
D:-33 years
Correct Answer:- Option-
Minimum Qualifying service required for granting voluntary retirement is
ReplyDeleteA:-15 years
B:-25 years
C:-10 years
D:-20 years