ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതല് മാറ്റിത്തിന് വിധേയമാകുന്നത് പാര്ട്ട് 2 യാത്രാബത്തയിലാണ്.
ഓരോ പേ റിവിഷന് റിപ്പോര്ട്ട് നല്കി ഉത്തരവ് വരുമ്പോഴും ടി.എ, ഡി.എ, ലോഡിംഗ് ആന്റ് അണ്ലോഡിംഗ് ചാര്ജ്ജ് തുടങ്ങി ട്രാവലിംഗ് അലവന്സിലെ പലതും മാറി കൊണ്ടിരിക്കും.
ഈ മാറ്റം നമ്മള് ടെക്സ്റ്റ് ബുക്കില് എഴുതിചേര്ത്തുകൂട. കാരണം ടെക്സ്റ് ബുക്കില് യാതൊരു കുത്തിക്കുറിക്കലോ മാര്ക്ക് ചെയ്യലോ പി.എസ്.സി. അനുവദിക്കില്ല.
പിന്നെന്ത് മാര്ഗ്ഗം.?
പേ റിവിഷന് ഉത്തരവ് പ്രിന്റ് ചെയ്ത് ഓഫീസ് മേധാവി സാക്ഷ്യപ്പെടുത്തിയ കോപ്പി പരീക്ഷഹാളില് ഉപയോഗിക്കാന് പി.എസ്.സി.,അനുവദിക്കുന്നുണ്ട്. പി.എസ്.സിയുടെ നിര്ദ്ദേശങ്ങളില് ഇവ ഉള്പ്പെടുത്തിയിട്ടുണ്ട്. കെ.എസ്.ആര് പാര്ട്ട് 2 പരീക്ഷയ്ക് ഉത്തരവിന്റെ
സാക്ഷ്യപ്പെടുത്തിയ കോപ്പി വളരെ ഗുണം ചെയ്യുമെന്ന് അറിയിക്കട്ടെ.
PR 2014 =PAY REVISION 2014
PR 2019 =PAY REVISION 2019
1. For the purpose of calculating Travelling Allowances, officers are classified into the following four grades :¬യാത്രാ അലവൻസുകൾ കണക്കാക്കുന്നതിനായി, ഉദ്യോഗസ്ഥരെ ഇനിപ്പറയുന്ന നാല് ഗ്രേഡുകളായി തിരിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു:
GRADE | wef: 1-2-2016 | wef: 1-3-2021 |
GRADE I | 50400 & above (50400-120000) | 70000 & above (70000-166800) |
GRADE II(a) | 42500 & above below 50400 (42500-50399) | 59300 & above BELOW 70000 (59300-69999) |
GRADE II(b) | 27800 & above below 42500 (27800-42499) | 39300 & above BELOW 59300 (39000-59299) |
GRADE III | 18000 & above below 27800 (18000-27700) | 25100 & above BELOW 39300 (25100-38299) |
GRADE IV | BELEOW 18000 (16500-17999) | BELOW 25100 (23000-25099) |
1. For the purpose of T.A. officers are classified in to grades: (A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 3 (D) 4
All Private Secretaries to Ministers and the Private Secretary to the Speaker will be treated as Grade I Officers from 28th June 1969 and 2nd September 1969 respectively for purposes of Travelling Allowances, irrespective of the pay drawn by them. മന്ത്രിമാർക്കുള്ള എല്ലാ പ്രൈവറ്റ് സെക്രട്ടറിമാരെയും സ്പീക്കറുടെ പ്രൈവറ്റ് സെക്രട്ടറിയെയും യഥാക്രമം ഗ്രേഡ് I ഓഫീസർമാരായി 1969 ജൂൺ 28 നും 1969 സെപ്റ്റംബർ 2 നും ട്രാവൽ അലവൻസ് ആവശ്യങ്ങൾക്കായി പരിഗണിക്കും.
For the purpose of calculating the T.A. for accompanying the Governor, Advisers or Ministers on tour, non-gazetted officers, other than those in the last grade, will be treated as Second Grade (b) officers irrespective of the “actual pay” drawn by them.
ടി.എ കണക്കുകൂട്ടുന്നതിനായി. പര്യടനത്തിൽ ഗവർണർ, ഉപദേഷ്ടാക്കൾ, മന്ത്രിമാർ എന്നിവരോടൊപ്പം, ലാസ്റ്റ് ഗ്രേഡ് ജീവനക്കാരെ ഗ്രേഡിലുള്ളവരൊഴികെ ഗസറ്റഡ് ഇതര ഉദ്യോഗസ്ഥരെ രണ്ടാം ഗ്രേഡ് (ബി) ഓഫീസർമാരായി കണക്കാക്കും.
(1) For the purpose of calculating the Travelling Allowance for accompanying the Ministers on tour, the grade of a non gazetted officer other than those in the last grade will be treated as: (A)Grade III (B) Grade ll(a) (C) Grade II (b) (D) Grade l (2) The grade of a Lower Division Clerk accompanying the Finance Minister on tour to the calculation of traveling allowance is considered as: (A) Grade I (B) Grade II (a) (C) Grade II (b) (D) Grade III |
The term ‘pay’ occurring in this part of the rules should be deemed to include only - Pay as defined in Rule 12 (23) (i) and (iii) of Part I, Kerala Service Rules, and personal pay, dearness pay and special pay treated as coming under classes I and II under Appendix IV, Kerala Service Rules.
The classification of a re-employed pensioner for purposes of Travelling Allowances will be determined on the following basis –
(a) Where the pension is held in abeyance during the period of re¬employment, the grade of the re-employed pensioner shall be determined, in accordance with the pay actually received from time to time.
(b) Where a pension is allowed to be drawn in addition to pay, the re¬employed pensioner should be deemed to be in receipt of actual pay equivalent to his re-employed pay plus pension, subject to the proviso that if the sum of such pay plus pension exceeds the pay of the post if it is on a fixed rate of pay or the maximum pay of the post, if it is on a time-scale of pay, such excess shall be ignored.
(1) Re-employed pensioners, drawing pension is addition to pay and allowances, will be classified for the purpose of Travelling Allowance : (a) On the basis of basic pay (b) on the basis of basic pay and pension (c) on the basis of basic pay and dearness relief (d) None of the above (2) A pensioner drawing a pension of Rs. 6,500 was re-employment in a post on a timescale of pay 10400 -18300. A consolidated amount of Rs. 12,000 was given to him as pay and the last pay drawn while in service was Rs. 13,000. The pay for the purpose of calculation of Travelling Allowance is : (a) Rs. 18,500 (b) Rs. 13,000 (c) Rs. 12,000 (d) Rs. 18,300
(32)A Pensioner drawing a pension of Rs. 18,000 was re-employed on 1.7.2018 in a post on a time scale of pay of 18000-41500 and the pay is fixed Rs. 28,500. The pay of the re-employed pensioner for the purpose of calculating travelling allowance will be: A:-Rs. 28,500 B:- Rs. 18,000 C:- Rs. 46,500 D:-Rs. 41,500 Correct Answer:- Option-C |
(c) If a portion of the pension has been commuted, the amount of pension to be taken into account for the purpose of clause (b) will be the amount including the pensionary equivalent of the commuted value. The amount of pension to be taken into account will also include the pension equivalent of the death-cum-retirement gratuity, if any.
Class IV employees drawing pay of 18000 (PR 2014) and above consequent on getting time bound grade promotion shall be included under Third Grade for the limited purpose of Travelling Allowance/Daily Allowance claims.
(1)For the purpose of calculating TA for accompanying the Governor, non gazetted officers other than those in the last grade will be treated as D:-Irrespective of position treated as Gr. I as accompanying Governor
PR 2014
(2). For the purpose of calculating Travelling Allowance, which grade will be assigned to a Deputy Director of Education Department, drawing an actual basic pay of Rs. 87,000 on a scale of pay of 63700-123700 working as Private secretary to a Minister? PR 2014 4. A Junior IAS Officer drawing an actual pay of Rs. 48,000 claimed T.A as applicable to Grade I officer which was objected to by the Treasury Officer. Which among the statements is true? (a) Since the officer belongs to the IAS Cadre, irrespective of the pay drawn by him, he can claim T.A as applicable to Grade I officers. Hence the objection is not in order (b) Since there is no special order, the officer cannot draw T. A as applicable to Grade I officers. Hence the objection is in order. (c) Only if an officer draws a basic pay of Rs. 25,280 can be treated as a Grade I officer. Hence the objection is in order (d) Since the officer is a Junior IAS officer, he cannot draw T.A as applicable to Grade I officer. Hence the objection is in order.
2. The Government may, for reasons which should be recorded, order that any officer or grade of officers shall be included in a grade higher or lower than that prescribed in the above rule.
3. An officer in transit from one post to another ranks in the grade to which the lower of the two posts would entitle him.
🆀.An Officer is transferred from higher post to a lower post, the grade of the officer for calculation of transfer TA is based on: (A) Higher post (B) Higher on lower post at the discretion of the Officer (C) Higher post only if the Head of Office/Controlling Officer permits (D) Lower Correct Answer:-(D) Lower |
4. The Travelling Allowance of an officer who is promoted or reverted with retrospective effect, should not be revised in respect of the period intervening between the date of promotion or reversion, and that on which it is ordered.
Government Decision No. 1
In all cases of belated grant of increments, other than those where such increments have been specifically withheld under competent orders, where the class or grade of officers for drawal of T.A. has been changed consequent on such belated grant of increments, the officers concerned will be eligible to draw the enhanced rate of T.A. with retrospective effect, i.e., from the date on which the increment has actually fallen due.
The Travelling Allowance of an officer can be revised with retrospective effect : (a) When the belated grant of increment was due to routine reasons (b) When the belated grant of increment was due to the fault of the officer (c) When reverted with retrospective effect (d) Revision not admissible
🆀. In one of the following cases, a revised TA claim is admissible A:-Belated grant of increment, due to no fault of the officer B:-Promotion with retrospective effect
C:-Belated grant of an increment which was specifically with held D:-Reversion with retrospective effect
🆀.An officer will be eligible to revise the Travelling Allowance claim with retrospective effect :
(a) When promoted with retrospective effect (b) In case of belated grant of increment other than those were the increment was withheld under Competent Orders (c) when reverted with retrospective effect
(d) In case of belated issue of pay slip due to the fault of the officer |
Government Decision No. 2
# In cases of belated issue of pay slips for ordinary increments, which do not depend on the passing of tests, completion of probation, retrospective confirmation, promotion, revision of pay scales, etc., but are delayed for some routine reason or other, the officers concerned will be eligible to draw the enhanced rate of T.A. with retrospective effect, i.e., from the date on which the increment has actually fallen due. But such claims for arrears of T.A will be paid by the Treasury Officers only after special audit by the Accountant General.
🆀. Arrears of traveling Allowance of a Gazetted Officer due to belated sanctioning of increment for issue of pay slip will be paid by Treasury: (A) Only after special audit by Accountant General (B) Only after special sanction from Finance Department (C) Only after concurrence of Department Head (D) Only after sanction from Administrative Department |
Government Decision No. 3
*It is clarified that the above Decision No. 2 is applicable to all cases of belated issue of pay slips, when the delay in issue of pay slips is not due to any fault of the officer, i.e., it is only when increments are delayed on account of specific orders of competent authorities that the benefit contemplated in the above decision shall be denied.
🆀. Under what circumstances is an officer entitled to revise the claim for Travelling Allowance with retrospective effect? A:-Promoted with retrospective effect B:-Due to delay in issue of pay slip due to non-completion of probation C:-Due to delay in issue of pay slip not due to the fault of the officer or some routine reason D:-Reverted with retrospective effect
🆀 An officer will be eligible to revise the travelling allowance with retrospective effect: (A) when promoted with retrospective effect (B) when reverted with retrospective effect (C) belated issue of pay slip due to the fault of the officer (D) in case of belated grant of increment other than those where the movement was withheld under competent authority. |
5. The following are the different kinds of Travelling Allowances which may be drawn in different circumstances by officers:¬ (a) Permanent Travelling Allowance
(e) Actual Travelling Expenses.
😊 CODE പഠിക്കാന് മറക്കല്ലേ😊 |
AC യില് MD, PERMANENT ആയി യാത്ര ചെയ്യുന്നു. |
A = Actual Travelling Expenses. |
C = Conveyance Allowance |
M = Mileage Allowance |
D = Daily Allowance |
P = Permanent Travelling Allowance |
The Rules in this Chapter explain the nature of these allowances and the method of calculating them. The circumstances, in which they may be drawn for particular journeys, are described in Chapters II to IV.
(1) The different kinds of Travelling Allowance does not include: (D) Actual Travel Expense
(2) An allowance which is not treated as Travelling Allowance is : (C)Compassionate Allowance (D) Permanent Travelling Allowance
(3) One of the following is not treated as a kind of travelling allowance
(4) Which of the following is not coming under the term Travelling Allowance? A:-Conveyance Allowance B:-Daily Allowance C:-Mileage Allowance D:-None |
Government Decision No. 1
The expressions ‘road mileage’ and ‘mileage allowance’ wherever they occur shall be assigned meaning as referring to distance in kilometres.
Government Decision No. 2
An Officer of Government required to attend meetings of the Board of Directors or Committees of an Industrial Concern or a Bank or a Joint Stock Company on behalf of Government shall receive T.A. and D.A. from Government according to rules. The officer should credit the entire T.A. and sitting fee paid by the Industrial Concern or Bank to the receipt head corresponding to the head of account to which his T.A. is debited. He will also forward to the Accountant General in advance a statement of T.A. and sitting fee to which he is entitled for attending such meetings in a month so as to enable the Accountant General to watch recovery. The practice of crediting to Government the T.A. received from the University of Kerala according to its rules and receiving T.A. according to State T.A. rules as laid down in G.O. (Ms.) 330/59/Fin., dated 29th June 1959 will be discontinued from 1st August 1960 in respect of Government officers travelling on University business and instead they will be allowed to receive T.A. direct from the University according to its rules.
5A. The right of a Government servant to Travelling Allowance including daily allowance shall be forfeited or deemed to have been relinquished if the claim for it is not preferred to the drawing officer or controlling officer within one year from the date on which it fell due.
(1) A claim for travelling allowance will not be sanctioned, if it is presented to the drawing officer or controlling officer: (a) after two year of due date (b) after one year of due date (c) within one year of due date (d) none of the above |
6. A permanent monthly Travelling Allowance may be granted by Government to any officer whose duties require him to travel extensively(=ബൃഹത്തായ). Such an allowance is granted in lieu of all other forms of Travelling Allowance for journeys within the officer’s sphere of duty and is drawn all the year round, whether the officer is absent from his headquarters or not.
🆀A permanent monthly travelling allowance may be granted by ________ to any officer whose duties require him to travel extensively
A:-Accountant general B:-Head of office C:-Controlling officer D:-Government
🆀An officer whose duties required him to travel extensively may be granted a _______ by Government in lieu of all other forms of travelling allowance for his journeys with in the sphere of duties. A:-Transfer T.A. B:-Tour T.A. C:-Permanent Travelling allowance D:-Permanent conveyance allowance
🆀 Permanent conveyance allowance is granted when
A:-The officer is frequently to travel within his jurisdiction B:-The officer is extensively to travel within Headquarters C:-The officer has to travel for official purpose to the office of the Head of Department outside Headquarter D:-None of the above
🆀 An officer whose duties required him to travel extensively may be granted by Govt. in lieu of all other forms of travelling allowance for his journeys with in the sphere of duties: |
Government Decision No. 1
Since Permanent Travelling Allowance is fixed at a monthly rate it is not necessary that the officer should be on tour beyond 8 kilometres from headquarters on all days of the month. Even for days he is not on tour outside 8 kilometres from headquarters he can draw Permanent Travelling Allowance. This does not however mean that Permanent Travelling Allowance can be drawn without leaving headquarters on any day of the month. The drawal of the allowance will be governed by the order fixing the rate of Permanent Travelling Allowance and prescribing the terms and conditions for its drawal. For the drawal of full amount of Permanent Travelling Allowance an officer should be on tour outside 8 kilometres from headquarters for 15 days in a month and should spend at least 6 hours outside headquarters on each such day. If the minimum number of days of travel is not performed reduction has to be made as per the terms and conditions of the Permanent Travelling Allowance
This decision shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 9th December 1970.
(1) An officer may draw Permanent Travelling Allowance : (a)During joining time (b) During Leave (c) Even for days not on tour outside 8 kms
(d) During Temporary transfer
(2) The drawal of Permanent Travelling Allowance is admissible: (A) even for days not on tour outside 8 km (B) during leaves (C) during joining time (D) during temporary transfer
(3) Permanent travelling allowance is admissible at full rate in a month, if the officer travelled 8 km from his headquarters for a minimum period of A:-7 days B:-10 days C:-14 days D:-15 days
(4) PTA is admissible only officers spend at least ..... hours outside HQ on each day (a) 8 (b) 6 (C) 24
(d) 12 |
Government Decision No. 2
The following procedure will be followed for drawal of P.T.A in cases where an officer is on duty for a part of a month and also in cases where the officer has been on duty for the whole month but has not toured for the minimum number of days prescribed :¬
(a) If an officer is on duty for a part of a month he will be allowed proportionate P.T.A. for the days he is on duty provided that the officer is on tour for the proportionate number of days with reference to the minimum days of tour prescribed.
(b) For every day short toured, a deduction of will ( I x PTA) / Y be made where Y is the minimum number of days of tour prescribed.
Example.-Suppose an officer whose P.T.A. is 40 per mensem, and whose minimum period of touring is fixed as 20 days per month, is on duty only for 20 days in a month of 30 days. He is entitled to a P.T.A. of (20 x 40)/30 = 26.67 provided, he puts in not less than the proportionate number of tour days, i.e., (20 x 20)/30 = 13 days. For every day short toured by him a deduction of 1/20 of 40 will be made (i.e., if he tours only for 12 days, an amount of 2 will be deducted from 26.67).
(c) In cases where the officer is on duty for the whole month but has not toured for the minimum number of days prescribed, a deduction of (X x P.T.A) / Y will be made where X and Y are the shortfall in the number of days of tour and the minimum number of days of tour prescribed in a month respectively.
Example.-Suppose an officer whose P.T.A is 40 per mensem and whose minimum number of tour days is fixed as 20 per month, is on duty for the whole month and tours only for 15 days, a deduction of 5 x 40/20 = 10 is to be made from his P.T.A. of 40 per mensem.
Effective from 8th June 1962.
(1) The permanent travelling allowance (PTA) of an officer is Rs.300 per month and the minimum number of tour days prescribed is 15. If he has been on duty for the whole month and travelled only 10 days, the PTA admissible is: (A) Rs.300 (B) Rs. 150 (C) Rs. 100 (D) Rs.200

(2) A block development officer whose monthly PTA is Rs. 300 per month and the minimum number of days prescribed for tour in a month is 20 days. If he has travelled only 15 days in a month, his entitlement=അര്ഹത for PTA is: (A) 225 (B) 75 (C) 200 (D) 1C Correct Answer:-(A) 225
(3)The minimum tour days prescribed for getting PT.A. is 15 in a month. He was duty 20 days in a month of 30 days. Proportionate no. of tour day is : (A) 5 (B) 12 (C) 10 (D) 8
Correct answer:-(C) 10 (15 x20)/30=10
(4) A block development officer whose monthly PTA is Rs. 600 per month and the minimum The number of days prescribed for a tour in a month is 20 days. If he has travelled only 15 days in a month, his entitlement for PTA is : (a) 450 (6) 150 (c) 400
(d) 200 (15/20)x300=450
(5) The permanent Travelling Allowance of an Officer is fixed as Rs. 1000 per month, for which he should be on tour for at least 15 days a month. What is the amount of PTA for which he is eligible for June 2017, if he was on tour for only 12 days ? (a) 800 (b) 760 (c) 100
(d) 500 (12/15) x1000=800
(6) What is the PTA admissible to an Officer against the monthly rate of Rs.320 if he was on duty only for 20 days in June 20017 and was on tour for 13 days if the prescribed minimum days on tour are 20 ? (a) 208 (b) 240 (C) 192
(d) 216 (13/20)x320=208 |
7. A Permanent Travelling Allowance may not be drawn during leave, temporary transfer or joining time, or unless in any case, it be otherwise expressly provided in these rules, during any period for which Travelling Allowance of any other kind is drawn.
Permanent Travelling Allowance (PTA) may not be drawn during: (a) Joining time (b) leave (c) temporary transfer (d) all of the above |
8. When an officer holds, either substantively or in an officiating capacity, two or more posts to each of which a Permanent Travelling Allowance is attached, he may be granted such Permanent Travelling Allowance, not exceeding the total of all the allowances, as the Government may consider to be necessary in order to cover the travelling expenses which he has to incur.
9. [The Government may grant, on such conditions as they think fit to impose, a monthly conveyance allowance to any officer who is required to travel extensively or within a specified area from his headquarters under conditions which do not render him eligible for daily allowance.
Note.- Every recommendation made to Government for the grant of a conveyance allowance should contain detailed information regarding the nature of the officers work, the approximate area of the locality within which the conveyance is to be used and the approximate average amount of travelling which the officer has to perform in a day.
10. Except as otherwise provided in these rules and unless the Government otherwise direct, a conveyance allowance drawn all the year round, is not forfeited during absence from Headquarters and may be drawn in addition to any other travelling allowance admissible under the rules provided that an officer, who is in receipt of a conveyance allowance shall not draw mileage allowance/ daily allowance for a journey within their specified area/ jurisdiction or within 8km, from time to time on such condition as the Government may prescribe.
Conveyance Allowance can be drawn during : (A) Joining time (B) Absent from Head Quarters (C) Temporary transfer (D) Leave |
11. A conveyance allowance shall not be drawn during leave or temporary transfer/ holidays prefixed or suffixed to leave and during joining time.
During leave, an officer: (a) can draw PCA, if on earned leave (b) cannot draw PCA (c) can draw PCA (d) cannot draw PCA, if not sanctioned by the controlling officer
Which is true of the following? (a) Conveyance Allowance shall be drawn during leave (b) Conveyance Allowance shall not be drawn during joining time (c) Conveyance Allowance shall be drawn on temporary transfer (d) Conveyance Allowance can be drawn for holidays prefixed to leave
12. A mileage allowance is an allowance, calculated on the distance travelled which is given to meet the cost of a particular journey.
1. An allowance calculated on the distance travelled which is given to meet the cost of a particular journey is called .............. A:-Mileage Allowance B:-Dearness Allowance C:-Daily Allowance
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-Mileage Allowance
2. The form of Travelling Allowance which is calculated on the distance travelled and which is given to meet the cost of the Particular journey is called: (a) Conveyance Allowance (b) Mileage Allowance (c) Daily Allowance
(d ) Permanent Travelling Allowance Correct Answer:-(b) Mileage Allowance 2.6. If a first grade officer travel more than 200 km a day by special conveyance the rate of mileage allowance admissible for excess over 200 km will be reduced to _________ normal rate A:-1/4 B:- 3/4 C:-2/3 D:-1/2
3. When an officer drawing conveyance allowance, which of the following statement is true? A:-Conveyance allowance is forfeited for the days the officer is absent from the head quarter B:-He is not eligible for Travelling Allowance for the journey performed outside of his sphere of duty C:-He should travel at least 20 days in a month D:-Conveyance allowance need not be forfeited for the days he is absent from the head quarter
4. When a Govt. servant on transfer performs his journey on transfer with family in a conveyance provided by the Govt. free of cost TA admissible will be A:-Transfer TA B:-Tour TA C:-Daily allowance for each calendar day of the journey D:-Not eligible for TA and DA
5. Monthly conveyance allowance granted to an officer can be drawn during A:-Joining time B:-Temporary transfer C:-Absence from head quarters D:-Leave Correct Answer:- Option-C
13.(a) For the purpose of calculating mileage allowance, a journey between two places is held to have been performed by the shortest of two or more practicable routes or by the cheapest of such routes as may be equally short; provided that when there are alternative railway routes and the difference between them in point of time and cost is not great, mileage allowance may be calculated on the route actually used.
(b) The shortest route is that by which a traveller can most speedily reach his destination by the ordinary modes of travelling. In case of doubt, the Government will declare which shall be regarded as the shortest of two or more routes.
Government Decision No. 1
The shortest distance between Ernakulam to Fort Cochin and Mattancherry and vice versa would be the distance by road for purpose of Travelling Allowance.
Government Decision No. 2
The route via., Mavelikkara would be the shortest route for journeys between Chengannur and Aleppo for purpose of Travelling Allowance.
[This will have effect till bridges are opened in all three ferries in the Changancherry route]
Government Decision No. 3
In the case of air journeys from Trivandrum to Delhi via., Bombay the claim should be supported by a certificate that no seat was available via., Madras. But the Chief Secretary to Government, Members of the Board of Revenue, Secretaries and Additional Secretaries to Government and Heads of Departments are permitted to travel either via., Bombay or Madras for the journeys to Delhi and back.
(c) If an officer travels by a route which is not the shortest but is cheaper than the shortest, his mileage allowance should be calculated on the route actually used.
14. The Government in respect of Heads of Departments and the Heads of Departments in the case of their subordinates may, for special reasons which should be recorded, permit mileage allowance to be calculated on a route other than the shortest or cheapest, provided that the journey is actually performed by such route.
Note 1.-
The sanction of Government is not required for the claim for higher road mileage by an officer of the First Grade for a journey performed by road between places connected by rail or by air within the State. The signature of the officer on the Travelling Allowance bill will be sufficient for the purpose of this rule. In such cases, the full rate of mileage allowance will be allowed upto 200 kilometres a day irrespective of the fact whether any inspection work is done or any public purpose is served en-route and at three fourths of the full rate for the remaining distance.
In cases where the distance to be travelled from the Headquarters to perform the duty at the outstation is within 50 kilometers, the onward journey shall be performed on the day on which official business is to be transacted. Similarly the return journey shall be performed on the day on which official business is completed at the outstation.
*Effective from 1st November 1979
(1) To and fro journeys to be performed on the date of tour itself, if the distance to be covered by the touring officer is? A:-Within 80 km B:-Within 50 km C:-Within 32 km D:-Within 10 km Correct Answer:- B:-Within 50 km
(2) For onward journey to be performed on the same day on which official business is to be transacted, the distance of the outstation from the headquarters shall be within: (a) 50 kms (b) 60 kms (c) 40 kms (d) 32 kms Correct Answer:- (a) 50 kms
(3)What is the maximum distance prescribed in the rules for performing the onward journey from headquarters to outstation on the same day on which official business is to be transacted? (A) 60 Km (B) 50 Km (C) 32 Km
(D) 15 Km
(4) A day is allowed to an employee as transit if he performs and official journey which exceeds: (A)32 kms (B) 40 kms (C) 60 kms
(D) 50 kms
A day is allowed to an employee as transfit if he performs an official journey which exceeds: (A) 32 kms (B) 40 kms (C) 50 kms
(D) 60 kms |
Note 3.- Whenever auto rickshaws/taxies are used for official journeys from residence or office to Airport/Railway Station/Bus Station and back, the auto rickshaw/taxi fare at the rates fixed by the Government from time to time shall be reimbursed.
[This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force on the 22nd July 1987]
15. A journey on transfer is held to begin or end at the actual residence of the Government servant concerned.
Any other journey (excluding a journey of the type referred to in the note below) is held to begin or end in any station at the duty point in that station.
For the purpose of this rule the “duty point’’ at the headquarters means the place or office where a Government servant remains on duty, i.e., the place or office of employment at the headquarters.
In the case of outstations the “duty point” means the place or office visited by the Government servant on duty.
Whether there are two or more such places or offices at an outstation, the following shall be taken as the “duty point” :¬
(a) If a Government servant reaches that station by rail, steamer, or air, the place or office which is farthest from the railway station, harbour (or jetty) or the air booking centre as the case may be.ഒരു സർക്കാർ ഉദ്യോഗസ്ഥൻ റെയിൽവേ, സ്റ്റീമർ അല്ലെങ്കിൽ വായു വഴി ആ സ്റ്റേഷനിൽ എത്തുകയാണെങ്കിൽ, റെയിൽവേ സ്റ്റേഷൻ, ഹാർബർ (അല്ലെങ്കിൽ ജെട്ടി) അല്ലെങ്കിൽ എയർ ബുക്കിംഗ് സെന്റർ എന്നിവയിൽ നിന്നും വളരെ അകലെയുള്ള സ്ഥലമോ ഓഫീസോ ആകാം
(b) If he reaches that station by road, the place or office which is farthest from the point from which the journey to that station commenced.റോഡ് മാർഗം അദ്ദേഹം ആ സ്റ്റേഷനിൽ എത്തിയാൽ, ആ സ്റ്റേഷനിലേക്കുള്ള യാത്ര ആരംഭിച്ച സ്ഥലത്ത് നിന്ന് വളരെ അകലെയുള്ള സ്ഥലമോ ഓഫീസോ.
Note.-Where the journey commences or ends at a station which is either the Government servant’s headquarters or his places of duty, it may be treated to have commenced or ended at his residence.
1. An officer left headquarters at 'A' and reached 'B' (8km). Left B and reached C (4km). Left C and reached A (8km). The travelling allowance admissible is : (A)1 DA (B) 2DA (C) Bus fare (D) No TA admissible
2. Transfer Journey from and to : (A)Office to Office or (b) Office to residential (c) residence to office
(d) residence to residence
3. Journey on transfer are held to begin from and end at the : (A)Office where a Government servant remains on duty (B) Actual residence of the Government servant concerned (C) At the nearby Railway/Bus Station from the Government servants Office
(D) None of the above
The members of the family of a transferred Government servant joined him within six months after the date of transfer and later proceeded to some other station. The family will be eligible for Travelling Allowance from: (a) Old station to new station (b) Old station to new station or some other station whichever is less (c) Old station to the station to which they finally proceeded
(d) Not eligible for Travelling Allowance |
16. An Officer is required to travel by the class of accommodation for which Travelling Allowance is admissible to him. The provisions of all rules regulating mileage allowance are subject to the condition that if an officer travels in a lower class of accommodation, he shall be entitled to the fare of the class of accommodation actually used plus the incidental expenses admissible to his grade calculated on the distance travelled in the case of rail journeys and the incidental expenses admissible had he travelled by the class of accommodation by which he is entitled to travel in the case of journeys by sea or air.
Note 1.-Officers who are eligible to travel by first class or air conditioned class and who actually travel by that class and claim the fare accordingly, should furnish the following certificate in their Travelling Allowance bills namely:¬
“Certified that I have actually travelled in the class of accommodation for which the fare is claimed in this bill”;
Note 2.-Non Gazetted Officers who are eligible to travel by first class/air conditioned class but who are not drawing officers, shall furnish the following declaration in their tour diary, namely:¬
“ I hereby declare that I have actually travelled by first class/air conditioned class on …….(dates) from …….. (place) to ……….. (place)”.
On the basis of the above declaration furnished by the non gazetted officers, the drawing officers shall furnish the following certificate in the Travelling Allowance bills of the non gazetted officers, namely:¬
“Certified that the officers for whom first class/air conditioned class railway fare has been claimed in this bill have declared that they have actually travelled by that class of accommodation”;
17. Mileage allowance is differently calculated as shown in the following sections, according as the journey is or could be by railway, by sea, by road or by air.
(1) When an officer is compulsorily recalled to duty before the expiry of his leave he is entitled to mileage allowance, which of the following are true A:-if the leave thereby curtailed is less than one month B:-if the leave thereby curtailed is not less than one month C:-if the leave thereby curtailed is two months D:-2 and 3
(2) In which case an officer on tour, his Daily Allowance can be exchanged for mileage allowance? A:-When the distance travelled is exceeds 32 Kms in a day B:-When the distance travelled is less than 32 Kms in a day C:-When the distance travelled is beyond 8 Kms D:-When the distance travelled is exceeds 20 Kms
(3) What additional mileage allowance, in addition to the twice mileage he is eligible on transfer, when two members of his family are accompanying with the officer travelling by road? A:-one mileage B:-twice the mileage C:-thrice the mileage D:-no mileage is allowed for family
(4) Mileage allowance for road journey admissible o Grade IV officers A:-Rs. 2.50 Per K.m B:-Rs. 1.50 Per K.m C:-Rs. 1 Per K.m D:-Rs. 1.80 Per K.m Correct Answer:- Option-A
🆀Mileage allowance for road journey as per pay revision order 2019 is Rs. _________ per km for all grades A:-Rs. 1 B:-Rs. 0.50 C:-Rs. 2.50 D:-Rs. 3 Correct Answer:- Option-C
🆀 Mileage allowance for road journey admissible o Grade IV officers A:-Rs. 2 .50Per K.m B:-Rs. 1.50 Per K.m C:-Rs. 1 Per K.m D:-Rs. 1.80 Per K.m Correct Answer:- Option-A
🆀 Mileage allowance for road journey for all grades of officers is Rs. ________ for each km. A:-Rs. 0.50 B:-Rs. 1.00 C:-Rs. 5.00 D:-Rs. 2.50 Correct Answer:- Option-D
🆀 A SC Development Officer Grade II was on HPL for four months from 1.8.2018. Her headquarters was at Mulanthuruthy in Ernakulam District. She was compulsorily recalled to duty by an order dated 22.10.2018 issued by the Head of the Department with direction to report for duty at her Headquarters on or before 31.10.2018. The order sent by post to her residential address at Ambalapuzha was received by her on re-direction by postal authorities at Thiruvananthapuram where she was residing temporarily. Comment on her eligibility for Travelling Allowance for the journey to Mulanthuruthy.
C:-eligible for mileage allowance from Thiruvananthapuram to Mulanthuruthy D:-Eligible for mileage allowance from Ambalapuzha to Mulanthuruthy Correct Answer:- Option-C
Mileage Allowance for Journeys by Railway
18. For the purpose of calculating mileage allowance, officers when travelling by railway are entitled to class of accommodation according to the following scale:¬
| |
Grade I | II AC | | |
Grade II (a) | I Class. | If the train does not have I Class, II AC |
Grade II (b) | III AC. | If the train does not have III AC, I Class |
Grade III | II Class | |
Grade IV | II Class | |
In which class can a Grade 1 officer travel by train : (a) II AC. (b) I class /IIAC (c) III AC/1class (d) II class
In which class can a Grade Il (a) officer travel by train : (A)II AC (B) 1st class /IIAC (C) III AC/1" class (D) II class |
Note 1.-Air conditioned accommodation is not recognised as a class of accommodation for the purpose of these rules except for journeys on tour by officers holding posts on a scale of pay the minimum of which is not less than † 3000. First Grade Officers holding posts on a scale of pay the minimum of which is less than † 3000 may however travel by air conditioned accommodation while on tour subject to the recovery of 13 paise per 10 kilometres or part thereof if it exceeds 5 kilometres, from their T.A. bills. This rule is applicable in the case of journeys by air conditioned class in Deluxe trains also.
Note 2.- Officers of the Second and Third Grades will be allowed to travel in air con `ditioned second* class accommodation in Deluxe trains at public expense.
# Note 3.-[Deleted]
🆀 In which class a Grade II (a) officer is entitled to travel by train? A:-1st class. If the train does not have 1st class, 2nd AC B:-If the train does not have 3rd AC, first class C:-3rd AC D:-2nd AC
Correct Answer:- A:-1st class. If the train does not have 1st class, 2nd AC
19. !The Government may, for special reasons which should be recorded, declare any particular officer or class of officers to be entitled to accommodation of a higher class than that prescribed for his class in clauses (b) or (c) of Rule 18.
20. Except in the case of journeys on transfer (the rules for which are contained in section III), the mileage allowance admissible to an officer is as follows:¬
Mileage Allowance
Mileage Allowance |
WEF 01.02.2016
(1-2-2016 to 28-02-2021) | Mileage Allowance for road journey will be enhanced to ₹ 2 per Kilometre for all grades of officers. |
WEF 01.03. 2021 | Mileage Allowance for road journey will be ₹ 2.5 per kilometre for all grades of officers |
The rate of Mileage Allowance admissible for journey by road for all officers w.e.f from 01/03/2016 is : (A) Rs. 1.25 per kilometer (B) Rs. 1.50 per kilometer (C) Rs. 2.00 per kilometer (D) Rs. 1.75 per kilometer
The rate of Mileage Allowance admissible for journey by road for all officers w.e.f from 01/03/2021 is : (A) Rs. 2.00 per kilometer (B) Rs. 2.25 per kilometer (C) Rs. 2.50 per kilometer (D) Rs. 3.00 per kilometer |
incidental expenses
(b) Officers who are eligible for First Class/Air conditioned class of accommodation and who actually perform the journey by such class are entitled to claim actual rail fare plus incidental expenses at the following rates:
(i) First Grade Officers -80 paise per kilometre
(ii) Second Grade (a) Officers - 60 paise per kilometre
(iii) Second Grade (b) Officers -50 paise per kilometre
(iv) Third Grade Officers -50 paise per kilometre
(v) Fourth Grade Officers -50 paise per kilometre
Grade | ROAD / RAIL | AIR |
Effective from 1-2-2016
Rate per kms | Effective from 1-3-2021
Rate per kms | rate per Journey |
First Grade Officers | 0.80 per paisa | 0.90 per paisa | Limited to 1 Daily Allowance |
Second Grade (a) | 0.60 per paisa | 0.70 per paisa |
Second Grade (b) | 0.50 per paisa | 0.60 per paisa |
Third Grade Officers | 0.50 per paisa | 0.60 per paisa |
Fourth Grade Officers | 0.50 per paisa | 0.60 per paisa |
Government Decision No. 1
The Railway authorities entertain claims for refund of cancellation charges on unused Railway tickets only from the passengers concerned. So in case where the official rail journey is cancelled solely due to official reasons, the Government servant should after getting the refund in the usual manner from the Railway station prefer to the appropriate Railway authority concerned his claim for refund of cancellation charges (i.e., full ticket value excluding reservation charges and refund already received) on unused tickets supported by a certificate from his controlling authority to the effect that the journey had to be cancelled solely due to exigencies of service.
When the officer himself is his own controlling officer for purposes of T.A. he may furnish his own certificate. The claim for the refund preferred on the Railways, should, however, be restricted to what it would be, had the officer booked and cancelled his journey by the shortest route, save in exceptional cases, where the route actually adopted by the officer is certified by the controlling officer or by the officer himself if he is his own controlling officer for T.A. purposes to be in the interest of public service.
Reservation charges in cases referred to above will be reimbursed to the Government servant without waiting for the acceptance of his claim for refund of cancellation charges by the Railway authorities. The amount of reservation fee reimbursed to a Government servant is debitable to the same head to which his T.A. is charged.
The Government servant should record a certificate as follows in the T.A. Bill for the claim.
“Certified that the reservation of journey ticket made as per reservation ticket No...... ................. on ......was cancelled due to exigencies of public service.”
Government Decision No. 2
The reservation charges paid for railway journeys in respect of the appropriate classes of accommodation will be reimbursed to Government servants as forming part of the fare in cases where reservation is actually required in the exigencies of public service.
🆀 The mileage allowance on tour is limited to a minimum of A:-Quarter of DA B:-Half of DA C:-One DA D:-None Correct Answer:- B:-Half of DA 🆀 The reservation charges paid for railway journeys in respect of appropriate classes of accommodation: (a) Will be reimbursed only to Government Servants who are Grade I officers (b) Will not be reimbursed to Government Servants (c) Will be reimbursed to all Government Servants if reservation is actually required in exigencies of public service (d) Will not be reimbursed to Government Servants if the journey is cancelled |
21. [Deleted]
22. [Deleted]
23. [Deleted]
24. If available, return tickets at reduced rates should always be purchased when an officer expects to perform the return journey by rail within the period for which a return ticket is available. The mileage allowance for the forward and the return journeys wherever such return tickets are available and are purchased will be the actual cost of the return ticket plus the usual allowance admissible for incidental expenses each way.
Mileage Allowance for Journeys
by Sea in a Steamer
25. For the purpose of calculating mileage allowance, officers are entitled to class of accommodation according to the following scale :¬
(a) An Officer of the First Grade Highest class
(b) An Officer of the Second Grade If there be two classes only on the steamer the higher class, and if there be more than two classes, middle or second class.
(c) An Officer of the Third Grade If there be two classes only on the steamer the lower class, if there be three classes, middle class, or second class and if there be four classes, third class.
(d) An officer of the Fourth Grade Lowest class
26. Except in the case of journeys on transfer the mileage allowance admissible to an officer is single fare of the class of accommodation he is entitled to plus the Daily Allowance admissible under the rules for halts outside the State or 1 and 3/5 fare whichever is greater. In cases where the steamer company has two rates of fare, one inclusive and one exclusive of diet, the word ‘fare’ in this rule should be held to mean fare exclusive of diet.
27. In cases of doubt or in which, owing to the arrangement of classes on a steamer, the provisions of Rule 25 if strictly construed involve hardship, Government may decide, for journeys generally or for particular journeys, to what class of accommodation an officer is entitled, and whether if a concession is sanctioned, he should be granted the full allowance admissible for the higher class in which he is permitted to travel.
28. The rules in this sub-section apply to officers who cross a river or arm of the sea by steamer in the course of a journey unless such crossing occurs during a railway journey and the charge for it is included in the railway fare. In the latter case, the crossing is treated as part of the railway journey.
🆀 An officer has to cross an arm of the sea by steamer during a rail journey and the fare for this is included in the rail fare. The travel is treated as A:-Rail journey B:-Sea voyage C:-Journey by special conveyance D:-Journey by motor conveyance
29. If suitable accommodation on a Government vessel is offered to an officer, he is entitled to Travelling Allowance under Rule 109 and not to mileage allowance.
It is not open to him to refuse to accept such accommodation and to draw mileage allowance.
Mileage Allowance For Journeys
By Road
30. For the purpose of these rules travelling by road includes travelling by sea or river in a steam launch or in any vessel other than a steamer and travelling by canal.
31. For journeys by road, mileage allowance is admissible at the following rates for each kilometre travelled irrespective of whether the places are connected by rail or not :
Mileage Allowance:-Mileage Allowance for road journey will be enhanced to Rs.2 per Kilometre for all grades of officers. |
Mileage Allowance for road journey will be Rupees 2.5 per kilometer for all grades of officers (w.e.f 1-3-2021) |
For journeys by public conveyance by road, officers will be paid actual bus fare plus incidental expenses as admissible under Para 1 of Rule 110.
Grade I and II Officers will be entitled to travel by Express bus and
Grade III and IV Officers by Fast Passenger bus.
In emergent cases, with the permission of the Controlling Officers, Grade III and IV Officers can perform journeys in Express buses and claim Travelling Allowance on that basis.
The existing provision for claiming road mileage for journeys by rail or road, irrespective of whether the places are connected by rail or not, will continue.
Effective from 1st September, 1985.
Note 1.-
With effect from 1st November 1979, only officers of the First Grade are allowed to travel by special conveyance and claim higher mileage. With effect from 1st September, 1985 First Grade Officers in receipt of actual pay of 2250 and above only are allowed to travel by special conveyance and claim higher mileage. An officer of the First Grade claiming the higher mileage will note in his Travelling Allowance bill concerned the registration number of the special conveyance used by him.
Note 2.-
Officers of the First Grade claiming mileage at the higher rate shall furnish the following certificate in their Travelling Allowance bills, namely :¬
“I certify that I did not perform the road journeys for which mileage allowance has been claimed at the higher rate by any public conveyance which plies regularly for hire between fixed points and charge fixed rates. I also certify that the journey was not performed in any other vehicle without payment of its hire charges or without incurring its running charges.”
Note 3.-
An officer of the First Grade claiming higher road mileage for a journey performed in his own car shall furnish the following certificate in lieu of the certificate referred to in Note 2 above, namely:¬
“I certify that the road journeys for which mileage has been claimed at the higher rate were performed by me in my own car”.
Note 4.-
All officers claiming road mileage should record in their Travelling Allowance bills one of the following certificates as may be appropriate, namely :¬
(a) “Certified that I have not been provided with any Government conveyance for my use”.
(b)“Certified that the Government conveyance provided for my use was out of order/not available for journeys on ….(dates to be specified).”
Explanation.- In the case of non-gazetted officers, the drawing officers shall record the certificate with suitable changes and the controlling officer shall ensure that the Government servants who are provided with Government conveyance use such conveyance for their official journeys and that otherwise, the prescribed certificate is recorded invariably.
Note 5.
-When two or more officers travel in a conveyance belonging to one of them or hired by one of them, the officer who owns or hires the conveyance may draw Travelling Allowance as if he travelled alone and the other officer (s) may draw only the Travelling Allowance as admissible under Rule 107 read with Rule 110, even if he (they) meets (meet) a portion of the cost of propulsion of the conveyance or of the hire charges of the conveyance, as the case may be. A certificate in the following form shall also be attached to the Travelling Allowance bills of the officers claiming travelling allowance under the above provision, namely:¬
“Certified that I/We
(1) Name and Designation ………………………………….
(2) Name and designation …………………………………
(3) Name and designation …………………………………
(4) Name and designation travelled together from ……… ………to ……………… on …………………………… in a special conveyance (here enter Registration No. of the vehicle) owned/ hired by the officer whose name is mentioned as No………. above, and that I have claimed Travelling Allowance admissible under Note 5 below Rule 31, Kerala Service Rules, Part II.”
🆀 For official duty, when two or more officers are travelling in a conveyance belonging to one of them: (a) Full T.A will be given to all of them (b) Full T.A will be given only to the officer who owns the conveyance and half T.A for all the others (c) Full T.A will be given only to the officer who owns the conveyance (d) Full T.A will be given to all of them and the officer who owns the conveyance may draw an additional mileage allowance
🆀Two officers are travelling on official duty in a motor car owned by one of them. How payment of TA can be regulated (a) Full T.A to the officer who owns the car and half T.A for the other officer (b) Full T.A can be paid to both of them web (c) Full T.A for both but an additional mileage may be paid to the officer who owns the
(d) Full T.A may be paid to the Officer who owns the car as if he travelled alone and the other officer may draw T.A under Rules 107 and 110, Part II KSR |
Note 6.-
An Officer who performs a journey by a conveyance owned by another officer without meeting the cost of its use and propulsion but whose own conveyance immediately precedes or follows him is eligible for the mileage allowance admissible under the rules. He shall, when he claims mileage allowance certify that the cost of the use and propulsion of his conveyance which immediately preceded or followed the conveyance by which he travelled was met by him.
Note 7.-
If an Officer of the First Grade, travels more than two hundred kilometres a day by special conveyance, the rate of mileage admissible for the excess over two hundred kilometres will be reduced to three fourths of what is normally admissible. ഒന്നാം ഗ്രേഡിലെ ഒരു ഉദ്യോഗസ്ഥൻ പ്രത്യേക വാഹനത്തില് ഒരു ദിവസം ഇരുനൂറ് കിലോമീറ്ററിൽ കൂടുതൽ സഞ്ചരിക്കുകയാണെങ്കിൽ, ഇരുനൂറ് കിലോമീറ്ററിൽ കൂടുതലുള്ളതിന് അനുവദനീയമായ മൈലേജ് നിരക്ക്, സാധാരണഗതിയിൽ അനുവദനീയമായതിന്റെ മൂന്നിൽ നാലായി കുറയും.
🆀First grade officer travels more than 200 kms a day by special conveyance, the rate of mileage admissible in excess of 200 kms will be reduced of what is normally admissible: (A) 1/2 (B) 3/4 (C) 1/3 (D) 2/3 Correct Answer:-(B) 3/4 |
Government Decision No. 1
If an Officer has to perform long journeys, he may be allowed to perform the journeys in more than one day subject to the condition that the halt should be made only after the officer has made a march of not less than two hundred kilometres in a day. In cases where the journey commences late in the day, halts may also be made after marches of less than two hundred kilometres. In all such cases of long journeys the restriction regarding the mileage in the above note will be applied only in respect of each day’s journey. No daily allowance either full or half will be admissible to the Officer for such intermediate halts.
Government Decision No. 2
†Effective from 1st November, 1959.
Note 8.-
For journeys performed by foot between places not connected by any public conveyance, Officers of the First Grade shall be given mileage at the rate applicable for journeys by special conveyance and officers of the other grades shall be given mileage at the rate of ₹ 2.5 per kilometre. An Officer claiming mileage in such cases should certify that he performed the journey entirely by walking, and the officer who countersigns the Travelling Allowance bill shall countersign the above certificate also.
🆀 A Chief Conservator of Forests belonging to IFS cadre performed to and fro journeys to a place in the interior forests (not connected by Public conveyance) by foot. What is his eligibility for T.A?
(A)Mileage allowance at the rate of Rs. 5/- per km may be paid (B) D.A at twice the rate may be paid (C) Mileage allowance at the rate applicable for journeys by special conveyance may be paid (D) Amount equivalent to IAC railway fare for a journey of equivalent distance may be paid |
Note 9.-
A First Grade Officer, with a staff car attached to him or his office should not engage a special conveyance for his journeys, if the staff car is available. The following procedure should be observed if such an Officer claims higher mileage in his Travelling Allowance bills namely:¬
(i) If the bill requires countersignature, the countersigning authority shall countersign it only after satisfying himself that the departmental vehicle was not available for the journey and shall record a certificate to that effect in the bill.
(ii) If the bill does not require countersignature, a certificate should be attached to the bill signed by the head of the Office or the Officer-in-charge of the departmental vehicle to the effect that the vehicle was not available for the journey for which special mileage is claimed.
Note 10.
-Autorickshaws, Motor Cycles, Scooters and Mopeds will not be considered as special conveyances, and no higher rate of mileage will be allowed for journeys performed by such vehicle.
With effect from 1st September, 1985 Grade I and Grade II Officers are entitled for special mileage allowance at the rate of 30 paise per kilometre for journeys for public purpose by motor cycle or Scooter owned and maintained by them. As in the case of special mileage for car, the registration number of the Motor cycle or Scooter should be recorded in the bill claiming T.A., at the special rate allowed for such journeys.
Mileage allowance at appropriate rate is payable for journey performed on foot between places : (A) Connected by road (B) Connected by rail (C) Not connected by rail and road (D) Not connected by any public conveyance |
Government Decision No. 3
Half daily allowance will be admissible for intermediate halts beyond 200 kilometres when the journey is performed in departmental vehicles.
🆀 D.A admissible for intermediate halts beyond 200 k.ms, when a journey is performed in departmental vehicle is: (a) ⅔ D.A (b) ¾ DA (c) ¼ D.A (d) ½ D.A Correct Answer:-(d) ½ D.A
🆀When an officer perform long journeys in department vehicle, the rate of Daily Allowance admissible for intermediate halts beyond 200 km is : (A) 1/2 DA (B) 1 DA (C) 3/4 DA
(D) 2/3 DA
🆀 Half D.A. will be admissible for intermediate halts beyond when the journey is performed in Departmental vehicle: (A) 200km (B) 500 km (C) 300 km
(D) 400 km Correct Answer:- (A) 200km
🆀 If a Grade 1 Officer has travelled 220 km in a day by motor car, the rate of mileage allowance will be reduced to how many parts of what is normally admissible to him: (a)1/4 (b) 3/4 (c) 1/2 (d) 2/3 |
Government Decision No. 4
The above note should be deemed to apply only to journeys performed by road. ‘The nature of conveyance’ referred to in the note is intended to differentiate between ‘Public conveyance’ and ‘Special conveyance’ and not between different modes of journeys, such as journey by road or journey by rail. The note above therefore allows higher mileage only for journeys on transfer between places not connected by rail.
Rule 66, Part II, does not permit an officer to draw road mileage for journeys on transfer performed between places connected by rail as the term “Mileage allowance” as defined in Rule 12, Part II, relates not to ‘road mileage’ alone.
32. The Government may, for special reasons to be recorded, allow to a particular officer or grade of officers, mileage allowance at a higher rate than is prescribed in Rule 31.
33. In calculating mileage allowance for journeys by road, fractions of a kilometre should be omitted from the total of a bill for any one journey but not from the various items which make up the bill.
Mileage Allowance for Journeys by Air.
34. An officer authorised to travel by air is entitled to mileage allowance equal to one standard air fare plus an allowance for incidental expenses at one-fifth of the standard air fare subject to a minimum of one daily allowance and maximum of five times the daily allowance at the ordinary rate for each single journey, each single journey being defined as the journey from starting point to destination or vice versa.
Note 1.-
All first grade officers are authorised to travel by plane, Officers belonging to the other grades should take the prior sanction of Government for air journeys. Provided that one member of the personal Staff of Ministers, irrespective of the grade, shall be entitled to travel by air to accompany the Minister in case of necessity.എല്ലാ ഫസ്റ്റ് ഗ്രേഡ് ഓഫീസർമാർക്കും വിമാനത്തിൽ യാത്ര ചെയ്യാൻ അധികാരമുണ്ട്, മറ്റ് ഗ്രേഡുകളിൽ നിന്നുള്ള ഉദ്യോഗസ്ഥർ വിമാന യാത്രകൾക്ക് സർക്കാരിന്റെ മുൻകൂർ അനുമതി വാങ്ങണം. മന്ത്രിമാരുടെ സ്വകാര്യ സ്റ്റാഫിലെ ഒരു അംഗത്തിന്, ഗ്രേഡ് പരിഗണിക്കാതെ, ആവശ്യമെങ്കിൽ മന്ത്രിക്കൊപ്പം വിമാനത്തിൽ യാത്ര ചെയ്യാൻ അർഹതയുണ്ട്.
*(This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force from 1st December 1990)
Note 2.-
When an officer performs both rail and air journeys on the same day he will be allowed to draw the actual incidental expenses at the prescribed rates subject to a minimum of one daily allowance for both the air and rail journeys together.
Note 3.-
The incidental expenses are limited to the following ceiling:¬
(i) First Grade Officers * 0.80
(ii) Second Grade (a) Officers- * 0.60
(iii) Second Grade (b) Officers * 0.50
(iv) Third Grade Officers * 0.50
(v) Fourth Grade Officers * 0.50
Grades | Road/Rail Rate in paisa per km | Air Rate per journey |
Grade I | 90 | Limited to 1 Daily Allowance |
Grade II (a) | 70 |
Grade II (b) | 60 |
Grade III | 60 |
Grade IV | 60 |
Government Decision No. 1
The following classification is prescribed in respect of various officers for purposes of air travel while performing official duty journeys, where two classes of tickets are available :¬
Class of Officers Class of air travel
(i) Officers drawing a pay of 2,250 per Standard (First) Class month and above.
(ii) Officers drawing a pay between Standard (First) class where the 1,800 and 2,249 per month journey involves night travel;
otherwise Tourist Class. For this purpose ‘Night’ means the time between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. In case part of the journey is performed during night, standard (First) class will be admissible for the entire journey.
(iii) Officers other than those falling Tourist class. under (i) and (ii) above
Government Decision No. 2
The Chairman and Members of the Kerala Public Service Commission will be included along with officers of a pay of 2,250 per mensem and above for purposes of air travel.
Government Decision No. 3
The taxes paid on inland and foreign air travels shall be reimbursed to the State Government servants, in cases where the travel is on official business and on public interest and where the expenditure on air fare itself is borne by the Government, Officers may claim reimbursement of the tax paid by them in the Travelling Allowance bills prepared for the particular journeys producing receipts in token of having paid the tax. The reimbursement of the tax will be by debit to the same head of account to which the Travelling Allowance claims of the officers are debited.
This decision shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 15th November 1971 and 15th October 1971 respectively, for inland air travel tax and foreign air travel tax.
Government Decision No. 4
The Governor, Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Leader of the Opposition, Ministers, Chief Secretary, Secretaries to Government and the following Heads of Departments will be covered by Personal Accident Insurance Policies on year to year basis.
1 Member, Board of Revenue.
3 Director of Health Services.
4 Director of Public Instruction.
5 Member, Planning Board.
6 Director of Technical Education.
7 Director of Collegiate Education.
8 Chief Electrical Inspector.
11 Inspector General of Police.
In respect of others who travel by air on Government business they will take Air Insurance Coupons from Air Port (Rupees ten for a compensation of Rupees one lakh). This amount will be reimbursed to them along with the T.A. claims.
35. An Officer who is not authorised to travel by air but who performs a journey by air on tour can draw only the Travelling Allowance to which he would have been entitled if he had travelled by rail, road or steamer.
🆀An officer who is not authorized to travel by air, but who performs a journey by air on tour, can draw: (a) the T.A as applicable to journey by air (b) T.A as applicable to journey by air, since he actually travelled by air (c) Only the T.A to which he would have been entitled, had he travelled by rail or road. (d) T.A corresponding to the railway fare had he travelled in II AC Correct Answer:-(c) Only the T.A to which he would have been entitled, had he travelled by rail or road.
36. If available, return tickets at reduced rates should always be purchased when an officer expects to perform the return journey by air within the period during which a return ticket is available. The mileage allowance for the forward and the return journeys when such return tickets are available will, however, be the actual cost of the return ticket plus 2/5 of the standard air fare for a single journey between the two places.
Note.-The incidental expenses for each single journey will be limited to the ceilings prescribed in note 3 under rule 34.
Government Decision
* The cancellation charges of air tickets shall be reimbursed to officers who have booked their tickets for official journeys in case they could not undertake the journeys due to circumstances beyond their control.
The Government servant should record a certificate as follows in the T.A. Bill for the claim. Certified that reservation of journey ticket made as per reservation ticket No........... on................was cancelled due to exigencies of public service.
🆀Maximum incidental expense that can be claimed by an officer who is authorized to travel by air is A:-One DA B:-Two DA C:-Three DA D:-None Correct Answer:- D:-None 🆀Rate of Incidental charges allowed to eligible officers for each air journey is A:-One DA B:-Half of DA C:-2 times of DA D:-5 times of DA Correct Answer:- Option-A:-One DA
🆀When an officer who is supplied with official vehicle for official journey and returns to headquarters on the same day, incidental expenses allowed is subject to a minimum of A:-1 DA B:-2/3 DA C:-1/3 DA D:-1/2 Correct Answer:- Option-D:-1/2
🆀Incidental expenses will always be specific pertaining to journey actually performed even in Road and Rail subject to a minimum of A:-subject to Kilometre multiplying with eligible rate B:-minimum one DA is eligible C:-no minimum is fixed D:-half DA is limited as minimum Correct Answer:- Option-D:-half DA is limited as minimum
37. A daily allowance is a uniform allowance for each day of absence from headquarters, which is intended to cover the ordinary daily charge incurred by an officer in consequence of such absence.
38. Unless in any case it be otherwise expressly provided in these rules, a daily allowance may be drawn while on tour by every officer whose duties require that he should travel, and may not be drawn except while on tour.
39. Daily allowance is admissible on the following scale :¬
Grade I | 400 | 550 |
Grade II(a) | 320 | 450 |
Grade II(b) | 320 | 450 |
Grade III | 250 | 350 |
Grade IV | 250 | 350 |
Grade I | 600 | 750 |
Grade II(a) | 500 | 650 |
Grade II(b) | 500 | 650 |
Grade III | 350 | 500 |
Grade IV | 350 | 500 |
(1).Rate of Daily Allowance allowed to Grade IV employees within the state is A:-320 B:-400 C:-200 D:-250 Correct Answer:- Option-D:-250 (From 1-2-2016 to 28-02-2021)
(2).Present Rate of Daily Allowance allowed to Grade IV employees within the state is A:-300 B:-400 C:-200 D:-350 Correct Answer:- Option-D:-350
(w.e.f 1-3-2021)
(2).Present Rate of Daily Allowance allowed to Grade II(b) employees within the state is A:-700 B:-600 C:-550 D:-500 (w.e.f 1-3-2021)
(2).Present Rate of Daily Allowance allowed to Grade I employees OUTSDIE the state is A:-750 B:-650 C:-550 D:-500 (w.e.f 1-3-2021) |
Provided that an officer, who while on tour is provided with free boarding and lodging, may draw only one fourth of the daily allowance admissible to him at the station concerned; if only boarding is provided free to such an officer he may draw daily allowance at one-half of the admissible rate; if only lodging is provided free, he may draw daily allowance at two-thirds of the admissible rate.
ഇവfreeആയാല് ⟱
1/4 | boarding and lodging |
1/2 | boarding |
2/3 | lodging |
ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് അക്ഷരമാലയിലെ രണ്ടാമത്തെ അക്ഷരമാണ് B, ബോര്ഡിംഗ് തനിച്ചുവരുമ്പോള്(അതായത് ബോര്ഡിംഗ് ഫ്രീയാകുമ്പോള്) കണ്ഫ്യൂഷന് ഒഴിവാക്കാന് രണ്ട് ഓര്മ്മിക്കുക.
½ ഉം ഓര്മ്മിക്കുക.
അതായത് ബോര്ഡിംഗ് ഫ്രീയായാല് അര ഡിഎ [ 1/2DA]ഇത് ഓര്മ്മിച്ചാല് മറ്റുള്ള രണ്ടും എളുപ്പത്തില് ഓര്മ്മവരും
🆀 When free boarding and lodging are provided to an officer on tour, he can claim DA for halt at the rate
A:-Quarter of DA B:-Half DA C:-Three fourth of DA D:-One DA
🆀 When an officer on tour is provided with free boarding and lodging the rate of Daily Allowance will be : A:-‘1/2‘ DA B:-‘1/4‘ DA C:-‘3/4‘ DA D:-‘2/3‘ DA Correct Answer:- Option-B:-‘1/4‘ DA
🆀 .When an Officer on tour is provided with free boarding the rate of Daily Allowance will be : A:-‘1/2‘ DA B:-‘1/4‘ DA C:-‘3/4‘ DA D:-‘2/3‘ DA Correct Answer:- Option-A:-‘1/2‘ DA
🆀 .When an Officer on tour is provided with free lodging the rate of Daily Allowance will be : A:-‘1/2‘ DA B:-‘1/4‘ DA C:-‘3/4‘ DA D:-‘2/3‘ DA Correct Answer:- Option-D:-‘2/3‘ DA |
Daily Allowance is calculated on the actual pay the officers are in receipt of, and with reference to the grade to which they belong.
🆀. Daily allowance is calculated on the basis of
C:-Maximum of the scale of pay D:-Minimum of the scale of pay
Note.2. If a Government servant who stays during tours in circuit houses, inspection bungalows, rest houses, etc., is required to pay any charges on account of stay at such places, even though it may not cover the entire cost of the facilities provided, no reduction in the daily allowance will be made.
🆀How many daily allowance is payable to a Grade I officer for his halt at an outstation for 54 hours?
HOURS | `DA | 24 HOURS | 1 | 24 HOURS | 1 | 6 HOURS | 0 | 54 HOURS | 2 |
🆀.If an officer has performed 2 journeys within a period of 24 hours on 2 calendar days, what is his entitlement for Daily Allowance? C:-One and three fourth DA
🆀.Which is the only department whose officers and staff can travel to a distance more than 8 km from headquarter to attend duty and can still claim full Daily Allowance without regard to the time limit or absence?
B:-Fire and Rescue Department
🆀.In normal case maximum period of halt for claiming full rate of daily allowance is A:-10 days B:-15 days C:-30 days D:-90 days
🆀.If an officer is availed five days earned leave while he was on duty at an outstation and join in the same station, the rate of daily allowance for the first ten days will be calculated A:-After excluding the leave period B:-Including the leave period C:-From the date of joining D:-None
🆀.The Daily Allowance admissible for intermediate halts beyond 200 kms when the Journey is performed in a departmental vehicle is : A:-1 DA B:-‘1/2‘ DA C:-‘1/4‘ DA D:-‘3/4‘ DA
40. The Government may, for reasons which should be recorded and on such conditions as they may think fit to impose, sanction for any officer or class of officers, a daily allowance higher or lower than that prescribed in Rule 39, if they consider that the allowance so prescribed is inadequate or excessive.
🆀 The Daily Allowance of a Grade 1 Officer is Rs.600 Is there any provision to sanction a different rate (either lower or higher) to an officer, and if so who is competent to do so? (A) The Head of Dept., can sanction higher rate (B) The Head of office can sanction a different rate, but to be ratified by the Head of Dept. (C) The Govt., is competent, but the reasons should be recorded
(D) None of the above
41.Unless in any case it be otherwise expressly provided in these rules, no officer is entitled to be provided with means of conveyance by or at the expense of Government, or to draw as Travelling Allowance the actual cost or part of the actual cost of travelling.
🆀 Actual travelling expenses as per KSR does not include: (A) charges for ferry (B) transportation charges of personal luggage (C) toll charges (D) charges for hotels
🆀Actual travelling expenses include actual cost for: (a) carriage stores (b) employment of servants (c) carriage of conveyance
(d) carriage of camp equipments
more questions
1. In which class a Grade II (a) officer is entitled to travel by train? A:-1st class. If the train does not have 1st class, 2nd AC B:-If the train does not have 3rd AC, first class C:-3rd AC D:-2nd AC
2. What is the rate of Daily Allowance payable to an officer of the 1st grade while travelling or halting outside the State A:-Rs. 450 B:-Rs. 400 C:-Rs. 350 D:-Rs. 550 Correct Answer:- D:-Rs. 550
(from 1-2-2016 to 28-02-2021)
3. For the purpose of calculating Travelling Allowance, which grade will be assigned to a Deputy Director of Education Department, drawing an actual basic pay of Rs. 48,000 on a scale of pay of 45800-89000 working as Private secretary to a Minister? A:-Grade II (a) B:-Grade II (b) C:-Grade I D:-Grade III Correct Answer:- C:-Grade I
4. An officer has to cross an arm of the sea by steamer during a rail journey and the fare for this is included in the rail fare. The travel is treated as A:-Rail journey B:-Sea voyage C:-Journey by special conveyance D:-Journey by motor conveyance Correct Answer:-A:-Rail journey
5. To and fro journeys to be performed on the date of tour itself, if the distance to be covered by the touring officer is? A:-Within 80 km B:-Within 50 km C:-Within 32 km D:-Within 10 km Correct Answer:- B:-Within 50 km
6. Which of the following is not coming under the term Travelling Allowance? A:-Conveyance Allowance B:-Daily Allowance C:-Mileage Allowance D:-None Correct Answer:- D:-None
7. When free boarding and lodging are provided to an officer on tour, he can claim DA for halt at the rate A:-Quarter of DA B:-Half DA C:-Three fourth of DA D:-One DA Correct Answer:- A:-Quarter of DA
8. Transit and return for tour will be allowed if the distance travelled is more than A:-8 kms B:-32 kms C:-50 kms D:-52 kms Correct Answer:- C:-50 kms
9. The minimum rate of incidental expenses for journey on tour is A:-1/2 DA B:-3/4 DA C:-Full DA D:-No minimum Correct Answer:- A:-1/2 DA
10.Incidental expenses to an officer for journey on transfer by rail is A:-One DA B:-1/2 DA C:-3/4 DA D:-None Correct Answer:- D:-None
11.Permanent Conveyance Allowance can be claimed during A:-Leave B:-Joining time C:-Tour withing 8 kms. Of Head Quarters D:-None Correct Answer:- C:-Tour within 8 kms. Of Head Quarters
12.The minimum distance to be travelled to avail transit on journey is A:-30 kms B:-32 kms C:-50 kms D:-52 kms Correct Answer:- C:-50 kms
12. Government servants are classified into ________ grades for the purpose of travelling allowance. A:-3 B:-6 C:-5 D:-4 Correct Answer:- D:-4
13.For calculating TA for accompanying the Governor, a non-Gazetted Officer other than last grade will be treated as ________ officer. A:-Grade I B:-Grade II(a) C:-Grade II(b) D:-Grade III Correct Answer:- Option-C
14.A Grade I Officer who is eligible to travel by II AC Train on tour, travelled by road in special conveyance. What is the rate of Mileage Allowance admissible A:-0.80/km B:-Rs. 1.50/km C:-Rs. 2.50/km D:-Rs. 2/km Correct Answer:- Option-D |
ORE QUESTIONS..............
ReplyDeleteFor the purpose of calculation of joining Time on transfer, distance is calculated from
DeleteA:-Office to office
B:-Office to residence
C:-Residence to residence
For calculation of T.A. the Grade of an Officer drawing a basic pay of Rs. 37,500 is
DeleteA:-Grade II(a)
B:-Grade II(b)
C:-Grade III
D:-Grade I
Daily Allowance admissible to a Grade I officer as on 1.7.2014 is
DeleteA:-Rs. 400
B:-Rs. 500
C:-Rs. 350
D:-Rs. 320
A separate day will be allowed to an officer on tour for his journey by road from headquarters to an outstation, if the distance between the stations exceeds
DeleteA:-32 kms
B:-100 kms
C:-75 kms
D:-50 kms
An officer who has a monthly P.T.A. for a minimum no. of 20 days' tour has travelled only 15 days in a month. He is entitled to P.T.A. @
DeleteA:-PTA × 15/20
B:-PTA × 15/30
C:-PTA at full rate
D:-None of the above
A T.A. Claim will not be sanctioned, if it is presented to the Controlling Officer,
DeleteA:-after 6 months of the due date
B:-after 9 months of the due date
C:-after one year of the due date
D:-none of the above